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Is It In America’s Best Interest To Keep The Democrat Controlled Internal Revenue Service?

The Internal Revenue Service has been compromised with political operatives. It is no longer a viable and objective government agency. The firing of a few lowly operatives can no longer assure America it has been purged of Democratic and Progressive corruption. Every Republican or Conservative who is singled out for audits may now assume he is the object of political persecution.

Not only has the IRS been used as a means to persecute the political opposition, it is also guilty of leaking sensitive and personal information of Conservative individuals and organizations to the Democrat Party.

To restore faith in America, it is imperative to dismantle this corrupt political arm of the Democrat Party and design a new federal revenue agency. There are no innocents in the Democrat controlled IRS, since the corruption is so wide spread that agents had to be aware of the corruption, but felt obliged to go along with the system rather than go public with the corruption. Consequently, they are all complicit in the crimes committed against the American people.

In the private world, such an abuse of power would be considered to be a serious crime. IRS employees who decry the loss of their comfortable government jobs and pensions should be grateful they are avoiding prison and be looking for work in the private enterprise job market of the Obama Economy they have helped to perpetuate.

Americans have been too obliging in excusing crimes committed by politicians and government agencies. It has suddenly reached the crisis point and if we don’t act swiftly, the American bureaucrat will soon be considered nothing more than a corrupt Democrat operative or white collar gangster, and soon America’s faith in government will erode and eventually become meaningless.

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