The other day Martin Luther King III said
“…the color of one’s skin remains a license to profile, to arrest and to even murder…”
He’s absolutely right. To wit:
January 6, 2007: Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom are kidnapped, tortured and murdered by four black men and one black woman.
Authorities ultimately determined that Newsom and Christian had dined at a local restaurant on the night of Jan. 6. Afterward, Christian spoke briefly with her mother and told her that she and Newsom were planning to visit a friend’s house to watch a movie. Sometime after that call took place, Christian and Newsom were abducted from an apartment complex parking lot. Over the course of the next several hours, the pair was beaten, raped, tortured and murdered.
According to later court testimony by Knox County Acting Medical Examiner Dr. Darinka Mileusnic-Polchan, Newsom had been repeatedly sodomized with an object. His limbs were bound, he was gagged and blindfolded. At some point in the early morning hours of Jan. 7, 2007, Newsom was dragged outside to a set of nearby railroad tracks, where he was shot execution-style, in the back of his head, neck and back. His body was then set ablaze, Mileusnic-Polchan testified.
The medical examiner said Christian’s last few hours on earth were also horrific and unthinkable.
The young woman, he said, was tortured for several hours and sustained injuries to her mouth, anus and vagina. She had been beaten about the head with an unknown object and raped. Afterward, bleach was poured over Christian’s body and down her throat, in an apparent attempt to destroy DNA evidence. She was, an autopsy indicated, alive while the torture and degradations occurred. Christian was then hog-tied and covered with several bags before she was placed in a disposal bin, where she slowly suffocated to death, Mileusnic-Polchan testified.
June 16, 2012: Marley Lion is shot to death by two black men in Charleston, SC.
June 30: In Mableton GA Jacob Chellew is beaten by four black youths and is pushed into moving traffic and is killed.
August 22: WWII vet Delbert Belton took a bullet in the leg at Okinawa and survived. He was beaten to death with flashlights by two black youths.
August 12: David Santucci was shot to death by a trio of black youths in Memphis.
July 29: Natasha Martinez, a 17 year old white Hispanic, is stabbed 11 times by a black man wearing a hoodie.
August 11: Raymond Widstrand was walking in St. Paul MN when he was attacked by of a group of black youths and beaten severely enough to leave with brain swelling.
August 16: Christopher Lane, a college baseball player from Australia is gunned down by a black youth in Duncan, Oklahoma
March 21: 13 month old Antonio West is shot between the eyes by a black youth in Brunswick GA.
Comparisons have been drawn between these deaths and that of Trayvon Martin. The response?
Image created by Elizabeth O’Neill
Calm down, you white people.
America’s opportunistic race-hustlers, unsatisfied by their victory in the Trayvon Martin case, won’t stop looking for reasons to rile up white people. So now the latest yapping point in our national conversation about race is the murder of Christopher Lane, the white Australian student allegedly killed for kicks by two black teenagers, with a white teenager as their accomplice in the shooting.
In the world of white victimology, this proves that there is a media conspiracy to underplay crime against whites. Where is the outrage over Christopher Lane’s killing? Where is it? The outrage? Huh? WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?
If you are one of the angry white dummies asking this question, try a different one: What is the outrage?
Joy Reid of MSDNC said that conservative outrage over the Christopher Lane murder was “revenge for Trayvon.”
Chris Lane is absolutely getting lost in it, as is the issue of guns. I want to go back just for a second to the Trayvon Martin case, because, I think, that is what spawned the desire for revenge almost for people on the right… Just for the fact that African-Americans dared to be outraged about the case, about George Zimmerman not being arrested.
There is a sense of vengeance on the other side. And one of the things you did see, Heather [McGhee], was Trayvon Martin portrayed as a thug and a criminal. There was one person who said he was a rabid dog that needed to be put down. So, you now have in the wake of that, because for whatever reason — angry that people were upset — this need to portray almost all black men as criminal, almost inherently. And now one of the things that’s fueling that in the Chris Lane case, is you had this tweet by one of the alleged killers in which he said ‘90% of white people are nasty #hatethem.’ So now we’re off to the races.
And there is is. How dare you notice the white hatred! How dare you think that was a part of the killing!
The Duncan police chief, Danny Ford, sprang into action to dismiss concerns that the killing could be race related:
“They were bored and just wanted to see somebody die,” he told
The DA was quick to tamp down the notion that race could have played a factor:
Stephens County District Attorney Jason Hicks said there was not enough evidence collected so far in the investigation to indicate Mr Lane’s killing was motivated by race
“At this point, the evidence does not support the theory that Christopher Lane was targeted based upon his race or nationality,” Mr Hicks said in a statement.
despite the anti-white tweets by the alleged shooter:
The galactic phony know as Al Sharpton was quick to dismiss the Lane murder as anything much to be concerned about.
The civil rights leader, who was a leading voice in the protests over Trayvon Martin’s death, told viewers that police said Lane was the victim of a random act and there was no racial motive to the killing.
“I protest when I’m called in and when there’s an injustice. The three were arrested, there was nothing to protest. The system worked there, and racial? Not only did the police not say it was racial, one of the three were white,” Sharpton said.
Sharpton decried critics who have been saying his lack of outrage is hypocritical.
The above tweets prove that race is obviously a part of the Lane murder.
But let’s revisit what Sharpton said:
“The three were arrested, there was nothing to protest. The system worked there…”
So when the white boy was shot there was nothing to protest once the arrest was made because that proves the system worked.
That’s not how it went in the Trayvon Martin affair. The arrest wasn’t enough. The trial wasn’t enough. Zimmerman being found not guilty wasn’t enough. It was far from enough. Sharpton then called the verdict “a slap in the face” but “only the first round in the pursuit of justice.” He also said “I’ve said from the beginning we must pursue [this] until the end.”
What that “end” was he never made clear. What is clear is the industrial grade hypocrisy on the part of Sharpton and the rest of the race hustlers.
Sharpton exploited Trayvon Martin’s death to a nauseating degree but he wasn’t the only one. Rep. Frederica Whitfield lectured us:
“Trayvon was hunted down like a dog, shot down in the street.”
Disgusting. Christopher Lane, on the other hand, was hunted down and shot like a dog in the street.
Oprah Winfrey claimed that the Trayvon Martin and Emmett Till were the same.
Rather than calm the waters, Barack Obama said Trayon Martin could be his son and that years ago he could have been Trayvon Martin.
None of them has a word of sympathy for any relatives of the above victims.
Former NAACP leader CL Bryant had this to say:
Former NAACP leader C.L. Bryant is accusing Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton of “exploiting” the Trayvon Martin tragedy to “racially divide this country.”
“His family should be outraged at the fact that they’re using this child as the bait to inflame racial passions,” Rev. C.L. Bryant said in a Monday interview with The Daily Caller.
The conservative black pastor who was once the chapter president of the Garland, Texas NAACP called Jackson and Sharpton “race hustlers” and said they are “acting as though they are buzzards circling the carcass of this young boy.”
For the Revs. Jackson and Sharpton, for the increasingly redundant civil rights establishment, for liberal blacks and the broader American left, the poetic truth that white racism is somehow the real culprit in this tragedy is redemption itself. The reason Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have become such disreputable figures on our cultural landscape is that they are such quick purveyors of poetic truth rather than literal truth.
The great trick of poetic truth is to pass itself off as the deep and essential truth so that hard facts that refute it must be dismissed in the name of truth. O.J. Simpson was innocent by the poetic truth that the justice system is stacked against blacks. Trayvon was a victim of racist stereotyping—though the shooter never mentioned his race until asked to do so.
There is now a long litany of racial dust-ups—from Tawana Brawley to the Duke University lacrosse players to the white Cambridge police officer who arrested Harvard professor Skip Gates a summer ago—in which the poetic truth of white racism and black victimization is invoked so that the actual truth becomes dismissible as yet more racism.
When the Cambridge cop or the Duke lacrosse players or the men accused of raping Tawana Brawley tried to defend themselves, they were already so stained by poetic truth as to never be entirely redeemed. No matter the facts—whether Trayvon Martin was his victim or his assailant—George Zimmerman will also never be entirely redeemed.
And this points to the second tragedy that Trayvon’s sad demise highlights. Before the 1960s the black American identity (though no one ever used the word) was based on our common humanity, on the idea that race was always an artificial and exploitive division between people. After the ’60s—in a society guilty for its long abuse of us—we took our historical victimization as the central theme of our group identity. We could not have made a worse mistake.
The left now attempts to use guilt to brow beat conservatives into submission.
It’s incredible that in 2013 we’re really arguing about this, but from Henry Louis Gates to Travyon Martin — when the conservative media made George Zimmerman the Real Victim of the supposed anti-white lynch mob — we should expect nothing else. And it’s equally striking, yet also not particularly surprising, that Fox and Limbaugh and the rest really don’t seem to comprehend why the Trayvon Martin case became a thing.
It’s not that difficult to understand so we’ll spell it out: It was not only that a light-skinned Zimmerman killed an unarmed black teenager — but also that police didn’t do anything about it. The killing was horribly tragic, as is Lane’s senseless murder, but if Zimmerman had actually been arrested for the shooting, the sad reality is that far fewer Americans would know his name. But that’s not what happened. Instead, police let Zimmerman go under Florida’s “stand your ground” law. It smacked of institutional, state-sponsored racial favoritism of the worst kind. It was only after public outcry that state prosecutors took over the case and pressed charges. Some could argue that Zimmerman didn’t need to be convicted for justice to be done, but he did need to stand trial.
No, Setiz-Wald, you jerk. That’s a lie. It total BS.
A whole new category of race had to be introduced to hang the proper label on Zimmerman- the White Hispanic. Who refers to Barack Obama as a “white black” or “mulatto”? Have you ever read the term “black Hispanic”? Emmett Till’s cousin called Zimmerman a “white boy.” The left wing media had to edit an audiotape to make Zimmerman look racist.
The whole thing sucked. The media’s behavior was abominable.
And they continue.
The thing is, the system did work. There was no reason to arrest Zimmerman, but public pressure resulted in an arrest. That should have ended the protests but it did not. Liberal race hustlers were not satisfied with the arrest, the trial or the verdict. It’s not about being treated fairly. It is a petulant temper tantrum demanding something more than justice- a pound of Zimmerman flesh.
Mostly, though, it’s having the issue to rally the weak minded so that certain people do not fade into obscurity and irrelevance. Trayvon Martin’s death was tragic, but the real crime was the crass and unending exploitation of his death.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
yes like execution style like they have done,
Tom, from what I have read here (and it has been all of it) Dr John has indeed presented you with facts. They ay not be facts that you like but facts they are indeed. It is up to you to refute them with “facts” of your own. So far all you have done in your comments is say “Prove it”…so why don’t you take his post and take it fact by fact and offer your own counter facts? Then maybe you will be taken seriously other than the moron you are proving yourself to be.
No, skin color is not a license to murder. The assertion is totally absurd.
I don’t think people have even bothered to think carefully about what the words are saying. They’re just uncritically taking the idea in.
That’s pretty much what the entire post is about, Greg. The title was going to be something different until I heard MLK III make that stupid statement. His father would never have uttered it. Never.
You are correct, Greg.
Good for you!
Martin Luther King III was an idiot to state it.
It IS totally absurd.
Curt, why are my posts not showing up?
you too?
it must be the server who doesn’t do his job, or sleeping on the job,
or deciding by himself or herself that the comment is not to his or her liking,
@retire05: Just caught in the spam filter. Happens sometime. As soon as I notice I pull them out.
I think you’re missing the crucial point in the Trayvon Martin case. The reason this became a cause celebre is because the man who shot and killed him wasn’t arrested for any crime until public pressure was brought to bear. This reinforced the perception that many African Americans have that blacks, particularly young male blacks, are not treated equally by the criminal justice system (there is ample statistical evidence that this suspicion is not baseless, but that’s another discussion). While the entire affair mushroomed to eventually include a wide array of issues, such as the statistical prevalence of young black male violence, initially the anger was mostly about the official response (or lack thereof), and the Florida self-defense laws that were initially cited to justify it. If George Zimmerman had been arrested the night of the shooting it’s possible none of us would even know who he is today.
From everything I’ve read to date, the teens who allegedly murdered Christopher Lane were identified, apprehended and arrested in a very timely fashion. So the comparison to TM/GZ is flawed in that most fundamental sense: there is no way to spin this as an example of a pattern of officially treating the suspects differently based on either their race or the victim’s. To call the shooting racially motivated is also quite problematic, considering one of the person’s arrested is white, another one of the suspects has a white mother, and the District Attorney has stated that there is no evidence to support this theory at this time.
And how is Dr John and his like any different than Al Sharpton? Is it not perpetuating racism when one gins up racial resentment by highlighting black on white violence and trying to justify it by drawing shallow connections to incidents like the TM/GZ case that don’t hold up to scrutiny?
there is one of your comment on 50 the other previous group of 50,
is it the one you mean?
there are no other,
I swear to God, it’s as though some people never even read the post. How thick can anyone be?
Are you referring to your argument above against similar sentiments expressed in the post: “No, Setiz-Wald, you jerk. That’s a lie. It total BS.” As compelling and thorough as those words are, I think there’s still room to debate the point.
He made the same stupid faulty argument you did. And as Sharpton did.
And you’re all missing the elephant in the room. Totally blinded by bias.
OK, one last time. I’ll go slowly for you liberals.
Why didn’t all the crap end when Zimmerman was arrested? If all the uproar was about Zimmerman not being arrested, WHY didn’t it all end when Zimmerman WAS arrested?????
WHY did Sharpton say he would be in it “to the end”??? The end of WHAT???
WHY did he continue with his BS once “the system worked”?
WHY are they demanding “Justice for Trayvon” after justice had its day?
Because justice wasn’t enough. The arrest wasn’t enough. The trial wasn’t enough. The verdict was a “slap in the face” according to Sharpton.
but that wasn’t enough because it was never the goal. The hate had to persevere. The cries of injustice continued to echo.
Zimmerman was arrested.
The arrest was enough for the white kid shooting, but it wasn’t enough for Martin shooting.
Tell me why.
If you can’t see that, you are a bigger idiot than even I thought.
Lane WAS hunted down like a dog and shot in the street – exactly what those idiots claimed about Trayvon Martin. And still they assert these aren’t comparable?
(Everyone else will note that all of this is in the post)
@DrJohn: why don’t you, in your own words, explain exactly how my argument is “faulty”.
No, if the system worked, there wouldn’t have been need for an outcry that actually lead to the arrest in question. So using the arrest as evidence that “the system worked” is laughable.
I get it. You’re upset people continued to care about a highly emotionally charged event that took on a symbolic life of its own. You wanted it to all go away, because you think it was just about a punk dying and a bunch of trouble makers making hay about something you considered to be justice. You’ve never actually attempted to understand why this was an emotional issue for many, because since day one all you’ve cared about is finding a way to turn this into an attack on you by the “race hustlers”.
It was always about the race hustlers and still is. They got what they said they wanted, but it wasn’t what they really wanted.
In fact, the Martins’ lawyer said all he wanted was an arrest, and not even a conviction.
And you are still an idiot.
Self defense is not a crime. It is an inalienable right. It was a “cause celebre” for the same reason that the Duke LaCross players became a “cause celebre.” But unfortunately for the black poverty pimps, Florida did not have a crooked prosecuting attorney who was simply looking to make a name for himself like Mike Nifong was.
When you are read your Miranda, cuffed and stuffed and taken to the police department, you’re under arrest. Do try to get some facts straight when spinning.
One other difference; Chris Lane was shot in the back. One of those inconvenient facts you seemed to have missed.
The white kid was driving. There are internet entries from the black shooter disparaging whites. And just because someone has a “white” mother, that obviously doesn’t seem to make him white, or even bi-racial; i.e. Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., who is considered “black.”
BTW, it wasn’t the DA that said there wasn’t race involved, it was the sheriff. You pathetically continue to get your “facts” wrong.
See: Twana Brawley – Al Sharpton
Duke LaCross scandal – Jesse Jackson
Just because these men exist in no way invalidates the ways the other 99.9999% of Americans feel on these topics. But interestingly, you only hear them.
BTW, I noticed when people mention Al Sharpton here they always bring up Tawana Brawley, but never the Central Park Five.
i will bow to your expertise on the subject.
Speaking of which, I’m curious for your thoughts on a hypothetical question I have: how many times does a writer have to be humiliated on the comments thread of his posts before he loses self respect?
The other 99.9999% (that you seem to think you have the right to speak for) do not have microphones, or bull horns. And the other 99.9999% are not being invited to the White House for confabs with the President of the United States.
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson need to be sharing a cell with Jackson’s spawn.
Well, in your case, the number seems to be infinite.
Sigh…. :
Read more:
How about the Freddy’s Mart massacre? He fomented that one.
Let us know.
he was targeted because of his color WHITE,
JUST RUNNING PASS THEM triggered the inner demon of race, they did not know the man running
in front of them, but they saw the WHITE, THEY SAW A CRACKER ALONE TO TO FIT THEIR GUN,
@Curt: #58
I always “Cc” myself when I email to make sure the emails are sent out. Sometimes the ones coming back to me, THAT I SENT, are caught in my spam filter, and they usually don’t have attachments.
@Tom: Yeah, you stopped having a point . . . well, I’m not sure ever had one . . . “bro”.
I hope you read the “liberalism as religion” post.
“Challenge my facts!!”
Disproving your “facts” is like arguing with a exploitative, money extorting preacher. Or hitting a drunk. It’s too easy, and little cruel.
Please, challenge us with your facts . . .
@Greg: Greggie sezzz:
Why don’t YOU look at the actual percentage of violent crime committed by your precious voter block ‘minorities’?
@Richard Wheeler: Wonder why he was disgruntled?
@DrJohn: They are stuffing themselves on the elephant’s sh–t and reaching for more — leave them have it.
and they want to remove the 10 COMMANDS
By far most times people do wrong they get away with it.
And even when people do wrong and get caught, they are often cut loose with no arrest or record…..for the first few times.
Only after police are well aware of a bad actor does that one start being arrested and prosecuted.
People SHOULD learn from these mistakes of youth.
Some do.
Some people do things that put them in contact with the law enforcement system, get their warning and never repeat their mistakes.
Most of those people are white.
Whites are not perfect, they commit crimes of the same type as blacks do.
They deal drugs, join gangs and pimp out prostitutes.
But they avoid getting arrested after their early contact with police better than blacks do.
Blacks get MORE warnings before they are finally arrested and prosecuted.
So, why do they keep going blindly into a life of crime?
The Bible warns parents and law enforcers:
Because sentence for a crime is not carried out speedily, the heart of a young man becomes hardened to do more evil.
Gee…..and I bet all those bleeding hearts thought they were HELPING blacks when they keep letting them off easy for their first dozen crimes.
Actually, it is the whites who are getting ”scared straight,” by the criminal justice system.
Blacks are being taught to be career criminals.
@Tom: I suggest we’d all be better served if people like Al Sharpton and Dr. John stopped inciting their easily riled followers. They serve no useful purpose while fanning the flames of discord. Unfortunately, there are many more like them, throwbacks to the darker days of America.
Semper Fi
@Nan G:
Unfortunately this is true also for all races in prison, not just blacks. While more crimes are committed by whites (who are still more numerous) than blacks, there is a higher percentage for their race of blacks who turn to crime & their victims tend more likely to be fellow blacks.
@Nan G: I don’t have time to respond to your many questionable suppositions.
I would suggest ” career criminality” is tied more closely to economics than race.
@Richard Wheeler:
Agreed, Rich. Of course that is a comparison that does Sharpton no favors, so let me qualify it thusly: Al Sharpton may be a self-serving promoter, but I highly doubt that no part of what he does isn’t motivated by a true belief he’s helping people. Dr John, on the other hand, simply hates Barack Obama and what he represents.
Re. Nan’s, um, interesting questions, is it just me or do I hear from the Right every day that racism no longer exists?
@Tom: Right tends to ignore racism goes ballistic on “race baiting.”