I received a comment the other day from “Beechgirl1953.” It was a very powerful comment, a testament to what CAN be accomplished without the government. (Note: I edited the comment.)
“Back in the 60s, when I was divorced, had two young children to support, house and car payments, and all the other usual expenses, I put myself through college working three part-time jobs. I got NO assistance of any kind. I also managed to stay on the Dean’s list throughout with a 3.8 average. You can imagine how I feel about all the government entitlements the ‘do nothings’ get today…. even getting free cell phones and minutes. This disincentivizes people, just as does the endless unemployment benefits (think: MONEY). The only reason this continues is because Obama WANTS it to. The Democrats are such sleaze balls. They don’t give a damn about America’s future. They think TRILLIONS of dollars of debt aren’t important. I’m definitely no right-winger, and disagree with many of their political agendas, but I could never vote Democratic, for the reasons above. At least Republicans believe in personal responsibility and limited government, and these are important principles that were the foundation of our country. Democrats obsession with maintaining power and control is destroying it. So, so sad. Our founding fathers are all facing DOWN now in their graves!”
That comment is in great contrast to what is presently occurring. For example, did you know that over 70 percent of the federal budget went to 47 dependency programs in 2010. According to The Heritage Foundation‘s “Index of Dependence on Government,” it was the fourth year in a row that government dependency grew. And that there are over 80 overlapping federal means-tested welfare programs that spent over $1 trillion per day to “help” the poor. Together these programs represented the single largest budget item in 2011.
Alison Acosta Fraser, director of the Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies, said:
“[In 2012] … 63.7 million Americans received either Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Social Security, or support for higher education – an 8 percent increase over the previous year. These same people were very likely to receive other federal benefits, such as Medicare or food stamps. Separately, The Wall Street Journal found that in 2011, 49 percent of Americans lived in a household where at least one member of the family received a government benefit.”
Did you know that despite tax increases and increased spending, there are more “poor” people than since the 1960s, that there is now the highest levels of poverty in over fifty years. The federal government spends $168 per day on households living below the poverty line and receiving welfare payments. That’s over $61,000 per year. All of that while the median household income was $137.13 per day. What’s even worse is that:
- Nine states pay those who receive welfare benefits more than the national average for a teacher
- Seven states pay more than $12/hr in welfare benefits, with the top 10 benefit paying states average $13.68/hour wage equivalent
Besides all that “help,” welfare recipients can’t ask for a raise or get promoted, and can’t get above the poverty line. So, Beechgirl1953, be proud for (at least) three reasons. First, be proud of your personal efforts. Second, be proud that you do indeed have a skill and can be promoted and ask for a raise. Third, be proud that you broke out of the cycle of government dependence.
But that’s just my opinion
“Third, be proud that you broke out of the cycle of government dependence.”
Warren Beatty NTHLA – Now, I know you wrote this to see if anyone is paying attention….
Warren, Beechgirl1953 did not say she was government dependent…maybe you meant “Be proud you never “fell into” the cycle of government dependence…be proud you had more self-determination than that….you go girl!!”
Or did I miss something?
Anyway, Is a great comment….how can the left be so blind?? And lack any self respect or RESPECT for the wonderful Country they are so so Lucky to Live in…a country like no other… it is slowly disappearing…at the hands of a few power hungry people…
The Left/Progressives/Democrats are the most miserable people and so very very stupid….they are loosing so much thinking they are actually gaining something… it is only those at the top (elitist, Academic and Government) who are gaining anything…Power, Money, Prestige…and they are using YOU to get there….but, at what cost???
Your freedom?? Your Liberty?? A False security?? Your self respect??
In 1966, when LBJ was putting his Great Society in force, the U.S. had a poverty rate of 14.7%. Twenty Trillion dollars later, the poverty rate is currently at 15%. We gained nothing. We could have fired up the old bar-b-que smoker and burned that twenty Trillion dollars and acheived the same numbers.
Bill Maher ‘New Rules,’ on his Libertarianism:
Thank you for showing where the opinions you form come from; a comedic hack who is definately part of that evil 1%.
@FAITH7: Yes, Faith7, you are correct, and you said it better: “Be proud you never “fell into” the cycle of government dependence…be proud you had more self-determination than that….you go girl!!” You missed nothing. Thank you!
And this is where I point to a conundrum — not a gay man is getting a dime under any of the programs and ideas you all are rightly complaining about. And every gay man must, simply must, pay their own way — for there is no disability, or food stamps, or child support, or cash grants, because one is gay. And being “crazy” as a gay person is not a qualifying “crazy” for Disability. And yet gay men pay taxes, of course, since we all have jobs or businesses. And we’re not making the babies, that’s for sure. Even if one factors in total AIDS spending of $20 billion, gay men pay $100 billion in taxes — well, no one is sure, so I guess. Meanwhile, many of the people you lament are abandoning children, or aborting them, or raising thugs. And a few gay men are stepping up to help. Yes, it’s a conundrum.
You know what’s worse? So many elections of late are decided by so few votes, that it’s almost just gay men and our friends who make the difference, like with Mr. West in South Florida. A nice word “to” us — not “for” us — just “to” us – -in a district just north of Gay Town USA Ft. Lauderdale might well have swung him back to Congress — hey, politics is brutal, and reality, and practical.
Well, yes, it’s a conundrum — but there it is — heterosexuals causing the massive problems — and us gay men having nothing to do with it, except wanting to file a joint tax return — and being self reliant.
Welfare recipients can’t ask for a raise – but they can *vote* for one – as the recent Elections have indicated.
Recent elections have been more bidding wars than elections.
“What can I give you? Free Contraception? Free abortion on demand? Bigger entitlements? Looser food stamp requirements? Cash for Clunkers? Vote for ME(!) and you can have it all! And best of all these stupid working saps are paying for it all!” (Cue: Happy days are here again!….)
@Jim Hlavac:
And just how many men are getting any of those social programs simply because they are “straight?” But hey, I noticed you didn’t mention the tens of thousands of “gay” men who are receiving SSDI/SSSI/Medicaid because of their self-inflicted disease of HIV/AIDs.
I’m not sure where you got your figure. According to a Kaiser Foundation report in 2006, the total combined programs (Medicaid, Medicare, Ryan White) was $12.3 Billion for just 2006 alone. Who do you think is footing the bill for all those “gay” men who are drawing SSDI/SSSI that haven’t even paid into the system enough to be eligible for full SS retirement benefits (40 quarters).
But of course, almost every one of your posts is “gay” centric. Seems that controls your life, Jim, and that is sad. Perhaps you should find another interest beside just being a homosexual and having that your sole interest.
“Not a gay man is getting a dime under any of the programs and ideas you all are rightly complaining about. And every gay man must, simply must, pay their own way — for there is no disability, or food stamps, or child support, or cash grants, because one is gay.”
This is about the stupidest comment I’ve seen yet. Excuse me, I don’t think benefits are based on one’s sexual orientation, it’s based on need. And you don’t have any need, other than to suck some man’s sperm through a straw.
@Jim Hlavac: Jim Read responses to your #6 in #9 and #10. WTF I gotta figure you’re a Republican because you’re a masochist.lol
@Jim Hlavac:
The federal government shouldn’t be in the business of legislating “for” or “against” a person’s sexual orientation. Unfortunately, current politics coming from the left suggests that the federal government should be involving itself in nearly all areas of a person’s life. And because of that, politicians from both sides get asked all manner of questions about things that have nothing to do with the purpose and intent the founders instilled into our federal government via the Constitution. And some of those questions end up in sound bites and plastered across the news media “proving” that a certain candidate “hates” gays, or is at “war” with women, or is a racist, or an enabler of the 1%, etc.
And the left runs with those comments, the ignorant vote based off of them, and what we end up is a government that panders to people, giving pennies away while grabbing control and taking away real freedom and liberty.
When one demands that the government involve itself into such affairs, they should expect that government control will follow and freedom and liberty will die.
OK, who are you and what have you done with the real “Greg”?
@Ditto: Glad to see I wasn’t the only one who noticed! Greg, I think one of your friends hacked your login! =8^)
@Brother Bob:
Greg’s post recognizes that the true purpose of Democrat entitlement programs, is to buy votes with taxpayer dollars. (Something that Republicans and Conservatives have declared for decades as being a corruptible influence.) This may be a rare Freudian slip of honesty.
“When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” -Benjamin Franklin
yes GREG has shown a difference in other POSTS also got me surprise,
I thank him on one POST, for supporting the AUTHOR’S VIEWS,
I know there is 2 GREGS, this one is with us,
did he kill the other GREG? we’ll never know