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Crying Wolf Movie [Reader Post]

A few years back I wrote an article about the failures of the Endangered Species Act, but I only touched on the political implications of the Yellowstone wolf recovery program.

JD King, an aspiring filmmaker, has produced a documentary about the wolf reintroduction that was eye opening, sad, and scary all at the same time. I urge you to take an hour of time out of your busy life and watch this educational film about the effects that the wolf reintroduction is having on real people in the wolf recovery zone. JD also delves into the real agenda behind the program, and backs up his bold claim that “it was never about the wolves.”

The following link will take you directly to the movie on JD’s website, where you can watch it for free for a limited time, but don’t stop there. Browse JD’s website and learn more about him, his movie, and the people who were part of it. This is an extremely important essay, and I highly recommend it. In fact, while you’re there, buy a DVD copy of his movie or make a donation. He worked hard on this film, and donations will go toward making sure as many people see it as possible.

Crying Wolf

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