It took 3 years but that tingle has finally started to fade and some lefties are finally starting to realize what a failure this President is, and what an albatross he will be for their party:
He has been in and out of the high 30s for his approval, and in the low to mid-50s for his disapproval.
George W. Bush’s approval rating didn’t drop this low until Katrina hit.
Katrina hit in 2005, well into President Bush’s second term. It took Obama 33 months to get to that point.
Salon’s Matt Stoller suggests the Democrats should at least start to think about someone challenging Obama:
…on the economy, 71 percent of Americans disapprove of how Obama is doing his job. Even among reliably Democratic groups — union households, women and young people — he’s now unpopular.
No one, not even the president’s defenders, expect his coming jobs speech to mean anything. When the president spoke during a recent market swoon, the market dropped another 100 points. Democrats may soon have to confront an uncomfortable truth, and ask whether Obama is a suitable choice at the top of the ticket in 2012. They may then have to ask themselves if there’s any way they can push him off the top of the ticket.
That these questions have not yet been asked in any serious way shows how weak the Democratic Party is as a political organization. Yet this political weakness is not inevitable, it can be changed through courage and collective action by a few party insiders smart and principled enough to understand the value of a public debate, and by activists who are courageous enough to face the real legacy of the Obama years.
That would be a smart move….a very smart move, but it will never happen. Then those Democrat party “insiders” and “activists” will be labeled, as Republicans have for most of the Obama years, racists for daring to push out the first black President.
It won’t happen.
Obama has ruined the Democratic Party. The 2010 wipeout was an electoral catastrophe so bad you’d have to go back to 1894 to find comparable losses. From 2008 to 2010, according to Gallup, the fastest growing demographic party label was former Democrat. Obama took over the party in 2008 with 36 percent of Americans considering themselves Democrats. Within just two years, that number had dropped to 31 percent, which tied a 22-year low.
As a typical Democrat will do Mr. Stoller blames this all on the fact that Obama wasn’t liberal enough. He didn’t note that the majority of Americans consider themselves Conservatives of course, but eh…what else can a liberal do other than to wax philosophically about how great it would have been if only the liberal dream of rainbows and unicorns would have been faithfully executed.
Mr. Stoller then details how a primary challenge could actually happen:
If a few of the key constituency groups in the Democratic Party publicly wondered whether Obama should run for reelection, rumblings would start. Some organized constituency groups — say some components of the AFL-CIO — would need to announce that their support is up for grabs, based on a clear set of criteria. Given the Obama administration’s rampant anti-labor policies, this wouldn’t be an unreasonable posture. And then a senior politician, like, say, a Tom Harkin, would need to decide that he would want to encourage robust intra-party debate about the party’s future.
Harkin could run as a “favorite son” of Iowa, and encourage people in the caucuses to send a message to the party and to Obama by choosing him. Other candidates could then emerge in early primary and caucus states, as a way of repudiating Obama’s leadership. Candidates wouldn’t have to pretend to be running for president or be presidential quality; they could simply stand in as favorite sons or daughters of their own geographic area. This would immediately fire up a highly aggressive and needed debate about the direction of the Democratic Party and the country at large. It would build a new set of leaders, and elevate others who would like to distance themselves from the Obama policy agenda.
What a racist this Matt Stoller is to suggest such a thing….how dare he…..heh
Either way, it won’t happen. The Democrats pushed Obama as The One, the game changer, the greatest thing since sliced bread…they were blinded by the fact that this man was black, instead of looking at the fact that this man had done NOTHING to suggest he was capable of leading this country.
And now they have to deal with the failure he has become.
Unfortunately, so do we.
But not for much longer.
See author page
How bad is it when Salon becomes racist like the rest of us, realizing what a disaster this presidency is? What are many other now-racist high-up Liberals now thinking?
Matt Stoller is one of those stand alone type Dems.
He was a senior policy advisor to former Congressman Alan Grayson (D – Crazy man -Florida).
His claim to fame with Grayson was working on passing a bill to audit of the Federal Reserve for the first time ever.
Before that he led a movement to draft retired American general Wesley Clark as the Democratic nominee for President of the United States in 2004.
Stoller is also close to Ron Paul.
So, he dances to the beat of a different drum.
To quote (or at least paraphrase) Newsweek, “Now we are all racists”
And what can we do to help?
Of course democrats disapprove of the results Obama has been getting on the economic front. That doesn’t mean they disapprove of Barack Obama. Nor does it translate into a vote for a Rick Perry, who most democrats would walk a mile in a rainstorm to vote against.
@Greg: Greg, Republicans are well aware of those drunk with the 0-bama kool aid and realize that as our country is destroyed by this loser there will be those that refuse to accept reality. None the less the reality is that America including independents that where fooled by the MSM and 0-bama false promises are much more aware now that your boy has to go as soon as possible. Don’t worry there are other Socialist countries you can go to for such failures. See Europe my friend.
Is this what so many Americans, our Country, our Economy, this Nation has ‘lost so, so very much over’ an effing (Liberal/Democrat /Far Left/Progressive) OBAMA “EXPERIMENT”??? As the Title of, and this Post suggests?
I am not sure if I should be angry that I was part of a [Liberal/Progressive Experiment] of which really didn’t have much choice in…Or, really, really happy that the [Liberal/Progressive “Experiment”] was such a Dismal Failure… [As the title/and post suggests]…
I believe this is the writing of one of our Liberal friends here…
“The best hope is that competing republican extremist factions will rip each other to shreds before they get a chance to rip apart the [ social fabric of the nation. ] Maybe then sane, centrist republicans can have something to say without being attacked by their own party.”
Is there a [social fabric of the nation.] today ?? I’m still trying to figure this one out…. If there is, I am curious as to what it is and what it looks like?
@Greg: Sounds like you Obumabuddies are going to have a heap-big problem. Bet Hillary runs against him in a Demo primary. She will jamb his ‘Race Card’ up his nose …remember, She is married to the first ‘black’ President. LMAO !!!
First absolutely correct post by Mr. Greg.
Fortunately, we don’t those votes, independents need to swing back.
Actually the failure of Obama wasn’t just his own lack of experience, it was also his handlers Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Obama is merely a puppet of the DNC, a figurehead if you will, small wonder then that when the teleprompter doesn’t work Obama has little constructive to say. Once you realize Obama is a puppet, then you understand the whole leading from behind thing is essential to his decision process. Ironic that thee most powerful position in the world is occupied by a high school prom king whose idea of governance is making speeches and proclamations then magically thinking everything will unfold as spoken.
I suggest the GOP engage the dirty tricks squad to sabotage the teleprompter on a sporatic basis just to make the DNC feel really shakey about the idea of giving Obama too much of a leash. There is nothing like killing the magic when the strings are cut and the puppet who thinks he is real falls flat on his face.
The “mainstream” ruling class media will pull out all the stops, drop any pretense of objectivty, and fully throw themselves into Obama’s reelection campaign. No bar will be too low for them to cross. Blatant hypocrasy and propagandizing will become so pervasive, we will become numb to it. “Journalism”, if not already dead, will be violently murdered. This is certain to happen, if for only one reason. That is the only thing that could possibly save him now. Progressivism will go down fighting to its last breath.
You wish! Obama will be soundly re-elected becasue the lies from the right are so obvious.
I’m betting you won’t be around here when he loses. Take your clozapine like the good doctor tells you to and have a nice day.
@liberalmann: And when he looses, and for the sack of America, I hope he will who will you blame then? Likely Bush or the Americans who voted his butt out!!
Well, put the GOP in and they can finish the job in destroying the economy and the middle class while they turn this country into an Oligarchy.
Did your mommy and daddy tell you that about doe mean ol’ Republicans? Do they know you’re trying to play with the adults on their computer?
I would also add, project much? It was primarily the dems that ruined the economy, have been destroying the middle class, and trying to impose their environmental religion (like AGW) on America.
Patriots and friends of the middle class you are not.
We don’t have to worry about Obama running for another term. Several states are making it mandatory that a candidate prove they are legally eligible to be president, and Obama can’t even prove he is a US citizen.
If anyone owns stock, and wants to make a lot of money, sell all your stock before an Obama speech, then buy it back after his speech at a greatly reduced price.
I said this jokingly, then I thought about it and sent an email to my financial planner and asked him about it. Stock seems to go down after Obama speeks. It seems like a sure way to make money in the stock market. Even if stocks go up after one speech, they will come down after the next.
He has had a lot of help within his party.
@liberalmann: Remove your head from your pooper and look around for yourself instead of just listening to what the DNC tells you. Surely even you cannot be that stupid!
@liberalmann: One thing for certain they will do a lot better than 0-bama and his libeal socialist ideals that have ruinged our country. Get a life and smell the coffee and not the Kool Aid dude!!
I have a friend that really likes our current Pres… BO. He has a couple of stocks that he sells short at the start of every BO speech, and covers the sale just as the common taters (as LBJ called them) start to talk. Sofar he has been making about 2% every time BO opens his mouth.
He doesn’t invest a lot compared to his entire portfolio, but a normal BO speech returns him about $2K US before taxes.
Such is the joys of living in an open society! 🙂
@servant74: @servant74: #34
I suggested this to my financial planner some time ago. Sell before mouth opens. Buy after mouth closes. Guarranteed increase in portfolio.