The Escort Challenge

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FA guys, delete this if it’s the wrong forum. A good friend of mine asked if I could help “rally the troops” with publicity to organize all riders in the Southern California area to make the largest motorcycle escort ever for the Traveling Wall that Heals for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund’s event on Father’s Day Weekend June 15-19, 2011. If you’re in the area and able to attend, please do!

Meet up for the escort:

WHEN: Wednesday, June 15th, 2011 at 11 am

WHERE: Ontario Convention Center
Lot D
Off the 10 Freeway at Vineyard and Holt

Need you help promoting this for the 58,256 names on the Wall. For more information check out or

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Definitely not the wrong forum, hopefully FA can help rally a few troops.


Contact the local ABATE club – PGR group – LEGION RIDERS – SPORT RIDERS OF AMERICA – HOG GROUPS- Just about all these clubs would show up..


CJ, I just sold my Harleys. I was suffering from pecuniary insufficiency, it has something to do with the leadership in the White House and the economy. I will be there in spirit.

If America wakes up and gives Obama the bum’s rush out the back door of the White House, I might live long enough to get another Harley and maybe I will still be sound enough to make the trip down I 70, across the heartland of America, what a trip!

CJ, you are a treasure!

The title was misleading me. I thought that Slick Willy was promoting Clinton Family Values.

Sounds like fun. INVITE SARAH PALIN. She likes the smell of fresh napalm in the morning.

Hubby and I will come to see the ceremonies and the wall.
Unfortunately we will not be able to volunteer.
Thanks so much FA for sharing this happening here.
I would have hated to miss it.

CJ, is that an N? OR an H?
before PARKER ST


CJ, okay thanks, the letters where dark and small, bye
take care, don’t forget my advices