Outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullens, told reporters yesterday that he's willing to look at cutting the pay and benefits of the troops to help President Obama pay for the $400 billion in cuts for the Defense Department.
Let me first say that even though I'm a Soldier, I don't think that the Department of Defense should be a sacred cow in budget cutting talks. I can tell you from experience that there is plenty of wasted money within the military on everything from parts, to personnel, to training. For example, military personnel serving in Kosovo, Serbia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Djibouti, Kyrgyzstan, and Kuwait all qualify for $225 per month Hostile Fire and Imminent Danger pay. In my opinion, Soldiers serving in these relatively safe countries shouldn't be paid this money. We also waste a lot of money requiring troops to purchase plane tickets that are refundable when they travel on temporary duty. These tickets can cost nearly twice as much versus just buying the same ticket on Travelocity.
Now, I DO believe that any talks of cutting budgets should be proportional. In other words, if $400 billion represents a 10% cut across the board and our 10% is $400 billion, I'm fine with it. Unfortunately, that is not the case.
A search of news sites and aggregates proves how difficult it is to find anything concrete about President Obama's budget slicing proposals – other than the Defense Department. Meanwhile the federal government is spending nearly $2 billion on new vehicles (including a slew of new limos for the State Department), sending billions in foreign aid to communist/socialist nations like China, Vietnam, Cuba and Venezuela, and lobbing million dollar cruise missiles into a non-declared warzone.
Personally, I think that Soldiers are paid pretty well. While I oppose any CUTS in pay, I would support freezes for ALL federal workers, including troops. I have no problem with having troops pay a little bit more for their health care as long as combat injuries without co-pays or extra fees. I have no problem with increasing family premiums as long as they are on par with the private sector. I support removing wasteful entitlements like “family separation pay” and “stop-loss pay.” To save even more money, the DOD should go to a standard camouflage uniform across the services instead of paying for four different sets. Back in the BDU days, it was like that. Now, every service wants their own distinct camouflage uniform.
There once was a time when federal service was just that – SERVICE! However, since the 50's, the average salary (with benefits) for a federal worker has ballooned to between $109,00 and $123,000, depending on the numbers used. Let's go with the low figure to be safe.
To be fair, the majority of federal positions are white collar jobs. Easily, the majority of work done in the federal government is desk work and management of personnel, programs, or money.
One could easily argue that the reason federal employees need to be paid so much is because so many federal jobs are located in the D.C. area, one of the most expensive to live in. I would argue that the majority of work done by these people can be done long distance via telecommuting or VTC. I guarantee that if you move non-essential federal employees out of D.C. and into more midwestern states the cost of living in D.C. will drop drastically.
Our military personnel are engaged in combat and the operational tempo right now is blistering. While we're meeting our recruiting goals, the retention levels is difficult to maintain. The amount of BS our troops deal with in combat and out is simply not worth it, according to many of them. Some examples are the amazing amount of taskings to support civilian requests for military support that range from rodeos to city events to citizen groups requests. We're losing mid- and senior-grade leaders to attrition. We don't need to be cutting pay at this point. Again, I'm all for an across-the-board pay freezes that includes troops.
What I do have a problem with is cutting the pay and benefits of people who WORK FOR THEM while saving programs that provide money and benefits to people who sit on their ass collecting welfare and/or unemployment benefits for nothing! Especially when some of the work these people do involves getting shot at and blown up on a daily basis. We need a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs that is willing to stand up or our troops; not throw them under the bus.
Great post, CJ. And I have little disagreement. When I did the post on Gates’ warning that Obama’s cuts go too far in whittling down our military capabilities, especially in light that we are active in so many parts of the world and that’s not likely to decrease, I studiously avoided the troops’ pay cut proposals. I’m glad you came in, with a warrior’s point of view.
Personally, if there’s a federal employee who’s salaries and pensions I support more than others, it’s our military personnel. I’m not sure I agree with the increased share of health insurance premiums just because I think that doesn’t address the root causes of our health problems which Congress and this WH ignores… the actual cost of administering health care from to the providers. To me, price fixing insurance policy premiums is an absurd bandage at best.
I agree, as I did in the Gates post, that there is waste in the Pentagon spending that could be cleaned up. But my problem with the defense budget cuts proposed by this admin is what and where they choose to cut… and the idiocy that this is tantamount to a drop in the bucket of the real spending culprits, the entitlements. Our aircraft, naval vessels and much technology is in dire need of updating to keep pace with the type of warfare we now are forced to engage in. And the wisdom of the cuts is not evident in the current appointees… and will certainly be lacking in what is actually nothing more than a glorified politician in Leon Panetta.
The choices of this WH and our military is evident. They intend to scale back the military might of this nation, and relieve us of the cost of being a military superpower in the world… and all at the worst times possible (as if there ever was a good time…). Additionally, they intend to decrease the amount of Army and Marines, and pay everyone less.
Meanwhile they ignore the drain on the nation’s pocketbook, and force the military to absorb what is likely not necessary. It’s insanity.
You and ilk are worth every penny, IMHO. While I find it admirable, and unsurprising, that you are willing to share the economic load with tightening your belt, I find the choice of picking that calibre of Americans to do so first nothing less than appalling.
Excellent CJ, you are a Hell’uva man and I don’t say that lightly. Keep plugging away, someone at the top might get embarrassed enough to stop being a political pogo. Good job, CJ.
I also posted this comment on the article of Mataharley’s as you see referenced in the first comment. Good job as well CJ! Good examples start at the Top, let see all of the politicians give up a significant part of their salary and drive their own damn cars and buy their own gas and airplane tickets, and cut back on their staff cost! While doing away with their exemptions as well! Show us an example first then we will follow! Leave the military alone, reorganize YES I can go for that! But do not reduce the budget!
I got some news for some of you people! If you think we are coming to a position of world peace and a lesser need for a strong military!!! That makes about as much sense as thinking you can become a millionaire by digging in Cow Sh_t for peanuts!
With the reckless political agendas of this administration, we have virtually alienated every long term allied nation we have every had and have spent much more money than you are referring here to build relations with countries who are support and perpetrators of terrorism. I strongly suggest that you all sign up for the State Department press releases on the State Department site. You will comprehend that the Agenda with the United Nations is more important to this administration than you or our military.
Obamination and Jihadist Hillary are giving away much more than you can imagine. One of the reasons our military is so inefficient is because we have lost so many of our real military officers and staff. The military looks more like a politically correct transferred college sorority today. Yes without question there many things that need to be changed but subtracting from our budget for the military is not the answer! The United States is under an imminent threat of terrorism from within our borders and we are headed that way full speed! I have in reality fought terrorist from my car and from my door step! I am here to tell you we are headed that way and that is why the president will not allow action against terrorist cells without the approval of his office! Obamination wants us to reach that point and he does not want a military who can respond to the threat of internal terrorism so he can can in his cronies from the UN!!!! The United States is the next major terrorist target!!!! We are not equipped and we are not ready, and the last thing we need to do is cut the military budget, however we do need to revise and reroute the way out military spends money, and what weapons are deemed proper because the technology of war and the methodology has changed very greatly over the past two decades. If we had two cents worth of common sense we would have a military attachment outside of every major city and they would be specifically trained in anti-terrorism tactics and weapons, and do what we can to recruit more professional soldiers instead of a majority of drop-outs who can barely read at a 5th grade level!
Mata, CJ, & JV you guys can sure make a guy feel humble. I’d feel a lot more secure with people like you guys calling the shots.
I just wish ALL federal employees felt the same sense of sacrifice. Unfortunately, most federal employees treat their jobs like entitlement programs.
@Skookum: Not likely Skook. Many of our General Officers are just politicians who wear uniforms. I prepared briefings for Mullen at CENTCOM. He and many of the Navy officers fail to fully understand the issues on the ground. Navy Special Ops excepted!
Obama came up with the idea that soldiers now seen by the VA for combat related injuries should pay for their own health care with private insurance. Thankfully, the Veterans’ organizations convinced him it was a bad idea. Unfortunately, there are many Washington Liberals who still think it is a good idea. Right now, I would be paying several thousand dollars a year to treat injuries I received in a combat zone (DNBI) that the VA will not treat if I didn’t have private health insurance. I am fortunate because of my rank when I retired and with the civilian job I hold. Many of the enlisted soldiers are in bad shape financially.
There are thousands of reserve component soldiers who returned with injuries that were released from active duty without the ability to return to work. The military simply said, let the VA take care of them. They couldn’t work, but received no pay. On the other hand, active duty soldiers are retained on active duty until their injuries have been stabilized and then retired on medical retirement if the injuries are very severe so they cannot continue on active duty. If you remember the insurance company in the John Grisham novel (The Rainmaker)that continued to deny claims, the VA is just like that. They refuse to accept claims despite documentation. It takes congressional intervention to resolve many claims. Some soldiers just quit. Others fight until the end and are successful.
I am not sure how many military families are on welfare, but it is not an insignificant number. Think they will be the brunt of the budget cuts? So, where do you suppose the cuts in the military budget will come? I agree with CJ, there are many places that cuts can be made. From my observations, the CENTCOM intel section was duplicated in Iraq as well as in Afghanistan. Not only that, they didn’t talk. The brief the CENTCOM generals got each morning had been prepared by some power point ranger in Iraq 10 hours earlier. But then, how much do you think it costs to send some politician to the US Embassy in Iraq basically shutting down all air operations for 4-6 hours at a time.
Randy, I am not overly emotional, but that brought tears to my eyes. How many volunteers would be enlisting if they knew the truth? This is a tragedy. Politicians in uniforms! Obama uses these guys and throws them away. How the Hell is an injured vet supposed to make enough to pay medical insurance. It must be part of the scam to have single payer insurance.
The military has always been a handy and conspicuous entity that our Congressmen look at for the first budget cuts. Doing away with the waste (separate BDU’s), etc., is fine, but please don’t cut the pay and benefits of our military and their families
Great article, CJ. Keep up the good work. I cannot really comment other than that because I follow the rule my Dad taught me long ago –
“Half of being smart is figuring what you’re dumb at and staying away from it.”
Ithink it’s good that this outgoing ADMIRAL MIKES MULLENS IS OUTGOING,
now how about this admiral make the first effort by renegating half of his pension to supplye the deficit along with all governments elected liberals looking to penalyse the MILITARYS, WHICH SHOULD BE SUPPLYED INSTEAD OF BE CUT WHAT YOU CALL WASTE IS NEED FOR THEM, CHECK WHAT IS CALLED WASTE
Before ANY cuts are made to the DoD, here are few things which need to be 100% defunded:
Welfare payments, medicare support, free education, and free housing to illegals.
Funding for NPR, Planned Parenthood, SEIU, la raza, ACLU and all the other America hating groups to include ALL George Soros groups: Open Society Institute, Soros Foundation Kazakhstan and the Alliance for Open Society International. FYI: between 2001 and 2007 USAID awarded grants totaling $18.3 million to the above, plus the US State Department has given millions of TAXPAYER dollars to Soros’ nonprofits to operate education programs and other “civil society” initiatives in various nations. From 2001 to 2007 USAID and State Department grants to the Soros nonprofit network totaled at least $25.6 million. Remember old Georgy boy is one of the richest lefty socialists on the planet so why are WE paying for his pet projects????????????
And the icing on the cake from an article dated 8/2010 at the below link
“In its fervent crusade to befriend Muslims, the White House will host special workshops this week to provide members of radical Islamic groups with direct access to U.S. government funding, assistance and resources. Various government agencies, including the departments of Homeland Security, Agriculture, Education and Health will participate in the White House seminars whose goal is to provide the leaders of groups associated with the parent organization of Hamas and Al Qaeda (Muslim Brotherhood) with tips on cutting through “red tape” when seeking U.S. government access or money. In all 20 national Muslim groups with ties to the global Islamist organization that preaches Jihad are scheduled to participate. Their mission is to obtain cash and other resources from Uncle Sam.
While the U.S. government has kept the event quiet, it was announced in a newsletter by a Saudi-funded group (Islamic Society of North America or ISNA) that was a co-conspirator in a federal terrorist funding case a few years ago. Featured in a Judicial Watch special report on Muslim charities that finance terrorism, ISNA is firmly committed to spreading the radical form of Islam, which is the driving force behind Jihad.
Now the Obama Administration is helping ISNA and its radical Islamic counterparts access American taxpayer resources as well as top government officials.”
So Mullens and congress can go straight to hell with their talk of “cutting military pay and benefits.” Not a DIME should be cut until the above list is 100 PERCENT DEFUNDED.
2012 can’t come fast enough. Lets just hope there is something left worth saving.
@Theresa, MSgt (ret), USAF: Okay, I had a great response and it got deleted somehow because my screen refreshed. So, I’ll summarize!
It pisses me off when this administration runs this country into the ground with its social experimentation and increased funding for lazy ass slobs that sit and watch Oprah all day chowing down on Doritos and Cheetos and then expect the military to make up the difference at a time of conflict!
My original response was much more articulate but I’m not repeating it all.
Theresa, MSgt [ret], USAF,
THAT IS QUITE SOME INFO, and very disturbing to hear in AMERICA such arrogance,
The benefits for Veterans is woefully low. They should be offered daycare for their children and better family healthcare not to mention more cash. Cut out the free daycare and free meals at the nations “Head Start” centers. Studies have proved that it does not help the children get ahead in school one iota. It’s just free daycare and meals for lazy welfare moms. The thing that sickens me most about this country is the way select parts of our society is considered privileged and entitled.
@DwS: I have to disagree with you. I know that most Americans think we are woefully underpaid – and that was once the case – but I think Bush did a good job of closing the gap.
What I don’t want to happen is for the military to become another entitlement program. Remember, we’re all volunteers and we know what we got into when we joined. The pay scale isn’t a secret and citizens know what they were getting into when they signed that line!
I’m opposed to more stuff that caters to only one segment of the force (married troops with kids). Married Soldiers already get more benefits than single troops and make the conscious decision to have (or not have) children. The civilian work force does not give extra benefits to employees with kids and we shouldn’t expect the American people to carry the burden of our kids also. This is coming from a Soldier with a wife and three kids.
This is just coming from a guy on the inside. I would never lobby for more money or benefits, but won’t turn them down either. 😉 When I joined the Army, I was paid about $600 per month as a private. Today’s Privates make more than twice that amount.
@Theresa, MSgt (ret), USAF: Amen
@Theresa, MSgt (ret), USAF: Thank you! Theresa and Randy for your comments and thank you CJ for the article, Mataharley thank you for being there as well Skookum and all the rest. Theresa you hit some very important points. I want to share something with you all, I went to a military school because I was kicked out of public schools were I grew up. That was the best thing that ever happen to me! I graduated with honors in every subject and function. Why? Because I am smart? Because I am special? No not hardly! I had an instructor who was a very special person. A retired US Navy Chief Petty Officer, from Texas. This guy made life impossible for me, push me beyond the limits and made me exceed myself in so many things. My Father was an very strict disciplinarian and a perfectionist. Between the two of them I was made who I am and survived all that I have survived. This Chief Petty Officer passed away almost two years ago. Why because of the changes made by this administration in medical care!!!! This hero served all through the Pacific, was in of the first groups of frogmen and even swam back to a Submarine waiting for him off Okinawa with a bucket of sand after being shot three times. Our politicians cut his life short! Because of the changes in budgetary services offered by the VA for WWII veterans. Here down below I have written something sort of in memory of this hero! Because he was like a father to me and I remained in touch with him over the last 38 years! To me he still lives because I face each day with part of what he gave me!
Every child dreams to be a hero, but I think it to be because they still hold their innocence and so clearly see things we often forget. Comprehending all the freedoms we enjoy were purchased through the unselfish sacrifice of those who were heroes.
There are heroes in many ways, some in continual servitude, others in a moment of need or courage. Like the policeman who confronted with risking his life to safe another, and the soldier on the battlefield who has risk his all for the sake of his comrades, or even the passerby who just happen upon someone in the most desperate need of help.
Most of such heroes are never recognized and we will never here their name in a public speech. Nor will you see their face on a stamp or their image pressed into a coin, however one is no less than the other. Being a hero is giving up yourself, not having any thought of recognition, or no conception of being paid. You have to be a person who seeks no glory or great satisfaction in the act you perform. It really means giving up your all for the sake of others, it means giving what you don’t have to give in the time of the greatest need.
So many times we hear of those who risk they’re all to serve so that others may continue to live both free and healthy. And we should continually lower our head and give thanks for such people. But even a hero does not stand unto himself. There always others who contributed unto who he is. Yes, the unsung heroes of our age. The people who care enough to see that we receive the right instruction as we launch forward into life. Yes, the mothers and fathers who lay awake every night contemplating what is best and what is good for my child, or the teacher or instructor who takes it upon himself give that little extra so that a certain child will receive all that is needed to formulate that special person.
These are the real heroes, they are the ones our society stands upon, and they are the preservers of our freedom. Because without them there would be no Soldiers to stand bravely to the cause of freedom, no Policeman to prevent evil from flooding our streets, or the passerby who would risk his all to save another.
It would be good if we all made a monument in our minds and hearts to our Mother, our Father, and to all those who contributed unselfishly to make us the people we are, because they are the foundation of all that we enjoy.
In a generation when parenthood is being attacked from every side and teachers threatened by the very students they are to teacher, we had best remember the words of King David “ A people without vision will perish!” When we lose vision of who are the real heroes then we lose sight of what our society is about. The Commandment to honor your mother and father is unconditional and only to those who do so are the good things in life ascribed to, and no less should we honor our elders (instructors), Because all that we recognize as good comes to us through their hands, because they are the real heroes of society.
Forgive for saying this so bluntly but the sacrifice people such as this man made and what they gave has to be totally foreign to the Assholes in Washington! We will not keep reproducing this quality of person if we cut the military the way the politicians want! Our future depends on such men!
J V Hoffman
Thank you. That was outstanding. If you haven’t heard of it, BlackFive.net is a blog written and contributed to by military Veterans/active duty. There is a segment periodically posted called Someone You Should Know. It’s dedicated to individuals who embody the phrase “service before self”. Your tribute speaks directly to the reason why BlackFive started it. One recent post describes the selfless act of an Army Ranger who, although wounded, grabbed a live grenade and attempted to throw it out of the immediate area before it could explode and kill/injury his fellow Rangers. He did keep others from injury and death, but lost his right hand in the process. He knew what could happen, yet didn’t hesitate to act. He is being awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions. He is only the second living recipient to receive our nation’s highest honor from OEF/OIF. You’ll only hear about him on Jul 12th when the current occupant in the White House will award him the honor. Bet me the focus of the reporting will NOT be on the Ranger.
I agree 100% with your comment that the US military doesn’t need to become another entitlement program. And your right, President Bush did make huge improvements in the pay gap. Just one of many negatives left by the clintoon administration we still deal with. And like you said, everyone wearing the uniform, except for one Army SNCO (he’s the last serving drafted Soldier in the system), is a volunteer. You don’t join to make money. And if you do, you’re an idiot.
I now work for the VA. The current administration opened up care/benefits to anyone who has a DD214. Prior to that, the level of care was determined by time in service, disability rating, and medical need. I have two very good friends who both retired at 20 years. She got a 0% disability rating and he got 10%. She couldn’t get any care and he could only get care directly related to his disability, nothing more. They both could have gone back in 2009 and gotten care, but didn’t. They are the exception, not the rule. I see individuals coming into my clinic all the time who spent little to no time in the uniform, yet are trying to work the system to get disability. Many of them get help by the service organizations who coach them on how to describe their problems to ensure they get the “most bang for the buck”. Some of them never made it out of basic training. The system is overwhelmed which decreases the quality of care across the board. It has become another entitlement program or as I call it, the new welfare. It’s appalling. Thankfully, reality is starting to sink in to upper management so the determining factors for Veteran eligibility are starting to swing back to what they were prior to the socialist regime taking over. It will hopefully decrease the numbers of those who haven’t earned taxpayer funded support and increase the numbers of those who have earned it.
only the spending spree from GOVERNMENT ARE THE DANGEROUS CULPRIT,