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My issue with these ”navigators,” is twofold:
First, as Neil points out, there is no guarantee they might keep confidential information to themselves.
But, also I worry they will be as incompetent as any IRS helpline person I have ever talked with.
I have gotten advice that was 180′ off of what I had been told by a different IRS helpline person only a day before…..numerous times.
I have also had paid tax advice go against what the helpline person said and the paid advice was correct, the IRS person was totally wrong.
The ObamaCare morass is as complex as the IRS’s.
These paid helpline navigators will have favorite parts and that will be the crux of their advice.
IF you don’t fall into their favorite categories you will be given poor advice.
If you call more than one navigator you will be given contradictory advice.

@Nan G:

Have you ever tried to deal with the Social Security Administration? Talk about incompetent.

I called them over a month ago and had to wait an hour to talk to anyone. Never mind that I already driven 60 miles to their offices, only to learn that the SS offices are not open standard business hours; 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, closed for one hour 12:00 to 1:00 for lunch; Wed. 9 a.m. to noon.

When I finally got thru on the phone, I was given information that was the total opposite of what is on the SS website. I was told that I would get a letter within 10 days, but so far, nada. I tried to call again, but you can’t get thru since they only answer the phone during the above listed hours.

Last year I called the IRS and was given wrong information. When I called back to get a rule clarification, I was told by the agent that they (the IRS representatives) are not responsible for giving wrong information and the best thing to do is hire a CPA who is familiar with IRS codes. What are we paying these people for? Total incompetence?

With all the current overt snooping in our lives, why, besides always being a responsible citizen, would anyone feel comfortable about giving ANY personal info to some unknown who shows up at your door. While they are there, why not give them a handful of old bank statements and some blank checks? Actually, I have felt this way for years and eobfuscated or refused to provide info to even the census snoops. In their case I would ALWAYS tell them that I am a Native American and after their incredulity and discussion, they would generally lose interest when I told them that myself, my Father, His Father, and back 13 generations have been born in South Carolina and I considered us as much deserving the appellation “native” as you could get– what’s your problem. Anway, I eat far too much pizza and takeout to be comfortable having the IRS in charge of anything decisive to do with my health care.