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Major Solar Magnetic Pole Shift Coming. (No need to worry.) [Reader Post]

The Suns magnetic poles are due to shift very soon. Estimates are that this will happen in the next four months. This not something to be overly concerned about as this happens roughly every 22 years.

Sun Will Flip Its Magnetic Field Soon

The flipping of the sun’s magnetic field marks the peak of the star’s 11-year solar cycle and the halfway point in the sun’s “solar maximum” — the peak of its solar weather cycle. NASA released a new video describing the sun’s magnetic flip on Monday (Aug. 5).

A storm is coming: Sun’s poles are set to FLIP within four months and it could lead to bad weather and radio disruption

The sun’s magnetic field is expected to flip in the next three to four months and it could lead to changes in our climate, storms and disruption to satellites.

This solar event only happens once every 11 years and signals what physicists call the Solar Maximum – a time when the Sun’s solar activity is at its highest.

During this peak in activity the outbursts of solar energy can increase the amount of cosmic and UV rays coming towards Earth and this can interfere with radio communications, cause solar bursts of light – known as flares – and can affect the planet’s temperature.

So you can ignore the “climate change” rantings of AGW “Chicken Littles” for the next 6-10 months. Human behavior can not cause the Suns poles to swap ends.

Physicists also warned (snip) the next Solar Maximum could be the strongest yet.

Scientists at Stanford’s Wilcox Solar Observatory have been studying the sun’s magnetic field since 1976, during which time they have witnessed three reversals…

…Solar flares created by changes in solar activity also release X-rays and UV radiation.

Make sure you wear your sunscreen!

These rays can affect Earth’s ionosphere – a region of the upper atmosphere – and disrupt long-range radio communications….

…It can also affect cosmic rays, which are particles that travel almost at light speed, and these rays can be dangerous to astronauts and space stations. Some researchers believe these rays also directly affect how cloudy Earth is.

Which of course also affects climate. Sit back and enjoy the show.

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