Obama, Will You Please Define “Fair,” Then Stick To It? [Reader Post]

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I was, the other day, trying to explain the word "fair" to a friend. Suddenly it occurred to me that I was trying to explain the definition from a statistics perspective, and that was the cause of the miscommunication. In statistics, the word "fair" means that probabilities of occurrence does not change each time an action or process (trial) is conducted. If a process is "fair," then exact probabilities of occurrence can be calculated regardless of initial conditions. We statisticians (besides being weird) understand the word "fair" because it has a very precise, unchanging meaning.

That is the reason why, in a Craps game, "loaded" dice always have the same appearance as regular dice, and that they are slipped into the game only when "serious" money is being wagered and the sucker cannot alter his wagering accordingly. Loaded dice are not fair from a wagering perspective because they alter probabilities of occurrence, thereby increasing the probability that the sucker will lose his wager. Besides, even without loaded dice, craps probabilities favor the person running the game. All he has to do is make the payoff, not welsh, if an individual sucker gets lucky.

That difficulty, the definition of "fair,"occurs quite often. As Jim Yardley said, "’Fair’ is one of those warm, fuzzy words that allows the listener to define it to his own personal taste – and the definition changes from one specific case to another."

For example, Obama, during the Democrat Party primary debate, said that he would raise capital gains rates — not because it would increase revenue, but because it was "fair." During the debate, Obama said, "…I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness." He continued, "…I also want to make sure is that our tax system is fair…."

The "problem" is that Obama did not define, precisely or otherwise, his definition of "fair." As Yardley says, we are left with, in this case, Obama’s definition – "and the definition changes from one specific case to another." One thing you will never hear Obama explain is precisely what he means when he uses the word "fair."

In his 2012 State of the Union speech, Obama said, "… or we can restore an economy where everyone gets a fair shot, and everyone does their fair share…." But nowhere does he define what he means by "fair shot" or "fair share." I guess that he wants us to trust that his definition will be "fair."

We are all familiar with the "Buffett Rule."   It states, according to the White House, "No household making more than $1 million each year should pay a smaller share of their income in taxes than a middle class family pays. This is the Buffett Rule – a simple principle of tax fairness that asks everyone to pay their fair share." The site continues, "Warren Buffett, for example, pays a lower effective tax rate than his secretary, and that’s not fair." Please notice that, in the White House definition, there is an inconsistency. The rule states, "…pay a smaller share…." Then the White House definition offers, "… effective tax rate…." So, which definition applies? How can we be "fair" if the rule is arbitrary?

It is quite disingenuous to use the word "fair" when referring to the "Buffett Rule" tax situation. Buffett contributes much more as an absolute amount than his secretary. "Fairness" means an equal share is paid by all – thus fairness would mean that Buffett and his secretary pay exactly the same absolute amount of tax. And that is what the Buffett Rule says – reread it. Will it be "fair" for Buffett and his secretary to pay the same amount, the same share? Whose tax amount will increase and whose will decrease in order to preserve "fairness?"

According to his 2011 income tax return, Obama doesn’t technically fall under the Buffett Rule – his income was "only" $789,684. If you believe that the amount was his entire income, I hold the deed to certain bridge in NYC in which you may be interested! Anyway, Obama’s secretary, Anita J. Breckenridge, earned $95,000 in 2011. Yet she paid a higher effective tax rate than did Obama. And Obama made substantially more than she did. Her tax rate was not much higher than Obama’s but it was still higher. Is that "fair?"

Dr. Walter E. Williams, in "Devious Taxation," wrote, "…the top 1 percent of American income earners paid almost 37 percent of federal income taxes. The top 10 percent paid about 70 percent of federal income taxes, and the top 50 percent paid nearly 98 percent. Roughly 47 percent of Americans pay no federal income tax. Here’s my fairness question to you: What standard of fairness dictates that the top 10 percent of income earners pay 70 percent of the income tax burden while 47 percent of Americans pay nothing?" It sure doesn’t sound like everyone, as Obama said in the State of the Union speech, "does their fair share."

As Gary Wickert, in "Defining ‘Fair’ in Obama’s ‘Paying a Fair Share’ Rhetoric" wrote: "Precisely what our president means by "fair" remains unclear – clouded in social envy, class warfare, and populist rhetoric. But one thing is certain. The so-called wealthy are paying a disproportionately higher amount of taxes even when compared to their share of the income – far more than their "fair share."

Further, the statistical definition of a "fair game" is one that has an expected value (EV) of zero. For example, consider the wager in which a person tosses a "fair" coin and wins $1 if heads appears and loses $1 if tails appears. The EV = 0.5*$1 + 0.5*(-$1) = 0. In this game, the word "fair" refers to the fact that each time the coin is tossed the probability of the face appearance remains at 50%. We could, even if the coin was weighted so that heads appeared (say) 70% of time, adjust our wagering so as to make this a "fair game." The key concept is that the probability of occurrence remain unchanged each time the coin is tossed.

This is how Obama sees the US and world economy – a zero-sum. In order to be "fair," Obama wants to redistribute assets that the rich obviously stole from the poor, the defenseless. He even formalized his view. On the world economy, R.A., in "Free exchange," wrote that Obama said in his State of the Union speech: "Don’t let other countries win the race for the future." About this statement, R.A. says, "A zero-sum world is a world without hope, and if Mr Obama is convinced that’s what we’re in then I don’t see much need for him to stick around."

Obama chides corporations that are "sitting on" vast quantities of cash. They are waiting for a precise definition of "fair." They will not get that definition until November, 2012, when Obama is voted out of office.

The bottom line is, as Jim Yardley says, that the listener (and, in this instance, the declarer) gets to use the word "fair" and define it to his personal taste. And, with Obama, the definition is constantly changing.

But that’s just my opinion.

"It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant. It’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so." – Ronald Reagan

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Exodus 20:17
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house,
thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife,
nor his manservant,
nor his maidservant,
nor his ox,
nor his ass,
nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

One thing is sure about Obama.
He wants you to covet your neighbor’s stuff.
But he wants to to get at it only vicariously, through the government.
Or, as an ”occupier.”

Obama’s ideas and the principles from God’s word are incompatible.

@Nan G: Nan G, as always, so well said!! It seems to me that 0-bama has created so much hate and jealousy among Americans that it is so very hard to get any real reform achieved. My father and mother lived this commandment and although we had very little we had so very very much!! They where always fair and saw to it that we always had what we needed. Thanks for your thoughtful input.

I’m from a farm. Fuel bills were well over 100k$ yearly.
Fairness: working shoulder to shoulder in the wheat fields. Pollution would be lessened. Unemployment would be zero. The oil company profits would be cut down to a proper size. Everyone would have to pull their own weight.

The Bamster: Making the world safer for gay marriage.

Fair is that after 4 lean years, we should change horses and have 4 fat years.

A euphemism is a substitute word, which is often more politically correct.
However, a euphemism can also add a level of vagueness to the statement.
Euphemisms can also make the dialogue sound more poetic, of higher class, or more proper. -Esther Lombardi

Barry uses euphemisms a lot… listen to him pander…he never really says what he really means…statements he makes are “open ended” leaving it up to the average [useful idiot] person to decipher what he means….[and it usually takes a very divisive, negative tone] as many have learned over the last 3 1/2 years, what they ‘thought’ he meant – he didn’t mean at all…. Barry’s statements, [Hope and Change for one ] for the most part has gone/went unchallenged, because of American’s hatred for Bush. Many Americans [useful idiots apply here] just ‘went along’…However, ‘when’ barry is actually challenged, he answers with another open ended reply….

Like this: [Barry actually said this] Barry: “I certainly can pay “a little more” …. Now, wtf is “a little more” and how does this spell out “his fair share” ????? GET MY POINT?

The man is insufferable…and untrustworthy…

I’ve come to the conclusion that since nobody on the left really seems to be able define what my “fair share” is, my “share” that is gov’t redistribution to others will be an ever increasing amount until I reach that point where it is no longer financially beneficial for me to work.

@Bobachek: You got it! That is why we have lost so many people from the unemployment rolls. They got tired of trying to get a job in the Obama green economy. Many retired. Many are trying to claim disability so they get some money. Others are occupying someplace.

Mark Zuckerberg has found a way to live without having to pay a penny in taxes…..he is even going to qualify for all sorts of government aid!
He lowered his income to $1/year.
He will take no bonus, no additional stock awards, he will stop using Facebook’s planes and financial services for himself.
The income he has already received and been paid will go a long way.
His past income will probably not be enough to see him through all of his expenses for his entire life, however.
But, by the time that really becomes an issue, Obama will be gone.

The author of this article obscures the meaning of the term ‘fair’, intellectually. We all have a similar idea of ‘fairness’—with the exception of criminals and sociopaths. Barring the gross ambiguities in definition, i.e., fairness being relevant to skin tone, etc., here is the definition of ‘fair’ being considered here:

6 a : marked by impartiality and honesty : free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism b (1) : conforming with the established rules : allowed (2) : consonant with merit or importance : due

This definition would be applicable, and understood by all, regardless of whether in a discussion of statistics, a scientific sample, or morality. The only difference we have is dependent on what people believe in respect to how it (fairness) should be applied externally.

For example, liberals think it’s fair to allow the sick and disabled to avail themselves of treatment necessary to counter the infirmity—rather than first aid (like occurs in an emergency room); conservatives do not. Liberals think everyone should have enough to eat; conservatives do not. (The main reason that conservatives give more to charities—in my opinion— is because of social, political, and taxation purposes—in addition to an attempt to buy their way into heaven.)

So, if we stick to the primary principles in the above definition of ‘fair’—impartiality, honesty, free from self-interest or prejudice or favoritism, and conforming with the established rules—then. without too much intellectualism, we would find much more to agree upon than disagreement.

Re: comment # 10, Liberal1 (objectivity), I think, based on the content of your comment, that you miss the point of my article: that Obama’s definition of “fair” changes with the situation and means what he wants it to mean as he speaks. You offer a definition of “fair.” That definition would be well and good if Obama would consistently use it, and so we could plan accordingly. It’s difficult to play a game that has its rules constantly changing.

BTW, we conservatives believe everyone who cannot work deserves to get enough to eat. But those who will not work deserve no help. And having to stay home to care for babies is not a “cannot work” reason as a person old enough to have a baby is/can be aware of the consequences. So, when it is all boiled down, conservatives see people reaping the consequences of their actions, while liberals do not.

Is this too objective for you?

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

For example, liberals think it’s fair to allow the sick and disabled to avail themselves of treatment necessary to counter the infirmity—rather than first aid (like occurs in an emergency room); conservatives do not. Liberals think everyone should have enough to eat; conservatives do not. (The main reason that conservatives give more to charities—in my opinion— is because of social, political, and taxation purposes—in addition to an attempt to buy their way into heaven.)

This is without a doubt the most ignorant thing I have ever read on the Internetz. Conservatives give more to charities because we believe local people solve local problems, not the almighty federal government liberals believe in. Catholic hospitals provide charity health services for the poor because their faith tells them it is right to help the poor, not a way to heaven. If you know the Bible, you know you can’t buy your way in, and trust me, the Catholics that run those hospitals know. Here’s a little something from Ephesians to help you out:

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith —and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.

Aqua, he’s repeatly shown himself to be a highly idiotic fail troll who reaches to make some sort of intellectual snippet but gets only the short strawl every time. His latest rambling here shows he’s never opened, read, or looked at any religous texts.

@Mr. Irons:
I know, sometimes he/she/it says something so stupid I can’t help myself from responding. I’m all for open debate, but a drive-by post bomb is not a debate. IMHO, that makes Libtard1(Senility) a troll and he/she/it should not be allowed the privilege of posting.


Great point.
Fair only means what Obama wants you to think it means, that’s why he is so hazy about it.
Remember the big issue with ObamaCare waivers?
We STILL don’t know why so many were turned down for them….or the identities of those who were turned down.
HHS has also violated the Freedom of Information Act by refusing to release the information to a variety of legal foundations.
But we DO know Obama’s cronies in the unions got the vast majority of them!

Just a few of the Taft-Hartley union plans:
Plumbers and Steamfitters Local Union No. 43 Health and Welfare Fund Goodlettsville TN
Day Care Council Local 205 DC 1707 Welfare Fund New York NY
Roofers’ Local 195 Health and Accident Plan Cicero NY
Arkansas Pipe Trades Heath and Welfare Fund Oklahoma City OK
Chicago Laborers’ Welfare Fund Chicago IL
Insulators Local 112 Heath and Welfare Trust Fund Lake Charles LA
Southeastern SEIU Health and Welfare Fund Jonesboro GA
Western Teamsters Welfare Trust Seattle WA
Teamsters and Employers Welfare Trust of Illinois Springfield IL
International Brotherhood Electrical Workers Local 139 Welfare Fund Elmira NY

Cronies who have already applied for waivers can still get them until Sept 2011…..just before the election.
So, union members, send in your donations!

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

You are, as usual, a totally arrogant ass.

I made roughly 61% of what the Obamas made per their tax report. I am paying MORE in taxes than what they paid, in both total dollars and percentage of income. That is not “fair”. Liberals are not interested in what is fair. Liberals are interested in making themselves (as you so aptly demonstrated in your bloviation) feel smug about how much they pretend to care about the poor…by making everyone else be forced to cough up money for a bureaucrat to buy the votes of the uneducated. Liberals do this to accumulate political power by pretending to be for the poor, while they are in fact enslaving those too ignorant to understand history.

If liberals truly cared about poor people they would give up all their own money to take care of the poor rather than steal from everyone else to get the poor addicted to government crack-welfare. For you to say that “conservatives only give to charity for the tax deduction” is classic transference. Remember the Clintons taking tax deductions for USED UNDERWEAR they donated to charity?

Yeah – liberalism is truly a mental disease. It is unfortunate that liberals are able to make everyone else miserable with their insanity.

And for the record, I don’t deduct what I tithe to my Church, nor the clothing and furniture items I donate to Goodwill and the Salvation Army. So choke on your sanctimony, pal.

Liberalism is treason. Liberalism is evil, anti-American, greedy, immoral and inhumane.