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Under Duress The Liberal Media Finally Covers The Gosnell Case While Complaining About Conservative Hypocrisy

A Salon writer demands to know “where were conservatives before this week?” on the Gosnell case. Apparently the writer searched for a few minutes and couldn’t find any evidence that any conservative had paid attention to the case.

Curious isn’t it that when the shining spotlight is pointed at the liberals, at their bias and hypocrisy, they try to turn it into “conservatives are just as bad” debate. Curious, but not surprising.

Alas, I searched for just a few minutes and found the following:

Mark Steyn two years ago:

This is a remarkable moment in American life: A man is killing actual living, gurgling, bouncing babies on an industrial scale – and it barely makes the papers.

Ed Morrissey two years ago:

The horror show uncovered by a grand jury in Philadelphia has resulted in a significant change in Pennsylvania policy regarding abortion clinics.

…Michelle [Malkin] urges people to continue to shine a light on the Gosnell case. If this involved a dentist or surgeon deliberately murdering patients, it would be national news and we wouldn’t have to urge people to demand answers.

Rick Rice two years ago:

The details are incredibly horrific and a true indication of how sick and demented one can become when their vocation is centered on killing the innocent.

Kim Priestap two years ago:

Gosnell’s practice thrived because of abortion and its accompanying mentality that killing one’s unborn baby is a sacred right. Try to wrap your brain around that concept, that killing one’s own unborn baby is as sacred a right as freedom of speech and the freedom of religion. What a schizophrenic application of human rights. Abortion has become a cancer that has been allowed to grow and fester, not just throughout America, but throughout all of humanity as it exists today.

Jay Nordlinger two years ago:

According to a Philadelphia grand jury, one Dr. Kermit Gosnell “regularly and illegally delivered live, viable babies in the third trimester of pregnancy — and then murdered these newborns by severing their spinal cords with scissors.”

…Well, whoop-de-do. This is such a weird, morally confused country. You can abort to your heart’s content, and Americans will fight to the death for your right to do it. But should you “get rid of” your baby after he has slipped the womb, we cry, “Eek! Murder! How shocking!”

Really, does “Baby D” truly care whether you get him an hour before birth or a few minutes after? Why are we so squeamish? Why does a nation that has tolerated abortion on demand for 40 years get all prissy about fishing newborns out of toilets and cutting their necks?

Our country has problems, yes, but I’m not sure they’re primarily economic.

Tina Korbe a year and a half ago:

The story of Kermit Gosnell is, perhaps, one that even well-meaning people would prefer to block out of their minds. After all, as a Philadelphia grand jury report put it, to talk of Gosnell is to talk of “a doctor who killed babies and endangered women.” Recall this most sickening habit of his: Gosnell would purposely induce the premature births of babies and then “snip” the spines of those premature — but living, breathing, viable — little persons to, as he put it, “ensure fetal demise.” In four decades, Gosnell killed hundreds and hundreds of babies in this way, collecting their severed feet in jars as evidence of his evil.

Michelle Malkin seven months ago:

President Obama can take time out of his schedule to console and promote Fluke in the name of women’s health and safety. But he has nothing to say to the dozens of black female victims and their families in Philadelphia who suffered at the hands of convicted abortionist butcher Kermit Gosnell.

Elizabeth Scalia three months ago

Recall that the only reason we ever heard about monster-abortionist/baby-feet collecting Kertmit Gosnell was because of an investigation into drug charges. Absent that investigation, we’d never have known about the filth, incompetence and reckless disregard for human life that comprised his profitable “services” to “women in need.”

Mark Steyn a month ago:

Gosnell’s murderous regime in Philadelphia reflects on him. The case’s all but total absence from the public discourse reflects on America.

The Blaze last month

A medical assistant told a jury Tuesday that she snipped the spines of at least 10 babies during unorthodox abortions at a West Philadelphia clinic, at the direction of the clinic’s owner.

Ace last month

This story really is hard to read. That may be part of the reason for the very small amount of coverage; but the bigger reason is that this story does illustrate, in ways many would like to not be illustrated, the grim details of abortion.

Redstate last month

I’m profoundly disgusted. It took this poor woman 30 iterations to figure out and admit to herself she was engaged in a hideous crime. You can make it as legal or illegal as you want, but it was a horrid crime. This woman was so blind she couldn’t see the difference between right and wrong. She couldn’t see the difference between murder and “just doing my job.”

She could have lived in The Matrix. It must have killed her inside when she finally woke up and took the Red Pill. May God have mercy on this woman’s dying soul. Now let’s discuss the souls of everyone else.

People knew that Gosnell was violating the terms and conditions of his license. They knew he was violating state laws. But we blur things. His defense attorney points out that Gosnell is black.

“It’s an elitist, racist prosecution,” Mr. McMahon said. “This black man is being taken because of who he is and where he works.”

Jeffrey Dahmer preferred eating his victims to dropping $5 at Kentucky Fried Chicken. Does the fact that Dahmer was white either mitigate or aggravate the circumstances surrounding his crime?

And I found those in minutes.

Just because Salon and the liberal media didn’t feel the need to write about the horrors of abortion does not mean conservatives didn’t.

exit quote:

[Salon’s] article begins, “Piggybacking on Irin Carmon’s excellent piece dismantling the myth that the media has intentionally ignored the case of Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortion doctor now on [trial] for allegedly committing horrific crimes against his patients . . .”

Who are his patients? Who were they? The mothers? The babies? Who?

What a strange sentence, or phrase: “his patients.”

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