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The uniter in chief has set race relations in the US back 60+ years. His racist upbringing and as an adult attending of the Rev Wright’s church has shown his followers it is ok to be hate white people. This has empowered the blacks who have been racist to come out from under their sheets.

With the flash mobs, the Black Panther voting scandal and most of all the closed lips of our racist in chief as to the open racism being shown by his party and the Media, one cannot be surprised that the CBC would openly state what they are. It is now the accepted norm under this President that claas warfare and racial hate is the way to go.!

If these actions were reversed, there would be cries of hate across the headlines of every paper in the country. There is a major problem in this country and the Democrats/Socialists are doing their damnedest to make sure they keep the coals of racism burning. I talked to several Obama voters after the election and asked why they voted for Obama, there were two basic answers: he is Black and it will make “those people” (direct quote) happy and content. Te term “those people” in my mind’s eye was an abject term of racism, but i kept my mouth closed. We are Americans; at least the ones who are here legally are Americans.

Being complacent and capitulating to the Black political movement because they were proud of their mystery man who can read a dual teleprompter was a mistake. We have elected an incompetent who awards his supporters and penalizes Americans who don’t ride on his gravy train of corruption. It’s been a successful recipe in the past, in banana republics and so called Socialist countries with a thug in charge. Te kleptocracy has a short lease on life here in America; yet Blacks are issuing threatening statements if their incompetent and inept president isn’t re-elected. Yes, those who voted for the Black because he was Black did no one any favors; in fact, they have set racial relations back 60 years in a nearly complete peripeteia of hatred. They have given a pulpit and an audience to the biggest purveyors of racial hatred in the country. With the current racial hate mongers in key positions of government and influence, the verism of racial hatred and strife is something we had better deal with rather than pretending it doesn’t exist, no matter how ugly or disagreeable it appears.

Ahhhhh… The CBC – the poster children for term limits!

I don’t think those elected being that much racist should be reelected
they surely don’t represent their constituency, except only for a few, and the shame is now on them,
because of what they came up with,
they have shame the black people who want to see more respect in those in government if they want to earn respect themselves

Let me get this right… The CBC is going to blame a very loose collection of localized TEA party members who leaderships at the more major groups who aren’t white for the problems the President’s choices and leadership has caused while ignoring the actions of the President?

This is very childish… It reminds me of my 3 year old cousin who tried to blame the dog for eating all the M&M’s that she was told not to eat…

This is just what I would expect of hypocrites.

John, they aren’t hypocrites. They are racist hypocrites.

Racism is ugly, no matter its form.

Will history hold Obi responsible for his complete failure to advance the effort at eliminating racism in America? Probably not. He had so many opportunities as the nations first black president, and blew them. Only so he could garner a few more votes. And then you have the complete opposite, someone like West. But unfortunately I can hear it now after Obi is defeated and sent to live with Carter. “It was the racists whites and all those other racist people who had him kicked out.” I wish West would have run. But then it would have been “hes an uncle Tom!” put there by the racist white man as his puppet to keep us all in chains. And so it continues.

These CBC’s constituents need to send them links to all of those EBT videos up right now.
One of my favorites:

Our Kenyan-in-Chief called for “more civilized discourse”, yet his lackeys spew this racist hatred, (as socialists are wont to do), and there is not a peep out of him to try and make these morons back off on their verbal vomit- so he is, in effect, a LARGE part of the problem.
You know, I have not seen him lead on any issue or problem that has come up yet- with him, it’s all about CYA.

Liberals are both racists and hypocrite

Their liberal progressive idiocy is a proven FAILURE

Useful idiots like the liberal fools within the CBC will only solidify 0bama’s defeat in 2012

…good blog by the way