June 4, 2012
“According to a new book coming out by a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, apparently when he was in high school, President Obama smoked large amounts of marijuana. You know what that means? He could be our first green president.” –Jay Leno
“Unemployment is still looking pretty bad. In fact, the White House has a new slogan on job creation: 'Hope and change the subject.'” –Jay Leno
“The unemployment numbers are higher than President Obama was in high school.” –Jay Leno
“On Friday, President Obama spent the night at his home in Chicago for the first time in over a year. It was nice – he even went down to the basement and dusted off some old campaign promises.” –Jimmy Fallon
“That's right, Obama spent the night at his home in Chicago. Of course it got awkward when he left and his housekeeper was like, 'So, see you after the election?'” –Jimmy Fallon
“New research shows that elderly people emit a distinct odor. Yeah, the study was conducted by two guys stuck in an elevator with Larry King.” –Conan O'Brien
June 5, 2012
“Mitt Romney has been giving his volunteers a free sweatshirt for making phone calls on his behalf. The sweatshirts are just like Romney, 100 percent reversible.” –Jimmy Fallon
“A new survey found that Mitt Romney is ahead of Obama among those who make $36,000-$90,000. Or as Romney put it, 'And they said I can't connect with the poor.'” –Jimmy Fallon
“Obama gave Bon Jovi a ride to New York City on Air Force One. Makes sense – Bon Jovi’s living on a prayer, while Obama’s campaigning on one.” –Jimmy Fallon
“New York is considering a law that would keep people out of jail if they were caught with small amounts of marijuana – which explains why stoners are like, 'It's a cop. Hide most of the weed.'” –Jimmy Fallon
“Forget the Mayans. According to NASA, the world will not come to an end for another 4 billion years – or about the same time your 401(k) comes back.” –Jay Leno
“The No. 2 guy in al-Qaida has been killed. Who says Obama isn't creating job openings?” –Jay Leno
“Former Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak has been sentenced to life in prison. You know, it's too bad we couldn't get the John Edwards trial moved to Egypt.” –Jay Leno
“According to People magazine, Rielle Hunter, the mother of John Edwards' love child, is releasing a new tell-all book this month. Haven't we heard enough? How about a shut-up book?” –Jay Leno
“It's a memoir about their relationship. She didn't write it herself. She used a ghost skank.” –Jay Leno
“Presidential primaries were held in California, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, and South Dakota today. Both candidates for president — Obama and Romney — have already clinched their nominations. So today's primaries were mostly for people who really like stickers.” –Jimmy Kimmel
“Facebook may change its accounts policy and allow kids under 13 to join. Under 13. Yeah, when they heard this, Chinese officials said, 'Great. Now our workers will never get anything done.'” –Conan O'Brien
June 6, 2012
“It’s being reported that Mitt Romney's personal Hotmail account has been hacked. Yeah, Hotmail. Even Ron Paul was like, 'Get with it, you old geezer!'” –Jimmy Fallon
“Speaking of Mitt Romney, his campaign is in the news for misspelling several words on his promotional items. Today, Romney issued a press release that said, 'I'll get to the bottom of this, or my name isn't Malt Ramrod.'” –Jimmy Fallon
“I had a terrible nightmare last night. I dreamed I was a union member is Wisconsin who loved the Miami Heat. It was a nightmare!” –Jay Leno
“Governor Scott Walker won his recall last night in Wisconsin. Who would have guessed the governor of Wisconsin would have been a better closer than LeBron James?” –Jay Leno
“CNBC is reporting that America lost 129,000 millionaires last year. Or as Mitt Romney calls them, 'an endangered species we have to protect.'” –Jay Leno
David Letterman's “Top Ten Subject Lines of Emails Received By Mitt Romney”
10. Meet other attractive Mitts in your area
9. Newt here, regarding the VP job
8. Reminder: It's been over a month since you've purchased a Cadillac
7. Confirming your 2:30, 5:30, and 9 o'clock haircuts
6. 20% off at beach-house-car-elevators.com
5. Nice slacks, bro!
4. Your Marie Osmond tickets have shipped
2. If I vote for you, can I ride your dancing horse?
1. Warning: your hacked password is about to expire
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
This is a bizarre one to me; a real peek into the mindset of the joke writer (and having a millionaire like Jay Leno deliver the line, as though he were “one of us”, the “poor middle/working class”?)
Is America better off if it has less millionaires or if more people were millionaires?
jay leno is not poor and does not represent the middle class. He travels by private jet between NYC and LA. a lot like pancetta, dod(no spellign errors). Oh! forgot he pays the US $119/round trip. Now where can the middle class find a roundtrip ticket from DC to a private ranch in northern CA? A direct flight..
More toons:
My contribution:
GeorgeBush, Queen Elizabeth, and Vladimir Putin all die and ended up in hell. While there, they spy a red phone and ask what the phone is for. The devil tells them it is for calling back to Earth. Putin asks to call Russia and talks for 5 minutes. When he is finished the devil informs him that the cost is a million dollars, so Putin writes him a check. Next Queen Elizabeth calls England and talks for 30 minutes. When she is finished the devil informs her that the cost is 6 million dollars, so she writes him a check.
Finally George Bush gets his turn and talks for 4 hours. When he is finished the devil informs him that the cost is $5.00. When Putin hears this he goes ballistic and asks the devil why Bush got to call the USA so cheaply.
The devil smiles and replies, ” Since Obama took over , the country has gone to hell, so it’s a local call.”
The U.S. navy is pitching a $4 billion per ship stealth destroyer also known as a submarine that can’t dive.
The U.S. navy wants 285-300 ships because it claims it is stretched thin. What kind of training does the navy do when an aircraft carrier can’t defeat a fleet of Somali fishing boats?
Somebody should tell the U.S. navy that China did buy an aircraft carrier, but it didn’t come with arresting wires. That isn’t a fleet upgrade and the word Kamikaze isn’t Chinese.
What’s the most dangerous part of a Chinese missile? The toxic paint.
The Apache block III helicopter allows the co-pilot to completely control a drone. Now one can fly while they fly.
Right now 43% would vote for Obama and 43% would vote for Romney. This would probably be the first presidential election, which had polls, in which the winner would take office with a negative approval rating.
Congress has an approval rating of 15.8%, but the individual congressmembers have high ratings in their own disticts. What people really mean by throwing the bums out is throwing the population of other states out.
Obama went from Hawaii to Chicago. I wonder what Obama reaction is to the phase “swimming with the fishes.”
I don’t know why Obama is blaming the Republicans for the economy, when people are moving from blue states to red states looking for work and not the other way around. You would think it would be like the Chinese and start pirating the formula.
So is bath salts defense the new Twinkie defense?
Guns don’t kill people, using bath salts kill people.
Over 40,000 Mexicans in Mexico died in drug violence last year. Maybe they should lay off the bath salts, because that number is making the Taliban jealous.
In Egypt, women protesting sexual assults were attacked by a group of men that committed sexual assult on the protestors. I guess women there need two things, a burka and air support.
Yet more toons:
nice jokes, you could collect the following jokes from the CONSERVATIVES,
Even more toons:
I enjoyed all of it.
you always make my day,
i cannot ever be sad with you around,
Glad you liked ’em, ilovebeeswarzone!