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Newt’s Ex-Wife to Drop “Bombshell”….MSM Newsroom in a “Civil War” Over When To Air Interview

The media’s long knives are out once again, and apparently it’s causing a war inside the network:

According to a breaking headline on Drudge Report, Marianne Gingrich — ex-wife of GOP candidate Newt Gingrich — dropped what sources claim is a game-changing bombshell about the former House Speaker — one that could “end” her ex-husband’s career. The interview, conducted last week by Brian Ross, is now causing major waves at the network, according to sources.

According to these sources, a “civil war” has since exploded at ABC on exactly when the confession will air.

The war behind the scenes? Some in the newsroom think it would be unethical to run this story before the SC primary.

I don’t believe it for a minute. This was leaked for a reason and that reason is to ensure the most liberal Republican gets the nomination….and then they go after him.

The MSM is fully behind Obama, fully behind the Democrat party. We all know what would happen if some kind of scandalous information came out about Obama. There wouldn’t be a “civil war” in the newsroom….it would just go away.

Civil war my ass.

A knowledgeable ABC source tells me it seems likely that the Marianne interview will run tomorrow.

Must of been a short civil war…


As for the “bombshell” itself, Allah has some guesses on what it might be. If he’s right then it’s nothing we haven’t all heard about Newt already.


Letter from Newt’s daughters to ABC

The failure of a marriage is a terrible and emotional experience for everyone involved. Anyone who has had that experience understands it is a personal tragedy filled with regrets, and sometimes differing memories of events.


Like I said, “civil war” my ass. Now they are going to try and directly affect the debate:

ABC spokesman confirms: Marianne Gingrich interview WILL air Thur on “Nightline.” Excerpts to be released earlier, i.e. before CNN debate.

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