Looks like the “unbiased” comedian Jon Stewart is a bit pissed with Steven Crowder. It seems Crowder received an email from a senior producer of Stewarts show in which he/she admitted “they never book conservative pundits.” Crowder released the email, Stewart got pissed, and after receiving a call from Stewarts office Crowder’s agent dropped him.
The life of being conservative in Hollywood:
The email: (click the picture to enlarge)
Not surprising. Anyone with half a brain knows Stewart is a liberal but Crowder makes some valid points.
Stewart attempts to portray himself as unbiased.
He complains endlessly that Fox is biased.
And then shuts out conservative pundits on his show.
It’s his show, he is a comedian, and he can run it how he see’s fit. Just don’t try to come off as some kind of unbiased moderate.
See author page
Who ever thought Stewart was “unbiased”? He can say it if he wants, but no one really believes he is such.
Stewart is unbiased?
In other news, Barack Obama is the most transparent President ever…
Stewart is a fake pos, like most Obammunist hacks
Who does he think he’s fooling, please
Stewart is worth something like $100 million not because of liberals, but because of conservativism. He keeps his money, he does not spread it around.
Another liberal hypocrite a**hole.
But I repeat myself.
Stewart is moderate when he wears his clown nose and a liberal when he doesn’t.
The only problem is deciding when he has the clown nose on and when it’s off.
I can never tell.
Jon Stewart isn’t worth one second of my time. I only see him when his obnoxious comments are aired on Fox News. His sarcastic crap is right up there with those JACK A$$es Ed Sholtz, Rachel Maddow, Keith Oberman and Larry who ever the hell he is. If I could reach through the TV and choke those bastards, I would.
You hit the nail right on the head rebrooks1. Plus I see nothing funny about Stewart and Colbert there sence of humor is so out there who would even watch them………..
Jon Stewart used to be funny, way back in his early days. Back then, his show was more about the generally absurd and not nearly as political as now.
The problem is some people believe he is the news.
My brother in law loves Jon Stewart. And he will talk about how Jon Stewart says this and that. Then when I come back to him with actual news site information, he backtracks a little. Add in the fact that he believes that Jon Stewart is a middle of the road person… and you have blindly uninformed people who believe they are informed. Makes for quite the conundrum for the educated people.
Right… that’s a problem with much of the left. I’ve lost track of how many street interviews I’ve heard where some doofoid thinks Sarah Palin said “she could see Russia from my house”… they must think SNL is the news also.
It is obvious the whole of the Hollywood crowd is nothing more than one big pond of human waste it just stinks a little more depending it you are up wind or down wind! I am more concerned with another aspect of the character presented! Many people believe they can trust the Republican party when so many of them are no different than Mr. Stewart! Thought about that any?
Stewart outed himself a while back as a flaming moonbat, but backtracked when he caught flack for it. Now he still shows it, but not as overtly as ranting about Bush like before.
He is a monster hypocrite and phony.
So I’m guessing that there is NO chance that Jon Stewart will be covering the two liberal men who pretended to be lesbian bloggers, right?
2nd lesbian blogger revealed as man
I mean, here’s a story ripe with comedic riches.
I bet Red Eye covers it.
Wow. Two fake lesbians for the price of one.
Rebrooks #6 Right on. Gotta watch Hannity and Beck at fair and balanced Fox for the unbiased straight scoop.
@rich wheeler:
Oh yes, they are soooo much like the leftists named in his post.
I hear and see quite a bit of chatter out there in the internet world but I don’t see any action anywhere.
Jon Stewart and his ilk of idiots are the direct cause of all our “frustrations” and writing about all of this means nothing. Nothing.
When will we march on DC?
When will we march on the marxist-sociopaths of the newsies?
Why do we tolerate the vial hatred from the Leftinistra and do NOTHING, except write about them. Is anyone listening? Are they?
If you have half a chance, please visit via the link in my name.
It is way past time, isn’t it?
Jon Stewart is, above all, an entertainer. People watch his show to be entertained and many entertaining conservatives have appeared on his show. The more people who watch, the more ad revenue, etc. etc. The person in that video, who is attempting to pathetically ride a Jon Stewart rejection email to whatever entertainment purgatory resides slightly above his station on the D-list, is not entertaining. This is Business 101: that man offers nothing to Stewart’s commercial interests, but he is apparently too stupid to realize this. I think that about explains it.
@Tom: You said:
I guess you missed the part in the video where Crowder said that Stewart had every right to invite or dis-invite who ever he wanted. All he was pointing out is that Stewart pretends to be a moderate centrist, when in fact, he does exactly what he accuses Fox News of doing – being biased.
What’s the matter Tom, are you too far left to see that?
Crowder’s agent shares a private letter with Crowder, probably so Crowder won’t feel bad about not being offered a guest spot on the Daily Show. Crowder turns around and makes the private letter public, causing Stewart, Stewart’s Senior Producer, and Crowder’s agent embarrassment. And now Crowder’s making that public, too.
Tune in for the next exciting episode of our new reality TV webcast, How Clueless Can One Guy Be?
@Greg: Oh! I understand you Greg! Private is an term that only applies to liberals! Sarah Palins emails are not private because she is not a liberal, yea that is how it works! And, hence Obamination can seal all records for him and his wife by executive order because he is a liberal/ Communist and that is private! So if you are not a liberal the standard of privacy does not apply? Likewise if you are a public servant does not that give the public the right to know who is serving them? Oh! I forgot those things like “having exposure” is only applicable to Conservatives! Another Liberal double standard!
I will have to assume you’ve never seen Stewart’s show if you think he’s pretending to be anything other than a comedian who has a lot of money, lives in New York and has an East Coast sensibility. If you feel like wasting your day, go find me a clip of Jon Stewart stating he’s a “fair and balanced” moderate news-person. Good luck.
Stewart’s subject matter is news and politics, but his primary target is hypocrisy. If you’ve been paying attention, he recently even mocked his own coverage of Anthony Weiner after it was criticized for not being vigorous enough, before spending the majority of his program making up for it. He’s going to go after the targets he deems deserving, from his perspective. Therefore, coming at it from either fringe, you’re going to find fault with him because he isn’t only targeting one side.
As for his beef with Fox News, it isn’t their politics , it’s their posture that they’re “fair and balanced” he takes issue with. And if you’re holding Stewart to the same standard as Fox News, again can I point out he works for Comedy Central.
Last presidential election, I was astonished to learn how many young people actually ”get their news” from Jon Stewart’s Daily Show!
It was a substantial number!
So, the idea that Jon pretends to be moderate while leaning total left is a deception that these young voters swallow whole.
I worry Crowder might appear petty in publicizing this, but it needed to be exposed.
@Tom: You said ” lives in New York and has an East Coast sensibility” I do not know where you are from or if you have been living in a bubble or Isolated your travels to one little area. But New York is anything other than East Coast sensible!!! Your statement is about as comprehensible as saying “Miami is completely typical of life in all of the South!” New York is one of the most prejudiced and biased places on the planet and if anything there is no “Norm” in New York! From Bangor, Maine to Miami, Florida everything is completely different from New York, and Thank God for it!
If you have based your reasoning on the other points you are trying to make forget it! You are not on the map!
The true actions of a person are carried when they are not under pressure!!! Which clearly shows that none of the Liberals had any intention of condemnation of Mr. Weiner’s activities until they could no longer abstain from action and had to save face from open hypocrisy and bias!
@Nan G:
According to the Pew Research Center only 2% of The Daily Show’s regular audience tunes in for “In Depth Reporting”, as opposed to 43% for “Entertainment”. 10% of the audience tunes in for the “Latest Headlines”. No matter how you slice it, it’s a stretch that a “substantial” % of American youth are getting their news from The Daily Show.
Again, can you show me where Stewart pretended to be a moderate news-source? I don’t think it’s Jon Stewart’s fault if someone watches his show on Comedy Central and thinks it’s “news”. Of course, I don’t buy this young people “get their news” from Jon Stewart canard at all, because why would a person who isn’t interested in or knowledgeable about current events and politics watch a show commenting humorously on current events and politics? I imagine anyone who says they watch Jon Stewart for news is probably commenting ruefully on a perceived lack of hard news on cable news networks. Stewart’s audience also scores higher than those of the the three major cable news networks in Education, Income and Knowledge of Politics, Current Events, by the way. Pretty good for a bunch of stoned slackers.
@Nan G: Nan G… Don’t pay it no mind…Just like all liberals “one source their source, self acclaimed authorities!”
@Tom: You said:
Okay, check out this video of Stewart on the O’Reilly show from 2004. At around the 2:20 minute mark, Stewart says, “We’re not…we don’t have an agenda of influence, we… if we have influence, it is peripheral.” – [emphasis mine]
And on this video of Stewart, again on the O’Reilly show, at around the 4:15 minute mark, he says, “…they tell me that they don’t feel represented by the extremities they see on things like Fox News and other things like that. They say the real voice of the people has been muted by the extremists, that the loudest voices are the ones that seem to carry the day. So what I’m hearing is that they want to feel a catharsis, that they’re not alone, that they’re also represented. So that’s why we’re doing it. We’re trying to find that thin sliver of America between pinhead and patriot.“ – [emphasis mine]
So it is plain to see, even to an ideologue such as yourself that Stewart does hold himself up as a moderate centrist and milks that image for all it is worth. Yet when it comes down to it, he continually does what he blames Fox News of doing – being partisan in his message. Seems that Ann Coulter was right, if you want to know what the left is up to, just listen to what they claim the right is doing.
On their news, Fox IS fair and balanced. On their big money shows in prime time, they employ OPINION shows, NOT news shows. Commentators such as Hannity state up front that they are giving their opinions, not just hard news.
You further said:
Again, he is more guilty of being partisan than Fox and I would point out to you that it is not I who is holding Stewart to any standard. His own words do that.
Nice try, Tom. Thanks for playing.
The bottom line is people under the age of 40 today are part of the computer generation! Not all but the glaring majority of this age group at almost totally media dependent. They believe what ever the media says or portrays without thought. They have largely received a socialist education in the public school systems. So they have been prepped and brainwashed well enough that all that is needed is some pied piper like Stewart to come along with his moderate ideas and lure them into the trap of the world of the Liberal-socialistic communistic media! In fact for a generation who as a rule believes what they hear because they are too much into their Play toys, cable, or pet peeves this in turn makes them nothing more than fish bait for people like Mr. Stewart! While if he was a glaring liberal broadcaster they may never tune into his show! So he in essence is more dangerous to the outcome of matters! Needs to be exposed with all the other garbage of the media world!!!
Antics, you completely missed the key point. Stewart doesn’t claim his show to be news. We’re talking about his show, remember, the one on Comedy Central? That’s not a “news program”. It’s a comedy show, and as it’s his show, he is free to program it as he sees fit. I’m sure he does share a sensibility with much of his audience that might lead him to find certain things funny that you don’t care for, or find amusing. Unfortunately for critics of Stewart on the Right, he does in fact go after “both sides” (O’Reilly’s words), which you conveniently ignore. And there’s always those hilarious Right-leaning comedy shows if you don’t care for Stewart. As you amply demonstrate, the Right is rightfully renowned for their comedy styling.
Not sure I’d go that far, but I will grant you they are at least as funny as The Daily Show.
@Tom: Okay talk about clueless. You completely missed the point.
I never said Stewart’s show wasn’t comedy.
You said Stewart doesn’t claim to be moderate:
So when he said, “They say the real voice of the people has been muted by the extremists, that the loudest voices are the ones that seem to carry the day. So what I’m hearing is that they want to feel a catharsis, that they’re not alone, that they’re also represented. So that’s why we’re doing it. We’re trying to find that thin sliver of America between pinhead and patriot.” he wasn’t claiming to be a moderate??
Just because you throw in the term “news-person,” you think that means that Stewart doesn’t claim to be in the middle? I guess that means he is alluding that his comedy only resonates with “that thin sliver of America between pinhead and patriot?” Or isn’t it more plausible to assume he is trying to stake out that sacred “middle ground?”
Take you blinders off, Tom. Put your hatred for Fox News aside and actually WATCH the clips I linked. Quit talking out of your backside and use reasoning.
There was a time when I would have found Stewart funny, but much like my former liberal leanings when I was young, I have matured.
Winston Churchill once said, “If you are 20 and not a liberal, you have no heart- if you are 40 and are not conservative, you have no brains.”
So true- I think that is why I want to beat Stewart like a harp seal- or maybe I am just grumpy.
But I still want to beat him.
Watch the clips? I did. how do you think I knew O’Reilly conceded Stewart goes after both sides.
Did you watch Stewart’s segment on Weiner?
As an aside, how funny are those Stewart/O’Rielly clips? You can tell there’s a lot of mutual respect and appreciation there. It’s an interesting mix, the fake newsman peddling comedy as news, and Jon Stewart.
A final few thoughts, antics: First, I think the main disconnect here is one of definitions. How are we defining what Jon Stewart does on his show? If Stewart does a segment mocking Birtherism, I wager your reaction is, look, he’s being left-wing! But mocking birtherism isn’t left-wing, it’s mainstream. Most Americans find extreme Birtherism to be inherently ridiculous. So I think you’re radically inflating how ‘out there’ Steward is being. He’s appealing to a wide swath of people, albeit one that leans Left. Secondly, while I’m sure Stewart’s brand of humor might offend someone in your zipcode on the ideological spectrum (and you don’t have to watch it!), trying to make it out as some sort of leftist tool of indoctrination is ridiculous nonsense. People watch it because it’s funny. If you don’t find Donald Trump to be inherently (unintentionally) funny, I don’t know what to tell you.
Blake I’m over 60 and find Stewart funny and smart.I also like O’Reilly and agree they seem to have a mutual respect.
Mr. Combover Now he’s FUNNY
@J V Hoffman, #21:
That comment had nothing to do with Crowder’s politics. It had to do with his self-defeating behavior, which would appear to have a wide enough potential damage area to put well-meaning associates at risk.
Liberalism is all about class warfare. The reason Hollywood is all left-wing is because they’re elite. If they let others in, they’ll not be so elite anymore. As long as they keep the ‘secret’ amongst themselves, there’s no worry of losing their status.
It’s not the right that keeps the poor poor, it’s liberals. The right believes in working to make yourself better while libs believe in government assistance to keep you poor. Welfare, food stamps, government assistance……All designed to keep the poor sucking at the teat of the almighty government to keep them reliant. As Ronald Reagan once quoted in a speech, under the name socialism, Americans will reject these things, but under the guise of liberalism, they’ll take it, hook, line and sinker. (not a direct quote, by the way. Heheheh)
Liberalism…….sucks. Lib….sounds like liberty, but does everything it can to rob every ounce of it.
Progressive……sucks. Progress……sounds like it’s moving forward and progressing, while to strives to take you back to ancient civilizations when kings were crowned and the people were mere peasants that served at the whim of the royals.
@Greg: Greggy boy you said “Crowder turns around and makes the private letter public, causing Stewart, Stewart’s Senior Producer, and Crowder’s agent embarrassment.” Just to strengthen my point! Again I say! Private is an term that only applies to liberals! Sarah Palins emails are not private because she is not a liberal, yea that is how it works! And, hence Obamination can seal all records for him and his wife by executive order because he is a liberal/ Communist and that is private! So if you are not a liberal the standard of privacy does not apply?
It is a good thing you liberals were never in the business of making compasses! What is right is right and what is left should be left behind, left alone or left to die, or what ever does not have a place in reality!
Get real!!! Or do you believe that only leftist have the right to privacy like lowdowns that protect themselves by hiding their scum under executive orders? hmmmm How many racism charges were ever brought up against Sarah Palin verses Michelle Obama?????? Protected by privacy which is only for liberals …like you think your Mr. Crowder is entitled to???
@Tom: You really don’t get it. The question wasn’t how Stewart defines his show, the question was does Stewart try to pretend that he is unbiased.
Yes, he does pretend to be unbiased.
No, he isn’t unbiased.
His comedic value was never called into question, either. You simply put your foot in your mouth when you challenged me to show video of Stewart claiming to be a moderate. When I did, you changed the issue several times. Now, evidently you seem to be hinging your argument on whether I think Stewart is funny or not. I suppose it is too much to ask you to have the integrity to just say that you were wrong about Stewart not claiming to be a moderate…
Pretty cut and dried if you ask me. However you go ahead and defend him, but be careful! Obama is a jealous deity and if you worship too much at the alter of Stewart, he may become petulant and strike out at you…
Again, that’s not what I asked you. Again, that’s not what I asked you. Again, that’s not what I asked you. Again, that’s not what I asked you.
(is this getting through?)
Let’s lo0k at what I wrote in post 22 that’s gotten you into such an uproar: “find me a clip of Jon Stewart stating he’s a “fair and balanced” moderate news-person.”
@Tom: Okay Tommie, I will type slow just for you. Try hard to pay attention.
You think that since you added the adjective term “news-person” that you can get by with saying that Stewart is moderate.
Sorry, it won’t fly here. Face it, only in your twisted world view can a far left loon like Stewart be considered a moderate. I never said that he claimed he was a “news-person.” I said, and so did many others on this board, and so did the OP, that Stewart hides behind the persona of being a moderate when in fact he is a partisan, and a far left one at that.
If you can’t understand the main thrust of this thread, I’m really sorry. I would suggest you check with your local community college, as I am sure they have some good remedial reading and comprehension programs.
I have an idea! Since I destroyed your entire argument, why don’t you make mention of the mutual respect between Stewart and O’Rei….wait. You already tried that. Sorry.
Okay! Got it! Why don’t you try and shift the issue to defining his show and then….wait. Sorry, you already tried that, as well.
This is it! You should try to insult me and then..wait. You already tried that, too.
Sorry, I’m fresh out of ideas. You will have to come up with some far left moonbat tactic on your own. I am just so used to debating with facts and figures that I simply don’t come by the obfuscation and dissembling as easy as you do, Tommie.
From an article in New York Magazine dated 8/09/09:
Why Neoconservative Pundits Love Jon Stewart
Back in April, when the debate over torture was roaring, Jon Stewart invited Cliff May, a national-security hawk and former spokesman for the Republican Party, to come on The Daily Show and defend waterboarding. May was hesitant. He thought Stewart would paint him as a crazy extremist. The audience would jeer. It would be a disaster. “I was apprehensive about going on, even though I’ve been on TV for a dozen years,” says May. “A lot of my friends told me: ‘Don’t do it. You’re meat going into the sausage factory.'”
But May had a change of heart after soliciting advice from his friend Bill Kristol, editor of the Weekly Standard. “Kristol told me: ‘You’ll be pleasantly surprised. He doesn’t take cheap shots. Jon is smart. You’ll do just fine.'” Kristol proved to be right. Stewart’s interview of May — a crackling, lengthy debate about where to draw the line between freedom and security — produced one of the most clarifying discussions about torture on television. “Literally, this is the best conversation I’ve had on this subject anywhere,” May told Stewart.
“There is genuine intellectual curiosity,” May told New York. “He’s a staunch liberal, but he’s a thoughtful liberal, and I respect that.” May isn’t the only conservative gushing about Stewart. While the movement professes a disdain for the “liberal media elite,” it has made an exception for the true-blue 46-year-old comedian. “He always gives you a chance to answer, which some people don’t do,” says John Bolton, President Bush’s ambassador to the United Nations and a Fox News contributor, who went on the show last month. “He’s got his perspective, but he’s been fair.” Says Bolton: “In general, a lot of the media, especially on the left, has lost interest in debate and analysis. It has been much more ad hominem. Stewart fundamentally wants to talk about the issues. That’s what I want to do.”
What’s more, Stewart seems to like hosting conservatives (Comedy Central did not reply to requests for comment). In recent weeks, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, and Bill Kristol have stopped by. Since the beginning of the Obama administration, Stewart has interviewed more conservative pundits than liberal ones. (Remember when fans fretted he’d have trouble finding ways to be funny under the new president?) It may be because it’s simply easier to tangle with an ideological adversary than to needle a compatriot. A clash of ideas is always more entertaining than an echo chamber. And, for a liberal wit like Stewart, it’s easier to stake out a clear position when facing off against a direct opponent. When he’s interviewing a liberal politician or pundit, he comes from a weaker position. His offensive instincts are blurred — notwithstanding his on-air indictment of Jim Cramer — and occasionally he fawns.
Conservatives like Stewart because he’s providing them a platform to reach an audience that usually tunes them out. And they often find that Stewart takes them more seriously than right-wing political hosts, who are often just using them to validate their broad positions, do. Stewart will poke fun, but he offers a good-faith debate on powder kegs — torture, abortion, nuclear weapons, health care — that explode on other networks. “Shepard Smith did the same discussion [on torture],” says May. “He kept yelling me at me: ‘This is where I get off the bus! Not in my name!’ He wasn’t arguing with me. It was just assertions and anger. That’s not what Jon deals in.”
To be sure, Stewart wants to outsmart and discombobulate his conservative guests. He loves catching them in inconsistencies. “I feel like you just trapped me,” a grinning Kristol told Stewart, after Kristol conceded that the government provides “first-rate” health care to American soldiers. “I just want to get this on the record,” said Stewart. “You just said … the government can run a first-class health-care system.” (Asked about Stewart, Kristol e-mailed back: “I enjoy being on the show, don’t mind serving as his punching bag, and am happy to do my little bit to broaden his horizons.”) But conservatives respect the rules of engagement. They’re trying to trip up Stewart just the same. Says May: “As soon as we finished, he leaned forward and said to me, ‘I can’t believe you got me to say that Harry Truman was a war criminal.'” (Stewart later recanted.)
“Maybe he’s discovered that interesting discussion attracts viewers,” suggested Bolton. But it’s more than that. At the end of the day, the spirited debate on The Daily Show doesn’t leave people feeling queasy or upset — and that includes the guests with whom Stewart spars.
This somewhat contradicts what Crowder is saying I think.
Ron H.
@rich wheeler: I find Stewart funny at times (when he isn’t pressing so hard on the liberal funnybone), but let’s face facts- he himself is an avowed liberal, and all the slapdowns he gives Weiner or Obama are because if he did NOT, then he would be accused (and rightly so) of covering for them.
But it is only when it is soooooooooooooo blatant that a sponge couldn’t ignore that stain, that he will acknowledge the leftie miscues.
Do you know he never did ANY material on Rep. William Jefferson of La. being caught with all that cash in his freezer. Also not a lot on Maxine Waters or Charlie Rangel- small surprise there.