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At least one member of the media has apologized to Breitbart and rescinded backing Weiner….Weiner’s EX-GIRLFRIEND Kirsten Powers.
At first, Kirsten Powers was quick to defend her former boyfriend, even appearing on the Sean Hannity Show in an effort to change the public’s perception of her ex.

Even despite Monday’s lengthy and emotional press conference, when Weiner publicly admitted that he had initially lied about the nature of his relationships to various women on the web, Powers had his back. Then, she says, she saw how he had been “sneering and pointing fingers at other people for what he knew he had done” and, as a result, Powers has now completely rescinded her support for him. What’s more, she is calling for Weiner to immediately step down from his position in Congress.

She writes:

I have recovered from the shock of seeing an old friend’s life unravel and have had time to get my mind around the extensive and sociopathic lying in which he engaged, there seems to be no other choice than for him to step aside and stop hurting his family, friends, and the Democratic Party. As more information trickles out about his online behavior with women, it has also become clear that he does not have the character to be in a position of leadership because of his misogynist view of women and predatory behavior.

I agree with her.
Weiner’s attitude and behavior toward women ought to be enough proof of his need to step down from a job where he is called on to represent women’s best interests.

@Nan G: Very good comments Nan G.! But I think he should not only resign but to give back the salary he received during all of this time…seeing the animal and predator that he is! In the past I have fired people for this kind of crap! These people who are into this crap can spend more than half of the day farting with it….and that makes the other part of their day non-productive as well!
Get the monster and liar out of office and make him give the tax payers money back!!!

Anthony Weiner will never, ever resign. He must be forced out. I am appalled that Nancy Pelosi has not had the backbone to immediately and publicly asked him to resign. She was the woman who was going to “clean up the swamp.”

Really? Does that standard only apply to Republicans? Instead, Pelosi wants to instigate a lengthy House Ethics Committee investigation, all at U.S. taxpayer expense. Weiner not only used extremely poor judgment and lied about the whole thing to the press for days, he puts all of us at risk. Any of the these women he contacted could try to blackmail him. Weiner must go. I urge you to contact Nancy Pelosi’s office in Washington and let her know your views about this: 202-225-4965.