President Obama on 60 Minutes- Will he be a one-term president?

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Democratic presidential candidate and Senator Barack Obama looks through a kaleidoscope at a gift shop in Rapid City, South Dakota May 31, 2008. reuters Rick Wilking

I only caught the tail end of this when I got home and have not watched the entire interview, yet.

Since there haven’t been any new posts since this morning, I thought I’d put this up:





Kroft: You declared your candidacy. And you said, “The reason we’ve not met our challenges is a failure of leadership, the smallness of our politics, the ease with which we’re distracted by the petty and the trivial, our chronic avoidance of tough decisions, our presence for scoring cheap political points instead of rolling up our sleeves and building a working consensus to take on big problems.” I mean those were eloquent words and true words. Unfortunately, they’re still largely true today. Did you overpromise? Did you underestimate how difficult this was gonna be?

Obama: I didn’t overpromise. And I didn’t underestimate how tough this was gonna be. I always believed that this was a long term project. That reversing a culture here in Washington, dominated by special interests, it was gonna take more than a year. It was gonna take more than two years. It was gonna take more than one term. Probably takes more than one president.

Flashback to 2009:

“If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”– President Obama

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This is excellent. Thanks for posting this, Word.

Obama sounded like a lawyer on 60 minutes.

He hemmed, he hawed.
Parsed every word.

Big loss for Obama:
KAGAN RECUSES ….. on the Court’s decision to take the Arizona immigration case.

On 60 Minutes:

OBAMA: ……some of the most damaging behavior on Wall Street, in some cases, some of the least ethical behavior on Wall Street, wasn’t illegal…..

KROFT: “Crickets.”

(Wouldn’t you ask him when such behaviors became legal and who was responsible for the legislation?)

Newsbusters points out why Kroft was so quiet:

The two pieces of legislation that made “some of the most damaging behavior on Wall Street” legal were the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 – which removed the last vestiges of the Depression era Glass Steagall Act thereby completely deregulating banks, insurance companies, and securities firms – and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 – which completely deregulated financial derivatives at the heart of the crisis – were overwhelmingly supported by Democrats and signed into law by Clinton.

In October 2008, Kroft did a rather extensive piece on 60 Minutes dealing specifically with the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000.

Kroft and 60 Minutes even withheld some politically sensitive details:

Despite accurately calling credit default swaps “The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street,” CBS didn’t properly inform viewers that George W. Bush had absolutely nothing to do with the Clinton-signed legislation that deregulated them, and that frequent campaign statements by Barack Obama and Joe Biden blaming the current financial crisis on Bush economic policies are therefore completely false.

Read more:

@Nan G:

I agree with those that say she is doing that so she can justify NOT excusing herself on the mandate

Adminstration throwing a bone by having Kagan recuse on immigration question. They know they are losing that one anyway.

When it comes to Obamacare, she will chain herself to the docket.

Oh, and if you want to think a scary thought, contemplate this:

A President Obama with a four year term and not worried about being re-elected.

Obama today:

“We have asked for it [our drone] back. We’ll see how the Iranians respond.”

Iran’s Gen. Hossein Salami, deputy head of the Guard:

“No one returns the symbol of aggression to the party that sought secret and vital intelligence related to the national security of a country.”

Obama reportedly rejected three proposals to get the drone back or destroy it.

Is Obama a pansy or is he on the side of the Iranians?
(He also, in the same link as on top, warned the Iranians (not by name) not to mess in Iraq’s affairs after we leave. I have to ask…..or else, what?)

“We have asked for it [our drone] back. We’ll see how the Iranians respond.”


The coddling of all things Shia continues.

The GOP has done nothing but work to block legislation to prevent any success by Obama at the expense of average Americans. You know this. But you spread lies anyway.

He will win bigger in 2012.

@liberalmann: Specifics, Beta-mann, we need specifics.

Money be “talkin” and bullship be “walkin”! We all know Obama will be re-elected. Why even engage in such fantastic thinking????

@liberalchild: Ah our resident troll, he who has contempt even for a child that loses his father and never gets to know the man. Anyone interested can read his crass comment here.

And then you can read my question about his comment, the one he ran from, here.

So now you have turned from picking on an infant to assailing the GOP as the party of no.

Odd then, that Harry Reid has tabled so many pieces of legislation since the mid-term elections in 2010.

Have anything to say about that, liberlchild?

@Ivan: The words “thinking” and “Ivan” don’t belong in the same sentence together.

The words “thinking” and “Ivan” don’t belong in the same sentence together.

Typical response from one of the “house” posters. Attack the person, not the message. Mata and Aye must be proud of you.

@Ivan: You said:

Typical response from one of the “house” posters. Attack the person, not the message. Mata and Aye must be proud of you.

This from the person who had the balls to actually type this bit of political rap –

Money be “talkin” and bullship be “walkin”! We all know Obama will be re-elected. Why even engage in such fantastic thinking????

That’s funny, Gaffa. The same thing was said about Reagan in all the polls leading up to the ’80 and ’84 elections He could never win.. not once but twice. In fact, they didn’t think he could get nomination in ’80 either, after losing it in the mid 70s.

As history shows, polls and punditry opines be damned… Reagan won by historic landslides both times.