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“Extreme Weather” The New Term Of Choice By Warmists

Great video of Meteorologist Joe D’Aleo discussing the fearmongering of man made global warming zealots:


The first 28 minutes D’Aleo provides a bunch of slides showing the evidence t

hat the weather we are experiencing today is not any more extreme then 100, 200, or a 1000 years ago. From the 29 minute mark on he explains why the man-made global warming crowd are now pushing the “extreme weather” talking point rather then the global warming phrase. Pretty interesting.

Oh, and remember the cries from those same zealots that Hurricane Sandy was caused by global warming….not so much according to Martin Hoerling, who chairs the NOAA’s climate variability research program and oversees NOAA’s Climate Scene Investigators:

Models Project No Change

“[N]either the frequency of tropical or extratropical cyclones over the North Atlantic are projected to appreciably change due to climate change, nor have there been indications of a change in their statistical behavior over this region in recent decades,” Hoerling told environmental writer Andrew Revkin, as reported on Revkin’s Dot Earth blog.

Coincidental Alignment

Hoerling noted, “In this case, the immediate cause [of Hurricane Sandy] is most likely little more than the coincidental alignment of a tropical storm with an extratropical storm. Both frequent the west Atlantic in October, … nothing unusual with that. On rare occasions their timing is such as to result in an interaction which can lead to an extreme event along the eastern seaboard.”

“Great events, like this meteorological one, can happen with little cause,” Hoerling further explained in the Huffington Post. “Individually, neither the tropical storm nor the extratropical storm that embraced it, were unusual. What makes this a rare, perhaps once in a lifetime event, is the fortuity of their timely (“untimely” as far as most are concerned who sit in harm’s way) intersection.”

The Huffington Post reported Hoerling’s colleague Randall M. Dole said the convergence of events that made Sandy a superstorm was just “random bad luck.”

But still we get idiots like these Democrat Senators:

“There is a new normal of new extremes and we have to be prepared for it,” Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said. “And the reason we have this new normal of new extremes is because global climate change is happening and is real. And we’ve tolerated the deniers for far too long in this body.”

Whitehouse criticized “a rear-guard action in this building led by polluters” against taking action on climate change.

“But we have to face the fact that the deniers are wrong. They are just plain dead wrong,” he said. “And we have to deal with that, and I think some of the courtesies that we have given to one another collegially really have to yield to the fact that some of the things that are being said in the Senate, and occasionally regrettably in this committee chamber, are just plain wrong.”

Committee Chairwoman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) applauded Whitehouse’s remarks.

“The clock is ticking and Hurricane Sandy has shown us all what the scientists sitting right in this room [said] the day I got the gavel, … and they told us exactly what would happen and it’s all happening,” Boxer said. “And you can close your eyes and cover your ears and put a pillow over your head. But anyone with a heartbeat and a pulse can tell things are changing. And you are right and we’re going to do whatever we can.”

Hurricane Sandy showed us no such thing.

Barbara Boxer says things are changing. Of course it is, it’s called climate change dummy. It’s been doing this long before humans were here and will continue long after were gone. But none of it is caused by man.

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