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Obama Rex of Thebes D.C.

Night has fallen in Thebes D.C., preceding days have fueled the corruption scandals that plague Obama Rex. His minions and loyal staffers struggle valiantly to avoid perjury, yet remain loyal to the Obama Rex Myth.

Obama Rex, known by acclimation alone to be the greatest king in all history, struggles valiantly to keep his kingdom together.

Obama’s henchmen known in polite circles as his Royal IRS or Secret Police, not because they are secretive in their actions but because they are in charge of knowing your secrets and your inner-most thoughts. Those who oversee the financial details of your life, now have access to your health records as well and this troubles people who have fallen on desperate times.

It is the conservative barbarians who keep searching for honor and integrity that make the unscrupulous professional politicians nervous with this unending search for a filament of truth in Obama Rex’s Kingdom of Corruption and Lies, this kingdom once known as the most transparent in our history or at least before the ship of state felt it was best to sail on muddy waters.

Those days when conservative barbarians were expected to defend every action if they resisted the charming magnetism of Obama Rex or belonged, donated, or wrote for Conservative groups; such anti-social behavior was considered non-progressive and barbarians learned to expect to defend such aberrant political convictions in the form of audits and unceasing harassment by Obama Rex’s “Secret Police.”

Those were the days when resistance to the inevitable force of Obama’s Progressivism was considered futile; why resist the irreversible tide of public adulation and invite financial ruin as well as the loss of all your property. Financial destruction was meant to become a foregone conclusion among those who resist Obama’s totalitarian control, but with the passage of the Unaffordable Heath Care Act he acquired all your health records and his totalitarian control become even more omnipotent.

The barbarians can’t win, it has become not only unfashionable but resistance has been considered a fool’s game. If you deny Obama Rex’s omnipotent benevolence, he can destroy your reputation by leaking facts concerning your mental health, abortions, and treatments for STD. Your health records, once considered private, will now be at the disposal of this same “Secret Police” known as the IRS and will be used against you to destroy your reputation and or family if you are foolish enough to resist the inevitable.

Our Leftists and the chorus cries out, “But Obama isn’t like that, he is a wonderful and beautiful man with only your best interests at heart.”

Yes, the Conservatives and barbarians began to be lulled into a false sense of security by trusting in the Obama Myth, but oracles like Kimberly Strassel cried out from the summit of the Wall Street Journal:

Try this thought experiment: You decide to donate money to Mitt Romney. You want change in the Oval Office, so you engage in your democratic right to send a check.
Several days later, President Barack Obama, the most powerful man on the planet, singles you out by name. His campaign brands you a Romney donor, shames you for “betting against America,” and accuses you of having a “less-than-reputable” record. The message from the man who controls the Justice Department (which can indict you), the SEC (which can fine you), and the IRS (which can audit you), is clear: You made a mistake donating that money.
Are you worried?

Richard Nixon’s “enemies list” appalled the country for the simple reason that presidents hold a unique trust. Unlike senators or congressmen, presidents alone represent all Americans. Their powers—to jail, to fine, to bankrupt—are also so vast as to require restraint. Any president who targets a private citizen for his politics is de facto engaged in government intimidation and threats. This is why presidents since Nixon have carefully avoided the practice.

Save Mr. Obama, who acknowledges no rules. This past week, one of his campaign websites posted an item entitled “Behind the curtain: A brief history of Romney’s donors.” In the post, the Obama campaign named and shamed eight private citizens who had donated to his opponent. Describing the givers as all having “less-than-reputable records,” the post went on to make the extraordinary accusations that “quite a few” have also been “on the wrong side of the law” and profiting at “the expense of so many Americans.”

The same enemy of the state, Mr Vandersloot, received a letter from the Department of Labor:

He was informed it would be doing an audit of workers he employs on his Idaho-based cattle ranch under the federal visa program for temporary agriculture workers.

The H-2A program allows tens of thousands of temporary workers in the U.S.; Mr. VanderSloot employs precisely three. All are from Mexico and have worked on the VanderSloot ranch—which employs about 20 people—for five years. Two are brothers. Mr. VanderSloot has never been audited for this, though two years ago his workers’ ranch homes were inspected. (The ranch was fined $8,400, mainly for too many “flies” and for “grease build-up” on the stove. God forbid a cattle ranch home has flies.)

This letter requests an array of documents to ascertain whether Mr. VanderSloot’s “foreign workers are provided the full scope of protections” under the visa program: information on the hours they’ve worked each day and their rate of pay, an explanation of their deductions, copies of contracts. And on and on.

Perhaps all this is coincidence. Perhaps something in Mr. VanderSloot’s finances or on his ranch raised a flag. Americans want to believe the federal government performs its duties without fear or favor.

Only in this case, Americans can have no such confidence. Did Mr. Obama pick up the phone and order the screws put to Mr. VanderSloot? Or—more likely—did a pro-Obama appointee or political hire or career staffer see that the boss had an issue with this donor, and decide to do the president an unasked-for election favor? Or did he or she simply think this was a duty, given that the president had declared Mr. VanderSloot and fellow donors “less than reputable”?

Mr. VanderSloot says he “expected the public beatings” from the left after the naming, but he “also wondered whether government agencies, anxious to please their boss, would take notice of the target he had apparently placed on me. Now that I’m being singled out for audits, I can’t help but wonder whether there is a connection.”

The chorus tries to awaken barbarians and those loyal to the principles of the first fathers, despite the desperate denial of all those who surround Obama Rex.

Analysis: This opening act establishes the conflict between the traditions and spirit of the state with Obama’s ideology of ruthless totalitarian control by the omnipotent state and benevolent tyranny.

However, by over extending his power and influence, he exposes the soft underbelly of a regime built upon nepotism and the promotion of loyal incompetents. The administration is soft and Obama Rex is no leader. Media hype builds no character or integrity in a leader, and Obama Rex has been found to have neither character or integrity.

In the original play, Sophocles rightfully assumed he had an intelligent audience. In this adaptation, Obama Rex rightfully assumes the majority of his audience to possess a marginal intellect, despite the many degrees they have accumulated, for the educational process has been a system of Leftist indoctrination for decades. His audience is primed to willingly accept the Leftist scam of which Obama Rex appears to be the deliverer or messiah.

It is the chorus that sings of Obama Rex’s tragedy. For while he considers himself to be in complete mastery of the ship of state, being in control is not the ultimate goal of kingship and although Obama Rex can conquer any goal, from crossing raging winter seas, taming the wildest horses, and snaring animals, unless he directs those media professed goals toward justice, common good, and the law, leaders like Obama Rex become monsters among men.

Act 2

Obama Rex’s ship of state is floundering, he and his followers argue that the well-being of the state should be man’s greatest achievement, but they are countered by those who argue that love is man’s greatest goal. The conflict intensifies as the ship of state takes on more water from different sources.

A plague of pecuinary insufficiency settles on all of Thebes D.C. and its surrounding states. The people gather outside Obama Rex’s White Palace to mourn the loss of their fortunes and their freedoms.

Obama Rex is puzzled and asks his blind soothsayer Valerie Braininjar what is wrong with these people. She tells him the people mourn because their way of life is dying. Obama Rex is even more perplexed, shouldn’t they be celebrating. They should be glad Obama Rex has their best interests in mind and realize he protects them from evil.

Another soothsayer appears in the form of Creon Cruz, he seems to have answers, Obama Rex and his people listen in wonderment.

Cruz yells out, “The figurative murderer of his father is in Thebes D.C., an early instance of road rage, with chariots no less, made a man the killer of his father. The same man became intimate and married the Leftist ideology of his mother. Thus he and his father shared the same ship’s berth in a wide harbor. Such licentious crimes bring misfortune to our realm.”

According to Cruz, that man had to leave Thebes D.C. before the country can heal.

Obama Rex demands to know the name of scoundrel.

Cruz points his finger to the gods and then points his finger at Obama Rex.

From that moment of realization, Obama Rex began to fall apart. He picked up two ink pens from his mother’s notes and stabbed his eyes.

The chorus sings, it matters not, for none are more blind than those who refuse to see.
Obama Rex leaves the stage muttering that for some there is only justice and peace in death.

Analysis: Supposedly, Obama Rex’s self-discovery is the secret of his undoing, but remember, he learns the truth at the same time as the other players and the audience.

This was meant to be entertainment, any similarity between people living or dead is purely coincidental.

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