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Relax America, Islamic Terror Doesn’t Exist

Our media and our president, working as a team of course, will seek to minimize the influence Radical Islam had on the brothers Tsarnaev. The Boston Globe has already begun this soiree of deception with a story under the headline, Islam Might Have Had Secondary Role In Boston Attacks. Boston’s mayor is assuring everyone, the bombers acted alone, but the FBI has suddenly awakened or been embarrassed by the Obama/Jihad denial syndrome and is now taking its job seriously.

The Globe is carrying on a tradition that began when the president and his media ignored the fact that Army Major Hasan was shouting Allah Akbar while he tried to kill as many soldiers as possible, classifying the event as “Work Place Violence” The tradition continued when the president, his top aides, and his media blamed the Benghazi attack and subsequent murders of a diplomat and three other Americans on an obscure film. When the Secretary of State was questioned regarding the actual facts of the Benghazi assault, America and the world heard Hillary Clinton shrilly scream “What Does It Matter?”

Thus the duplicitous cover-up was given official sanction by one of America’s Elite political family members; America’s top opposition politicians fell for the audacity of the ruse, perhaps to avoid the embarrassment and humiliation of a former First Lady having a neurotic breakdown during testimony. Consequently, Islamic Terror was given another pass by the president; the State Department; and of course the always faithful, loyal, and obedient media.

“What does it matter” the indignant Liberal Progressive loyalist will ask.

“Nothing,” I respond, if we are willing to discount more instances of Islamic Terror like Boston and ask the many victims to forget their pain and acknowledge the sensitivities of a president who has a special relationship with Islamic Terror or denies its existence at the very least.

“Oh, but it is the FBI’s job to interdict terror, not the president’s,” our loyal Progressives will cry.

This is the same FBI, whose leader and policy are designated by our president. The ones who interviewed Tamerlane two years ago and decided he was not a threat despite being warned by the Russians.

When a president insists that all references to Islamic Terror be squelched and purposely appoints the most inappropriate and incompetent people to head the Department of Homeland Security, a name that has become an oxymoron, Americans are left wondering about the true intent and goals of this president.

Hopefully, Americans will realize that being lulled into a false sense of security is hardly a policy of national defense. The media will continue to downplay the Islamic influence and politicians will deny reality to appease our president and his fondness for all things Islamic.

Chuck Schumer, a partisan hack, who makes no effort to disguise his bias or his innate stupidity, responded to the possibility of reconsidering the immigration policy in light of Boston’s Terror with this nonsense:

“In general, we are a safer country when law enforcement knows who is here, has their fingerprints, photos, et cetera, background checks,” Schumer said.

“In addition, both the refugee program and asylum program have been strengthened in the past five years such that we are much more careful about screening people in terms of who should and should not be coming into the country,” Schumer added. “If there are any changes that our homeland security experts tell us need to be made, I’m committed to making them.”

Schumer’s comments came after the committee’s Ranking GOP Member Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) mentioned the Boston bombing earlier in the hearing. Schumer’s chastisement of his colleagues about mentioning the Boston attack appeared to be a response to Grassley.

“We also appreciate the opportunity to talk about immigration, particularly in light of all that’s happening in Massachusetts right now and over the last week,” Grassley said to open the hearing. “We are here trying to understand why these events have occurred. It’s hard to understand that there are people in this world that want to do Americans harm, so this hearing is an opportunity to refocus on the issues at hand and the importance of remaining vigilant and secure in our homeland.”

Schumer is again referring to the same FBI that interviewed the bombers two years ago and was warned by the Russian government of the possibility of problems from the pair.

Is Napolitano, the quintessential Obama stooge, likely to question the administration’s immigration policy, not likely.

America is condemned to more of the dog chasing its tail immigration policy with Liberal hacks and Obama Republicans telling us everything is wonderful and that our present ship of state, a ship of fools in reality, is competent enough to prevent more Boston Bombings. Good Luck America!

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