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“The Revolution Ate Its Children” Maximilien Francois Robespierre

The Storming Of The Bastille

“Any institution which does not suppose the people good, and the magistrate corruptible, is evil”
Maximilien Francois Robespierre

Since the French Revolution, the idea of Left and Right political persuasions have been key designations for political debate. Of course the French Revolution ended like most revolutions in a virtual bloodbath. Throughout history, most revolutions become the spoiled children of greedy desperate men or laced up in a ligature of half baked Marxist ideology.

We Americans had a revolution that was different; we had an intellectual vigor among a group of men, known as the Founding Fathers, that has never seen a comparison. In spirited debated and behind closed doors, they hammered out the principles that have guided our country, in an unequaled spirit of Liberty, for over two hundred years.

Without malice or greed, the Founding Fathers realized that what was to be determined by the French Revolution as Left or Right sides of the aisle gains a monopoly of control in the governing philosophy, tyranny and failure will follow. Even though the debate of ideas varies from tedious to mean spirited debate, it is imperative that this bloodless war be waged to avoid a tyranny of philosophy and the subsequent stagnation of ideas that leads to an ultimate failure

The most Liberal Democrats scored a monopoly in 2008 and exercised their advantage with strong armed tactics that they expect us to forget about now. These tactics frightened Americans of all levels of political thought, at least those not blinded with ideological fervor, for once a political philosophy becomes completely dominant, government loses its hybrid vigor, becomes stagnant and dies the death of ideological blindness.

Reveling in the arrogance of his victory and the inexperience of a Leftist Ideologue from academia with no real world experience, Obama chose to monopolize the government with his policies and ideas, while ignoring the opposition. The government and Washington became known as the Obamanation as we were bombarded with and absorbed Leftist principles and policy like never before in our history. Government quickly became the solution and epitome of the benevolent dictator. More and more aspects of our lives were to be controlled by the Obamanation; yet, we couldn’t advance fast enough to keep up with the Obama Doctrine.

Many astute business men, the ones who don’t hang off a hind teat of sow hog of government subsidies in a perpetual state of entitlement of the parasitically perverse, but the true entrepreneurs, the ones who actually stoke the engines of our economy and industry, realized that if the country had not been in a recession and instead was enjoying a boom economy, we would have stumbled even deeper into the quagmire of of Marxism. For Marxism can only thrive until the monetary reserves are depleted. Since the only roadblock that would halt the runaway train of Obama’s Socialism is that the country could no longer afford the profligate spending, borrowing, military adventurism, and entitlement programs of the Obama Doctrine.

Thus the ailing economy kept us from plunging ever deeper into the depths of Marxism; otherwise, there was no chance to correct the ship of state. Thus we sit with the true captains of industry waiting and our economy languishes, until the ship of state has a new hand on the tiller. Just as it is foreign and bizarre for the Marxist ideologue to visualize an entrepreneur investing in a project strictly under the premise of making a profit: it is also difficult for that same entrepreneur to visualize investing in an enterprise that is being controlled by an ever increasing Marxist bureaucracy.

Like the great Marxist experiments of the past, Obama naively assumed that the state directed media bureaus could declare economic recovery and economic growth and that would be enough to jump start the economy and the seeds of prosperity would germinate and Americans would once again have a vibrant economy. Unfortunately, despite the lies of projections of recovery, the country and households of America have suffered immeasurably and are continuing to suffer.

To deflect the blame for America’s ongoing failure of the economy, Obmama has continued to blame Bush, until blaming Bush has become a non-humorous generic punch line in America; especially, when you consider that Obama has had the uninterrupted implementation of Obama plans, at least until the federal election of 2010 and Americans registered their dissatisfaction.

Obama was confident to the point of arrogance and his refusal to admit his Marxist policies weren’t working, served to further anger the public when he continued on with his ideological conquest of America. He conducted the country’s business with the faith of the blind ideologue, effectively angering an ever increasingly larger percentage of the population, to the point that they became suspicious of his intent and wondering if he really wanted to destroy the economy rather than rebuild the economy.

Thus he was lost from the beginning: he completely ignored the feelings of half the population, to the newly elected Obama with his self-perceived landslide mandate of 6%, the defeated Republicans were to be treated as a conquered people to be swept before the mighty broom of Marxism. Thus as time passed and the only ones who were thriving were subsidy enriched companies like Goldman Sachs, GE, and the goons of public service unions like the SEIU, more and more Americans became disenchanted and Obama’s approval ratings began a steady death spiral. Conservatives gained the Congress in 2010 and Obama has tried to trivialize their part in the governance of America; however, just as the election of 2010 put the metaphorical binders on Obama’s runaway Marxism, the election of 2012 is looming to destroy any and all vestiges of the Obama Debacle. Thus in the end, Obama’s Brave New Experiment will have been nothing but a period of hardship and a redistribution of the wealth of America to foreign countries who were more than willing to feast like carrion eating birds on America’s fortune.

The Obama Experiment in Marxism was doomed to failure and Americans were doomed to suffering for their disregard of American traditions and our Constitution. Hopefully, it will be at least another two hundred years before Americans embark on another epic disaster like Obama’s Marxism.

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