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Welcome To Indoctrination University…Where Liberals Are Always Right

Dr. Deandre Poole, the vice chairman of the Palm Beach County Democratic Party, was teaching a class at Florida Atlantic University and told his students to write Jesus on a piece of paper and then place it on the ground and stomp on it. Notice he didn’t have them write Muhammad on that piece of paper, hmmm….I wonder why?

What he didn’t count on, and neither did the school, was that someone would have the temerity to actually have a problem with stomping on Jesus. That student, Ryan Rotela, complained. What did the school do? They told Ryan not to return to class, not to speak about this incident to other students and that he may face suspension. Then they backed the Democrat teacher:

“Faculty and students at academic institutions pursue knowledge and engage in open discourse. While at times the topics discussed may be sensitive, a university environment is a venue for such dialogue and debate.”

Of course when the incident made national news the University backed down:

“We sincerely apologize for any offense this has caused. Florida Atlantic University respects all religions and welcomes people of all faiths, backgrounds and beliefs.”

Many people wonder how it is that over 60% of the youth in this country voted for a Democrat. This kind of indoctrination is why. It’s going on all over the country and has for many years.

Take this post by Warren Blumenfeld, a just retired professor of education at Iowa State University. He writes about a course he gives:

Each semester I teach the course CI 406, “Multicultural Foundations in Schools and Society,” in the School of Education. I base the course on a number of key concepts and assumptions, including how issues of power, privilege, and domination within the United States center on inequitable social divisions regarding race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, sex, gender identity, sexual identity, religion, nationality, linguistic background, physical and mental ability/disability, and age. I address how issues around social identities impact generally on life outcomes, and specifically on educational outcomes. Virtually all students registered for this course, which is mandatory for students registered in the Teacher Education program, are pre-service teachers.

Gee, you think this kind of bunk being mandatory for teaching students will have an effect?

He goes on to lament that a few religious students had the gall to write in their final essays that he and his teachers assistant, both gay, were both going to hell.

It’s heartening that some students were courageous enough to write their actual opinion, whether you agree with them or not, rather than what they knew the professor wanted to hear but this is what he complains about:

“…our campus environment, one that emboldens some students to notify their professor and graduate assistant that their final destination will be the depths of Hell.”

Wait a second…I thought our universities were a place for the “free and open exchange of ideas”?

Unless of course you happen to be religious and are so bold to actually voice those religious beliefs it seems.

Kurt at The Gay Patriot:

While the professor uses the language of “reason,” “analysis,” and “evidence” to find fault with what the students wrote (and while I’m sure there is much to find fault with in their writings), it also seems evident from the way the course is described that the only type of analysis or reasoning that will be deemed acceptable is the sort that derives from leftist premises. The idea of faith is an affront largely because, by its very nature, faith calls for accepting the irrational.

What’s even more interesting to me–and alarming to Blumenfeld–is that he describes the way in which alternative groups have arisen “to promote their version of their faith and to help insulate students from the so-called ‘secular humanist indoctrination’ of public secular universities.” To him this is the worst sort of apostasy which is wreaking the worst sort of havoc on our campuses, but to some of us, it is an encouraging sign that more people are starting to resist the left’s hegemony in academia.

So let me get this straight. The professor is alarmed that some students don’t believe, as he does, in this left wing “multicultural” baloney and that he can’t bring them to his side?

Is this what universities are all about now? Ensuring that all students believe in the same philosophies?

David Limbaugh:

In so many universities, what passes for open academic inquiry is often more like indoctrination. In the name of diversity, multiculturalism and tolerance, academics trash Western civilization and traditional moral values on the perverse rationale that those values are intolerant and thus undeserving of tolerance and favorable treatment.

…Liberals hold themselves out as open-minded, tolerant and supportive of academic inquiry, but many of them are contemptuous of views they reject. If you do not subscribe to the left’s views on politics, social science, religion, affirmative action, sexuality, etc., your views are not only not worthy of protection but deserving of scorn, ridicule and sometimes even punishment and recalibration.

But guess what. These tactics tend to work. No matter how many courageous conservatives fight back against the left’s intolerance and no matter how many black conservatives refuse to toe the liberal line that requires them to think like liberals — lest they cease being authentic blacks — more and more on the right are throwing in the towel instead of standing up for what they believe and facing ridicule and abuse from the left.

Many, for example, are jumping on the bandwagon to support same-sex marriage to receive their pat on the head from our progressive culture. Some have been persuaded, no doubt, but many are just afraid to be branded as bigots or homophobes for taking a principled stand in support of traditional marriage.

Long ago, leftists learned that bullying and persistence work, and they are being rewarded for their efforts by those whose social and political opinions are determined more by a craving for popular approval than by deeply held convictions.

The few kids who do keep those convictions are usually shunned, as Ryan Rotela found out.

Welcome to Indoctrination U

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