Some Liberal Advice on Gun Control [Reader Post]

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angry eagle

A couple of years ago, on a warm summer night (around the 4th of July) my (then) 16-year old son and his friend took my shotgun out to the backyard to shoot at some 1-liter soda bottles filled with water.

Now, my house sits on a 22-acre lot, and 10-acres is the requirement for hunting on one’s own property in my State, so a resident of my home is not violating any law if he shoots a legally obtained gun on his own property. (And my son does have a hunting license, even though it’s not required in this case).

So the kids fired about a 1/2 dozen rounds, gleefully cheering each botthe they “exploded.”

Then they came inside and went to the basement, where we store our guns in a locker behind the bar, and started cleaning the gun.

Well, the next thing I hear is a loud knock on the door, and then “OPEN UP. THIS IS THE POLICE!” and before I could get out of my chair, my door was forced open and two SWAT Team members were in my house, pointing (take a guess, begins with “Bushmaster”) rifles at ME!

Now, a lot of other things happened that night, but none of it really bad (except for my rights being violated in 6 areas that my lawyer dug up), and the original complaint received by the local police was (And I quote) “There are shots being fired and LOUD SCREAMS coming from the house down the road.”

Yes, there were shots. Yes there were screams. OF JOY! After hitting the targets, on property where such activity IS ALLOWED BY LAW!

And now, compare THAT experience with the RIDICULOUS ADVICE given by our Liberal VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! (And then come here and comment on who’s nuts, and who’s the sane citizen, who of course got screwed again by liberal policy).

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The issue I have, and this relates to what happened in the post, is that lib/dems think that if their candidate wins an election or two, that the “majority” gets to impose their will on the rest of us, permanently. Even if that “majority” was constructed by seizing the votes from those who never vote, exploiting their ignorance (Obama data-mining “the ends justify the means” methods).

I can’t tell you how many articles I’ve read in which a lib/dem says things like “the people have overwhelmingly said they disagree with (such and such–short, anything the non-Dems value)” and “the GOP is irrelevant and should disband” . . . Things of that nature. Obama won twice –so what?

I just don’t remember this with Bush, that all of sudden, the GOP made it their top priority to pretend that their weren’t liberals out there, and some with valid logic, to be frank.

When one group wants to silence the Great Conversation, well . . . I get nervous. I hope we can turn this around and defeat Obama’s database vote engineering strategy and actually have a candidate that the majority of thinking American’s voted for (yes, I think Obama’s victories are fraudulent).

Back to the above post: plenty of people don’t want to shoot on their own land, or shoot at all. They also don’t want others to do the same, but the law says their neighbors can can. When the police enforce pop-culture sentiments instead of the law, they become thugs. Thugs who hold no authority.

Whenever I hear a story like this, I want to look as as many possibilities as possible. It is obvious that someone heard the shots and the screaming, and thought someone was being hurt. If the opposite would have happened, and there was someone being hurt or killed, but the neighbors figured they didn’t want to get involved, that would be worse. I would rather have a neighbor call 911 if they thought something was going on, than have them not get involved.

it would have been nice of the cops to actually do some police w*rk, like checking around, looking for bodies or other evidence of foul play before they decided to go full fascist mode and kick in doors so they could threaten random people at gun point.

any time someone tells me they are doing something for my own good, or because they want to help me, i know i’m about to get screwed.

With reports of shots and screams it doesn’t seem unreasonable to me that the police would come to find out what happened. They should have waited for you to answer the door however, given that they didn’t know what was going on.

Field and Stream magazine just did an interview with Biden. The ignorance on the 2nd amendment and willingnes to trample on rights of legal gun owners by this government is staggering. The magazine will be hosting a series of interviews. The next one is with Wayne LaPierre. Definitely worth a read…

The unintended consequences (anyone could see coming) of following the RIDICULOUS ADVICE given by our Liberal VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA……

1.Del. Man Arrested For Firing Gunshots From Home

2. Biden Advises Shooting Shotgun Through Door
Virginia Beach man charged for doing exactly that

Some people are afraid of weapons, and they will resent you or your son and his friend enjoying an afternoon of perforating bottles and the horizon. To them, the sound of shotgun blasts and innocent laughter morphs into a maniacal celebration of death and terror. Those who enjoy shooting become potential mass-murderers in the eyes of some Liberals and they will use the police and their SWAT teams to curtail your frightening behavior.

While I was going to college, I struck fear among my Liberal neighbors who were aghast when I carried a shotgun or rifle or bow to my truck to go hunting. The police were called, but going hunting is not yet a crime. The most outrageous police call happened when my neighbors called the police because I had fired a weapon in my house or backyard. They came to the house and asked if I had fired a weapon in the city; of course my answer was no. The police were aggravated at all the calls accusing me of mayhem that were originating from across the street. They walked over to the house as the lady came out of the house apologizing for the call. Apparently a canister of ready made biscuits exploded in the refrigerator, and she assumed I had started a campaign of murder and mayhem.

The point is that if you live among neighbors, you need to realize that half of them cower in fear and rely on the state to protect them. You are the enemy; a stone cold potential killer.

A funny little epilogue to that story was my next door neighbor had two beautiful teenage daughters. We had a prowler or peeping tom in the neighborhood, but I was not concerned if he wanted to view me, so I ignored the fear in the neighborhood.

One night my neighbor came to the door and asked for help, because the prowler had been looking through his windows and the girls had seen him. He pulled out a small revolver with shaking hands and said, “I have this.” The pistol was aimed at my crotch and he was shaking so bad, I thought it might go off. I pushed the barrel away from me and told him to put the pistol back in his pocket and go back home to his girls. I told him I would wait in my truck with a 12 guage and see if the prowler came back to the girls’ window.

Whether the prowler saw me in the truck, I’ll never know, but he never bothered the neighborhood again. In one evening, I went from being a blood thirsty college student to being a minor community hero.

Inviting your neighbors over for a barbecue and killing clay pigeons during some spot shooting might be a way of mending fences. Almost everyone enjoys killing clay pigeons, even President Obama.

Nostra, The thing I can’t get my mind around is why you let your children possess and fire guns. I have known very few people who have ever felt the need to possess and fire guns. Why do you let your kids do this?

To Rockybutte and others of his mindset:
The reason that we let “children” possess and fire guns is so that, when they volunteer
to put their lives on the line to protect YOUR rights, they will not have to start learning
from scratch and can possibly do a better job. Folks such as you are like the hogs that
eat the acorns and never consider the oak tree.

@rockybutte: #8
If someone is breaking into your house, and you fear for your life, and you call 911, but the police aren’t there yet when they enter your house, and you start screaming for the neighbors to help you, if they come, will you want them to bring a gun or a whistle?

I never owned a pistol until obama got elected the first time. I figured that if I would want one someday, I had better get it right away, so I did. I never even put a round in the chamber until last summer, when there was a state-wide training session for Search And Rescue, Fire, and Police. I volunteer for Search And Rescue. One of the courses was on the gun range, so I chose it. I was instructed on how to handle the weapon, and I shot my piston for the first time.

I live in small town USA, and always will. I live in an apartment without a garage, so my bicycle and $10,000 ATV sit in the driveway, and I don’t worry about either of them being taken. I know there is always the chance that the cops are chasing someone through my town, and the bad guy could try to hide somewhere, and my apartment could be their choice. Just like my fire insurance and extinguishers, I want to be ready IF it happens. I would rather have protection for fire and crooks and not need them, than not have the protection and wish I did.

I don’t EXPECT a fire to happen in my apartment, but I know there could be one, so I have apartment insurance, and I keep one 10 pound fire extinguisher in my bedroom, and one at the front door, just incase. I keep the one at my front door in case I come home and see a fire has started. If it is safe for me to enter, I have the extinguisher right there, and can try to put the fire out before it spreads. I don’t expect anyone to break into my apartment, but I keep a pistol just in case. The fire extinguisher can keep a fire from spreading. The gun can keep the crime from spreading.

Are you like the lady who said she would rather be murdered than to kill someone in self defense? What if she had kids, and they were in the house with here when someone broke in? Would she rather have them murdered instead of killing the crook?

I don’t remember what city it was, but there was a news story year ago about a city that put a mandatory five year sentence for using a gun in committing a crime. Whatever their penalty was for doing a crime, the five years was ADDED on to it. The crooks didn’t want to do the MANDATORY extra five years, so they quit using guns. Gun crimes can be reduced or ended if the judges would just enforce the EXISTING gun laws in effect now. If obama and the democrats want to reduce gun crimes, pass a FEDERAL 5-10 year MANDATORY penalty for using a gun. Gun crime would almost be eliminated. They know this, so why don’t they introduce such a bill? Maybe you and others should ask your federal reps to introduce such a bill. The laws to prevent gun crimes are there. We just need to get the judges to enforce them.

@Marcel: @Smorgasbord: Great responses to the willfully ignorant.