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‘If You Vote For Romney You Are A Racist’

So say’s Obama pal and Congresswoman Rep. Louise Lucas:


What I am saying to you is Mitt Romney, he’s speaking to a segment of the population who does not like to see people other than a white man in a White House or any other elected position.

Let’s be real clear about it … let’s be real clear. Mitt Romney is speaking to a group of people out there who don’t like folks like Barack Obama in any elected or leadership position. We know what’s going on here and some people may be afraid to say it but I am not. I am not afraid to say it.

He’s speaking to that fringe out there who do not want to see anybody other than a white person in a leadership position. Senator Miller said it before she died and I agreed with her. They don’t want President Barack Obama in office as President and for all the reasons that you and I and a lot of other people understand.

This idiot is part of Obama’s “truth team” whose goal is supposedly to promote Obama. Promote Obama by calling all those who disagree with his policies racist.

The kicker is this ignorant quote from Lucas:

All the folks who are saying ‘we don’t like Barack Obama’ they can’t tell you any reason that they don’t

Are you freaking kidding me? We have laid out EVERY reason why we don’t like this man.

And you know who she is going to blame for the economy right?

President Barack Obama didn’t create this situation that we are in, this economic mess we are in, everybody knows that this stuff happened under President George Bush and they are trying to dump it on the President but those people, intelligent people understand that President Barack Obama did not create this mess and the mess that was created could not be solved in 2, 3 or 4 years

Polls aren’t looking good for Obama even after all of his class warfare and bain attacks so now his surrogates are bringing out the race knives.

I mean after close to four years in office we can’t judge him by his record? His policies and politics have brought this country nothing but financial ruin. His administration has been one of the most UN-transparent administrations in history. He has made end-run after end-run around Congress to ensure that his ruinous policies are enacted by fiat.

But according to Obama pal Louise Lucas we are voting against him not because of all those reasons…but because we are all racist.

They are getting desperate.

Last week:


Also last week comes this winner from MSNBC political analyst Jimmy Williams:

half the people in this country don’t like President Obama and that’s sad

What is sad about it? Was it sad when half the country didn’t like President Bush?

He doesn’t stop there. He goes on to say that the attacks against Obama are “code” for the all the racists out there.


Guy Benson, the sole Conservative on the panel above wrote about the exchange if you can’t stomach watching MSNBC again:

(2) Williams began by angrily stating that Republican attacks on Obama amount to racial and religious “code,” designed to tickle the ears of their bigoted supporters. He inveighed against birthers and people who say (or imply) that the president “unAmerican” as evidence of this phenomenon. Fugelsang then ponderously asserted that “the use of the word unAmerican is unAmerican in itself,” adding that only “fascist” societies use that sort of language. Dyson nodded in enthusiastic agreement. In the very next segment, Dyson called Michele Bachmann “unAmerican” without a hint of shame or reluctance.

(3) When I asked if Barack Obama’s description of President Bush as “unpatriotic” in 2008 (discussing Bush’s comparatively modest accumulation of national debt) was also a dog whistle of some sort, Williams instantly took the bait. “No, that’s unpatriotic!” he thundered, working himself into an indignant lather. He went on to imply, falsely, that President Bush is primarily responsible for our $16 Trillion deficit (he meant debt). Fugelsang quickly chimed in with a totally-missing-the-point comment about President Reagan’s deficits, before Williams interrupted him to call Bush’s lie-based wars (which were authorized by Congress, unlike Obama’s Libya adventure) “remarkably unpatriotic.” They were unwittingly making my point for me. Here we had two liberals eagerly tripping over each other to smear Republican presidents as “unpatriotic,” literally moments after steadfastly arguing that Sununu’s quickly-retracted “unAmerican” comment about Obama was obviously intended to stir racist passions. When I pointed out the glaring double standard they had just helpfully indulged, Fugelsang uncorked this statement: “No one was ever calling President Bush’s policies unAmerican or unpatriotic.” Williams’ head bobbed in concurrence; “or him,” (meaning Bush himself), he agreed. The mind reels. They had just defended Obama’s comment calling Bush “unpatriotic” by agreeing with it. In other words, they themselves had explicitly repeated the charge. With relish. Then they blithely claimed that “no one was ever” doing that. How does one contend with such breathtaking cognitive dissonance and self-unawareness?

This is just the tip of the iceberg folks. As Obama’s numbers continue to plummet this will be one of the major line of attacks until the election.

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