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Ducking Reality

The Accomplishment of Terror

This article begins with an anecdotal story, retold with accuracy from a first person account. If you have reason to doubt the word of a grade twelve Algebra teacher with 30 years experience, please don’t read the article; she has been a customer of mine for years and I will assure you, she has no reason or tendency to exaggerate.

After finishing the work on her horses this morning, I mentioned Dianne Feinstein: she gets her CCW in California and immediately spearheads the legislation to make it nearly impossible for the rest of us to acquire a permit. My customer, the Algebra teacher, said, “Arm the teachers who want to carry, it would be much safer if we were carrying weapons.”

I laughed, we talked of how certain teachers need and should carry concealed weapons in Riverside County. She told me she wanted to give me an example of the type of students she was expected to teach, while worrying about her own safety: She was doing a demonstration on the side wall of the classroom, away from the windows. When she turned to face the class, a student from the row next to the windows had a pistol aimed at the back of the head of another student. The pistol was an exact model of a type of 38 Special she knew well and it was impossible to distinguish between the real weapon and the replica.

The pistol was part of a belt buckle and unable to fire, but being a weapons enthusiast, she reacted strongly to the image.

The boy faced an expulsion hearing and the boy’s stepfather used the opportunity to yell at the teacher and accuse her of picking on the boy. He insisted that he had trained the boy to use weapons since the age of two. She countered with the fact that a responsible gun owner would not have pointed a replica at another student. She then told them that the armed policeman that patrolled the school told her he would have shot the boy with the weapon without hesitation because of the replica’s authenticity and the fact that he was aiming at another student.

Because of the parents’ complaints the teacher was facing disciplinary action; the child was expelled, but not exactly, he was palmed off on another school. The school board didn’t want the issue to reach the news, so the incident just faded away. Nothing happened to the teacher, and this is her last year before retirement, but she hinted that the teachers aren’t really safe: not because of gunmen, but because of the students.

For those gun control proponents, who say teachers don’t really want to carry, I talked to one who thinks it is absolutely imperative for the teachers who are capable to carry concealed weapons.

She also told me, on the day of the Sandy Hook shootings, they received a threat about a planned shooting at their school. Later during the day, they had a fire alarm go off (false alarm) and the kids milled around outside. While some teachers wanted to herd the students together like sheep in an abattoir pen, she was watching the roof tops for the ruthless sniper, who could have killed hundreds within the tightly packed targets.

We have imbeciles directing emergency procedures; thus, they are indirectly setting up a massacre, through ignorance, that will make the Connecticut shooting look like a picnic. This herding willing victims together for killers with limited marksmanship skills fits the definition of insanity.

The teacher was also aware of my point, why should a homicidal maniac worry about gaining entry, when he can walk by all the first story windows and kill at his leisure.

She told me of the emergency procedures if a shooter appears, they are supposed to lock themselves in the class room, but the doors can only be locked from the outside. She must step outside the classroom, make herself vulnerable in the hallway, lock the door, step back inside, and close the door if she is still alive. She must do this with two doors, and then she and her students have the advantage of being locked in the room with no escape avenue.

We must draw the line at having witless politicians and political hacks drafting emergency procedures. These people often exist in a fantasy world bordered by fear and a reliance on Big Brother or the state to save them; unfortunately in some bizarre twist of logic, their own ineptness combined with good intentions is considered a source of genius with many Americans.

The truth is we need real professionals to implement security devices and techniques in our schools to at least make it more difficult for homicidal maniacs to ply their trade in our schools. Arming teachers who are capable and have the guts to confront evil, perhaps even paying them more to attend seminars to train in procedures, would be a first step in making our schools more secure. I am talking about seminars taught by professional SWAT and Special Forces instructors, not incompetent boobs like Janet Napolitano. We can’t prevent school shootings, but we can damn well minimize the damage inflicted upon our children. We have the people with the expertise, it is time to put their abilities and expertise to good use and forget this idea of the cowardly response and expecting teachers and children to die while waiting for the police. It is time to be proactive and prepare for the worst, we can then hope and pray our preparations are never put to use.

To begin the preparation for the type of terrorism of Sandy Hook (oh my God! Did I say the politically incorrect word “Terror”) and the terror of Beslan, we must first admit that there is not only the possibility, but that it has already occurred on multiple occasions. Our administration, ahem, our president, seems to be ready to piss his trousers at the possibility or suggestion that fanatics from a certain Middle Eastern religion might be capable of committing “Terror”, sorry folks, you can go with the flow and stick your head in the dirt like an ostrich or you can discount the foolish notions of our president and face reality; we are likely to have an act of terror by a group of Muslim fanatics, it is only a matter of time. Do we want to provide willing victims or do we want to respond immediately with lethal force. Obama and Napolitano are intent on emasculating those who would be able and willing to resist such a situation, so we can sit back and watch the silly perverted circus elephants do their clumsy dance or we can demand that our leaders face this stark reality forming in front of us.

Our government and our ever fearful cowards, say that terrorist attacks are relatively rare events and that taking countermeasures can tend to alarm and cause anxiety among the children. After all, our fearless leader of Homeland Security feels the best way to combat terrorism is to deny that terrorism has happened. Major Hassan must be content with the title of perpetrator of Workplace Violence, like the case of the flipped out clerk who throws the cash register through the front window.

Our official, but unadvertised stance is if you continuously deny terror took place, it didn’t really happen. However, the dead are still dead and the maimed are still maimed, while Hassan tries to fight to wear a beard in the courtroom, like a proper terrorist.

Our Liberals, like our president and the empty feed sack heading up Homeland Security feel that confronting the possibility of another Columbine or Sandy Hook is unnecessary, because the chances of them happening again is so remote; yet, they and their loved ones live with armed security. Many of our citizens agree, saying the money should be spent in the community, thus helping the president with his Wealth Redistribution. I say, “Bull Shit” not confronting the possibility of terror in our schools makes the deniers and the naysayers complicit in all terrorist attacks in our schools from this point forward.

Sandy Hook and Columbine were acts of terror, unless we confront the obvious and admit that our most precious resource is vulnerable and our political hacks from the top down are clueless as to how to protect “our children” from mayhem, but not theirs, it is only a matter of time before we grieve from a Beslan type attack.

Two consecutive comments from you tube documentaries of the Beslan Terrorist attack.


lapucelledarc 8 months ago
I will never understand, for whatever reason, how grown human beings can target children.
This is the most disgusting terrorist attack in history. I pray to god, it will remain the worst.
Whoever and whatever you believe in may differ but we all should believe in children.
Reply · 20

Death4ALLAH 6 months ago
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Do you still have reservations about arming teachers who are willing and capable of carrying a weapon.

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