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“Kauft nicht bei Juden!” (Don’t buy from Jews!) [Reader Post]

German Government Brands Goods Made In Factories That Are Owned By Jews In Israel…

Hmmm, didn’t Germany do this before?

Via NY Sun:

” In a throwback to its darkest past, the German government recently decided to back an initiative which singles out Jewish-owned businesses and targets them for detrimental treatment. Joining 13 other European Union members, Berlin has reportedly agreed to support efforts aimed at applying special labels of origin to products manufactured by Jewish owned factories in Judea and Samaria.

The goal is to harm the livelihood of Jewish businessmen and entrepreneurs as a way of undermining the settlement enterprise. Needless to say, goods made by Palestinian-run plants in the territories will not similarly be branded.

This is an absolute outrage, one that is both morally obscene and historically indefensible, and the government of Angela Merkel should be ashamed of itself for going along with such a discriminatory practice. Whatever one may think of the peace process and the two-state solution, it should be obvious that treating merchandise differently simply because the person who owns the factory where it was made is a follower of Moses rather than Muhammad is an act of pure bigotry.

In light of its own sordid record during the 20th century, Germany and its leaders have a special responsibility to be exceptionally sensitive to such issues, particularly when they relate to Jews. After all, it was 80 years ago, in April 1933, that the Nazis launched a nationwide assault on Jewish owned businesses throughout Germany, painting yellow-and-black Stars of David on storefronts and discouraging people from patronizing them.

This was carried out under the slogan, “Kauft nicht bei Juden!” (Don’t buy from Jews!). Hence, for any German government to stand up and declare: “Don’t buy from Jews,” even if the proposal is limited to the Jews of Judea and Samaria, is downright chilling and should send a shiver down everyone’s spine.”

I was actually rather shocked by this story. The German government boycotting Jews? Really? Seriously? You would think the German people would have learned their lesson somewhere along the way. Of all the countries in the world who ought to keep its mouth shut about the state of Israel and its claims to its historic lands, it is Germany. To “complain” about the state and policies of Israel when the past actions of Germany are basically directly to “blame” for the existence of Israel is idiotic beyond belief.

The singling out of any Jews by Germans for ‘special attention’ and economic persecution just leaves a bitter taste in one’s mouth. By throwing in their lot with those who still wish to finish what Hitler started and “drive the Jews into the sea’ they really do once again put themselves on the wrong side of history, justice, and morality. Israel is the one beacon of civilization and true representative government in a region awash in barbarism and totalitarianism. They are not a perfect nation, but none are.

The fact that thirteen other European Union countries have also taken the side against Israel and specifically targeted Jews economically is a black mark on Western Civilization in general. To ally oneself with bloody genocidal maniacs, Islamic extremists, and the cult of the belly bombers is unconscionable. The Europeans are such idiots in nearly every policy they advocate. The two World Wars just seems to have sucked what little intellectual life and moral leadership they had out of them. They all went socialist and progressive right afterwards and have tried every failed ‘ism’ known to man with sometimes devastating consequences.

Fascism, multiculturalism, communism, socialism, progressivism, anarchism, and anti-Semitism have all flourished at one time or another in the fertile soil of Europe. And all have failed miserably. At least they can’t be blamed for the scourge of Islam. We’ll blame someone else for that.

Crossposted from The Constitution Club

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