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I don’t understand Alfonso’s issue with the bank policy in CA.
Sounds just like the place however.
Forcing him to give up saving act and only have a checking acct.
That sucks.
I’d love to learn the specifics.

As to Alfonso’s issue with bully liberals, we just learned that imported (read non-processed) cheeses such as Roquefort, Brie, Mimolette and many others have too much live stuff in them for our FDA under Obama!
Can you imagine only getting supermarket pasteurized yellow nondescript ”cheese” product?
That’s all Obama wants us “PEONS,” to be allowed to eat!
REAL Cheddar (from England) is also full of germs.
Try living a life of only Kraft processed cheese PRODUCT.

See, like the rest of Obama’s ruling by going around LAW and replacing it with Administrative ”standards,” the FDA’s ”standards for the amount of mold (penicillin!!) or cheese mites (microscopic!!) can be set anywhere they wish!
And the bully-crats wish those standards to be set impossibly LOW!

The Bible talks about the rich rulers as setting prices of a days’ wage for a days’ worth of cheap grain (barley or wheat) while keeping the olive oils and the wines so pricy that only they can afford them.
We are in those times.
Lucky for us there is a brisk UNDERGROUND economy.
You can still get real foie gras via underground means in CA!