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No Family Left Behind [Reader Post]

My Gnus of the Week! – Revisited

Executive Order — White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans

I am coming back to the President’s EO (Executive Order) as it bothers me. It bothers me on a number of levels.  First I think he is missing the point entirely.  Second, we as a nation, are abandoning entire segments of our population and creating a sub-culture of despair. Third, we as a nation are accepting the downfall of the family as the root of our strength as a nation.

First the President’s EO. At least he sees there is a problem and wants to do something. He is trying. But as a Liberal, he only sees the Government as the solution. His solution will go nowhere, and in fact is likely to worsen the problem.

Look at this graph:

Unwed US Mothers

We should all be ashamed of what this graph tells us. And Blacks, wake up! This is a problem you cannot ignore.  Address the problem in your churches and communities.  And before anyone calls me on it, I am not being racist here.  These are just statistics. The problem with African-Americans and education is not in the education; it is the lack of a normal family unit!

And you Whites, what is going on with you? In 1960 the rate was something like 4%. Now it is 29%! That’s a downfall in our families of 625%!

Second, back to the Blacks, all of us, White, Black, Hispanics, we are accepting the rise of a sub-culture based on families without fathers. Then we compound the problem by encouraging same-sex marriages. Our heterosexual families are falling apart; and now we add same sex to the mix? I can only guess at the rate of same sex marriage failures, but it is likely higher than the heteros.

Third, the family unit is what has made the USA the greatest nation the earth has ever seen. Sorry, Mr. President, the GREATEST!

The Liberal Left is setting forth on a course that will further deteriorate the family unit in our nation.  We must stop it.

The Romans were the greatest empire in their time; they collapsed mostly from internal decay. The USA is quickly approaching that same fate, led happily along the garden path by the socialist leanings of the Leftist Liberals in our Government.

We must diminish their influence and the best way to do that is to implement TERM LIMITS.

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