Enjoyed the videos very much. Sent the link to all our friends. The video showing how Cain handled the young liberal is classic Cain! You know hes not a “professional politican” but a real person who is more concerned with the truth, then political correctness.
13 years ago
Herman Cain is the man for America. NO MORE phony politicians. Haven’t we learned by NOW that we can’t afford anymore phony politicians who tickle our ears with lies? This is our MAN. Herman Cain is not a liar. He tells it like it IS and that is the only thing that will save our country.
Enjoyed the videos very much. Sent the link to all our friends. The video showing how Cain handled the young liberal is classic Cain! You know hes not a “professional politican” but a real person who is more concerned with the truth, then political correctness.
Herman Cain is the man for America. NO MORE phony politicians. Haven’t we learned by NOW that we can’t afford anymore phony politicians who tickle our ears with lies? This is our MAN. Herman Cain is not a liar. He tells it like it IS and that is the only thing that will save our country.