So this is success?
Secretary of State John Kerry’s Arab-Israeli peace plan appears to have “successfully” entered its pre-negotiations stage with the release of 82 Palestinian terrorists, all of whom have been serving life sentences since 1993.
Two of the terrorists being released as per request of “moderate” Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas are responsible for murdering three children, their mother, and the IDF soldier that tried to save them.
Our Secretary of State pushed Israel to release cold blooded killers of children and somehow they are calling this a success:
Even if you concede Kerry’s good intentions, this outrage is not something that should be done in the name of the people of the United States even if the supposed object is the achievement of peace. That the release of unrepentant murderers should be the result of U.S. policy is not merely painful for Israelis—especially the families of the victims—it is a disgrace. That this is being done to further a process that even officials of the PA agree is nothing more than a ruse rather than a genuine pursuit of peace is doubly disgraceful.
And for what?
…the PA has told its own people over and over again, their object in the talks isn’t peace. Indeed, as its religious endowments minister explained on PA TV in a Friday sermon last week, the whole point of negotiations is nothing more than a ruse intended to fool the Jews.
With PA leader Mahmoud Abbas sitting right there as he spoke live, Mahmoud Habbash:
compared the decision of the PA leadership to negotiate with Israel to the agreement of the Prophet Muhammad on a 10-year truce with his rivals in the Quraish tribe of Mecca, known as the Treaty of Hudaibiya, reached in the year 628 CE.
The significance of the treaty is that the prophet reneged on the promise and used the respite to help conquer the Jewish tribe.
And even the supposed decision to negotiate is being disputed:
A senior Palestinian official said the path to formal negotiations with Israel is still blocked, adding his voice to those of a number of other Palestinian leaders denying that agreement has been reached for US-brokered peace talks to resume.
Contradicting Secretary of State John Kerry, spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh said in a statement late Sunday that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas agreed to send a delegate to Washington merely to continue lower-level preliminary talks with an Israeli counterpart about the terms for negotiations.
A second Abbas spokesman, Yasser Abed Rabbo, had made similar comments earlier Sunday. Abu Rudeineh and Abed Rabbo are the only Palestinian officials authorized to speak on the matter.
So once again we are negotiating with those who act in bad faith, and giving up unconscionable concessions by releasing killers.
Yup, this will end well.

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Notice how it is always one step forward, two back with these Palestinians?
REUTERS: Palestinians say no peace talks without ’67 borders agreement.
So, as of yesterday, formal negotiation would not begin unless the Pali’s opening terms were satisfied!
However, Netanyahu says the new talks must be held without “preconditions”, especially regarding the borders!
So, talks at all?
I’m starting to wonder.
These prisoners’ fates?
Israel said that, starting in September, it would free 82 Palestinians jailed before 1993, when the sides signed interim peace accords.
Meanwhile the Palis are going back to the UN to try to get the ’67 borders imposed from them.
Now there are over 65 Muslim state members of the UN as well as plenty of other nations that voe with them.
But would the UN actually send in enforcers to impose ’67 borders on Israel?
I doubt it highly.
I remember different times that the Israelis gave the Palestinians many prisoners for one Israeli soldier. If I remember correctly, one time, one of the soldiers was dead, and the Israelis wanted the body.
Are we making the Israelis agree to things like this, or we won’t support them financially?
One of the democrat’s planks in there party platform is: You don’t have to fool all of the people all of the time, just enough of them to get elected. So far, it has been working quite well for them.
@Nan G:
Israel will never agree to return to the 1967 borders. There is a very good strategic reason why. The Palestinians ( and Syrians) were using the mountain ranges as “high ground” to rain ordinance down on Israeli communities. The Israeli are not that stupid to voluntarily set their communities up again in kill zones.
@Ditto: #3
Since Israel was created, they have fought three wars with their neighbors. Each time they gained some land. Later on, we would encourage them to give up that land in the interest of peace, and they did. Each time, the Palestinians would use that land to move closer to the populated areas of Israel and launch rockets.
If we ask them to give up more land, then the Israelis should have figured out that we are not on their side. I’m guessing that they learned from Carter that a lot of people in political positions are not on Israel’s side. If Israel doesn’t stand its ground now, then they are admitting to being a pawn of the United States, and will do whatever we tell them to, and I believe that this administration wants the destruction of Israel.
It must be remembered that the actions of these murderers and the deaths of children mean absolutely nothing to Kerry and his ilk, they only are concerned with their status within their “class”….being perceived as “powerful” is most important to these narcissists, it’s what makes their martini taste so much better as they guzzle it down.