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America’s Post Turtle Makes A Mockery Of Himself

A Post Turtle In Action

America’s premier “Post Turtle” puts himself up for ridicule once again.

Biden seems to enjoy his role as court jester. No one doubts that his ham fisted material is original and spontaneous; surely no one would pay for that kind of material. He is fortunate, the public doesn’t remember or gives a damn about vice presidents: but since everything Obama says is archived and carefully scripted, his loyal supporters must be wondering if there is a conspiracy to expose him as an incompetent boob. The best comedy writers in the world couldn’t write this material in a such a way to seem like a serious speech, yet making him look like a pandering fool who undermines his own competency. This is becoming one of the most outrageous comedies and epic tragedies ever written; however, the sublime irony and comedic relief becomes apparent when the protagonist is too dense to realize his trusted advisors and speech writers are the ones making a humorous caricature of his presidency.

Yes Mr. President, we get the message. You don’t really have a clue, but if we pass an emergency blank bill, a bill that could barely wait until you were done vacationing at Martha’s Vineyard, your nincompoops you surround yourself with will write another bill that pays billions to your loyal supporters and guarantees that after you receive the Bum’s Rush out the back door of the White House and they take away your big jets, you will be able to ride the perpetual gravy train forever with your crony friends paying your fare. Yes, we get the picture of why you consider it is so important to pass the bill that will insure the prosperity of you and your friends until the end of time, but seriously Mr. President, there are many of us out here in the heartland who are hurting and the thought of enriching you and your cronies with another Stimulus Bill that enslaves our children’s grandchildren with insurmountable debt is not all that appealing. Like the last Stimulus Bill, the only job that this bill takes care of is your job.

A Texas Rancher explains the “Post Turtle” Phenomenon.

When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a ‘post turtle.

You know he didn’t get up there by himself, he doesn’t belong up there, he doesn’t know what to do while he is up there, and you just wonder what kind of a dumb ass put him up there!

To spare us the initial calls by the Left of outrageous indignation, I will supply your first response.

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