I could not have said it better myself! I know many Muslims who are really great people, but as concerning the Shias you are so correct! Funny how the present United States administration only sides with the thugs and terrorist!
13 years ago
Im sitting next to my jewish friend right now…hes crying 🙁
CURT it’s the second time I listen to that AUSTRALIEN GOOD TALKER,
AND he knows what he is talking about and he found seconds to pause,
so for us to get it
13 years ago
Let’s face it guys, if there were no Jews, the arabs would have to face the inadequacies of their heathenness- let’s face it head on- the arabs do not have a pot to piss in simply because they are always looking to the past, kinda like a high school football player trying to relive his “glory days”, although in this case, they peaked around 1200 AD- and have gone down ever since.
Blaming the Jews is almost a parlour game for governments and movements throughout the ages, and like the Devil, if they did not already exist, we would have to invent them, so we could blame them for all that goes wrong in the world.
I do not have time here and now to educate some here on the history of the Jews, but suffice to say, it doesn’t paint us (Gentiles,and Arabs- Persians also) in a good light at all.
We are Michael Vick, and the Jews are the dogs here, and that speaks volumes, none of it good.
J V Hoffman
13 years ago
@Blake: You drove quit a few nails there my friend! If you ever want to try being something really hard try being a American Jewish Southerner who is also Israeli! It is like being a hitching post outside of a saloon…you get pissed on from every direction! Our world is so full of hate it is unreal! Everybody has no problem identifying the Extremist as haters and prejudice, however the liberals and especially the liberals of California, New York, and Chicago are the worst of the worst! They smile at you until they realize what you are and then their fangs protrude and if you do not agree with their opinions and return to them facts they will literally everything possible to take you down. Why do you think the Obama made an executive order to seal their records from the public? She herself is racist and has had several discrimination charges brought against her! Obama or better yet Obamination hates Jews and hates Israelis. Jihadist Hillary as well when Clinton was in office and she came to Israel to meet with Netanyahu the Pime Minister and Chairman Arafat with slick Willie she not only didi not shake Netanyahu’s hand but she went directly to Arafat and not only shock his hand, but also held it while giving him salutations. People that do not possess hatred and prejudice can hold a calm and intelligent discussion with anyone civil, but notice how many times Obamination has walked away and turned his back on people or ignored their questions! This my friends is “Prejudice” in display! Ever tried to discuss any matter with a liberal that they don’t agree with? As a rule they either ignore you or get pissed off and leave! The sad things is that most Jews here in the United States are liberals, and in Israel alike you will find that the liberals are always living off the system, and have more stupid non-profit organizations then anyone. But in the last two years many are beginning to see the light and changing because they are getting “Billfoldietus” a disease people get with they have to pay more taxes and their money is losing value!
13 years ago
@J V Hoffman: As a southerner myself, I know what the attitudes can be like- I judge people by their critical thinking- for example, if a man goes into a convenience store, and puts a 12 pack of beer and a box of pampers on the counter, pulls out his money and discovers he only has enough money for one of these things- and puts back the pampers, well, he is not someone I would care to know. The trouble with things today is that type of thinking is becoming more prevalent than ever before, not just in the personal ( I believe in allowing people to go to hell in their own fashion- I am not Evangelical here)- but more unfortunately for the world, the political side of the equation also.
It becomes ALL ABOUT THEM- not the nation, and CERTAINLY not the Constitution, which was put into place to prevent most of the moves Barry Soetoro and hiz crew in DC have done , what with executive orders and regulations that bypass Congress, who arre charged with making the laws, but are becoming increasingly irrelevant here.
I predicted in 2009, that Obama would begin to make Congress irrelevant, and it turns out I was right (unfortunately).
J V Hoffman
13 years ago
@Blake: Thank you Blake! You are correct! Just a note…… The hatred of the Jews (Shemites) started with Nimrod, carried on through Ishmael and Esau …who are the decendents of them today? Arabic nations, as much as they are brothers with us Jews through Abraham, they are also our greatest haters!
This State Department is stimulating on a large scale hatred toward Israel! In fact they are allowing the very groups like Al Queida and the Brothers of Islam to step in and take over, they left the Shities in charge in Iraq! They even stimulated the Shities to revolt in Bahrain, a place where everyone is given the ability to work and acquire housing, and the King Hamad himself gives money back to the people and they only have a 5% tax. Talk about social injustice! What about all of the Tornado victims and Flood victims? Now approaching 200,000 homeless! Our government sent 100’s of Millions of our tax dollars to help with the floods in Pakistan, but our own tax payers do not merit help? Oh! I forgot these were areas where Obama was not strongly voted for in! The present Administration is one of hate!
Nan G
13 years ago
Billionaire big donor Haim Saban very publicly announced he will no longer contribute to President Obama, signaling to other Jewish donors that it is time to bail on a president who publicly calls for 1967 borders as the basis for a settlement.
This 30 second ad, produced by the Emergency Committee for Israel, is also giving heartburn to the Obamites, particularly because it uses pro-Israel Democrats to demonstrate Obama’s position as out-of-step with the mainstream.
American Jews are very important as donors to Democrats, and are in a position to swing Florida’s electoral votes in a reasonably close 2012 election, as well as influence Pennsylvania’s vote as well.
13 years ago
Shut the fuck up, old son of a bitch
J V Hoffman
13 years ago
@Obscure: What do we have here? A poet? A writer? How you so talently express yourself with words of 5 letters or less with such great measure! Obscure it would be best for you to remain obscure! Seek life else where! We pity you for who you are! I can only imagine what a frustration it would be to live in such an world of limited thought and vocabulary…….But then again you don’t have to think to be a liberal or communist…do you?
13 years ago
@Obscure: Wow- do you kiss your mom with that mouth? THAT is quite an elegant turn of phrase, or repartee- but as a debatable statement, it lacks- what?- oh yeah, intelligence.
If you wish to enter a discussion, please do so armed with intelligence, and, one hopes, respect for your opponent. Right now, you just sound like Rahm Emanuel, and that in itself is pitiful.
J V Hoffman
13 years ago
Blake! Semper Fi !!! Lock and load man! Fire at will!!! Three head shots in one day will get you another beer on the house! Yea! “armed with intelligence” I love it! You know in my life I have a problem!… I always wanted to tell a terrorist just how much I admire their ambition and drive…..But the only way I could get close enough to them was to shoot them!… now that presents another problem…they just don’t stick around long enough to share your thoughts with them! Dead men kinda have a problem expressing them selves! heh! heh! It’s kinda like nailing some of these jokers here……once you level a good shot on them……silence …..no response!
I could not have said it better myself! I know many Muslims who are really great people, but as concerning the Shias you are so correct! Funny how the present United States administration only sides with the thugs and terrorist!
Im sitting next to my jewish friend right now…hes crying 🙁
CURT it’s the second time I listen to that AUSTRALIEN GOOD TALKER,
AND he knows what he is talking about and he found seconds to pause,
so for us to get it
Let’s face it guys, if there were no Jews, the arabs would have to face the inadequacies of their heathenness- let’s face it head on- the arabs do not have a pot to piss in simply because they are always looking to the past, kinda like a high school football player trying to relive his “glory days”, although in this case, they peaked around 1200 AD- and have gone down ever since.
Blaming the Jews is almost a parlour game for governments and movements throughout the ages, and like the Devil, if they did not already exist, we would have to invent them, so we could blame them for all that goes wrong in the world.
I do not have time here and now to educate some here on the history of the Jews, but suffice to say, it doesn’t paint us (Gentiles,and Arabs- Persians also) in a good light at all.
We are Michael Vick, and the Jews are the dogs here, and that speaks volumes, none of it good.
@Blake: You drove quit a few nails there my friend! If you ever want to try being something really hard try being a American Jewish Southerner who is also Israeli! It is like being a hitching post outside of a saloon…you get pissed on from every direction! Our world is so full of hate it is unreal! Everybody has no problem identifying the Extremist as haters and prejudice, however the liberals and especially the liberals of California, New York, and Chicago are the worst of the worst! They smile at you until they realize what you are and then their fangs protrude and if you do not agree with their opinions and return to them facts they will literally everything possible to take you down. Why do you think the Obama made an executive order to seal their records from the public? She herself is racist and has had several discrimination charges brought against her! Obama or better yet Obamination hates Jews and hates Israelis. Jihadist Hillary as well when Clinton was in office and she came to Israel to meet with Netanyahu the Pime Minister and Chairman Arafat with slick Willie she not only didi not shake Netanyahu’s hand but she went directly to Arafat and not only shock his hand, but also held it while giving him salutations. People that do not possess hatred and prejudice can hold a calm and intelligent discussion with anyone civil, but notice how many times Obamination has walked away and turned his back on people or ignored their questions! This my friends is “Prejudice” in display! Ever tried to discuss any matter with a liberal that they don’t agree with? As a rule they either ignore you or get pissed off and leave! The sad things is that most Jews here in the United States are liberals, and in Israel alike you will find that the liberals are always living off the system, and have more stupid non-profit organizations then anyone. But in the last two years many are beginning to see the light and changing because they are getting “Billfoldietus” a disease people get with they have to pay more taxes and their money is losing value!
@J V Hoffman: As a southerner myself, I know what the attitudes can be like- I judge people by their critical thinking- for example, if a man goes into a convenience store, and puts a 12 pack of beer and a box of pampers on the counter, pulls out his money and discovers he only has enough money for one of these things- and puts back the pampers, well, he is not someone I would care to know. The trouble with things today is that type of thinking is becoming more prevalent than ever before, not just in the personal ( I believe in allowing people to go to hell in their own fashion- I am not Evangelical here)- but more unfortunately for the world, the political side of the equation also.
It becomes ALL ABOUT THEM- not the nation, and CERTAINLY not the Constitution, which was put into place to prevent most of the moves Barry Soetoro and hiz crew in DC have done , what with executive orders and regulations that bypass Congress, who arre charged with making the laws, but are becoming increasingly irrelevant here.
I predicted in 2009, that Obama would begin to make Congress irrelevant, and it turns out I was right (unfortunately).
@Blake: Thank you Blake! You are correct! Just a note…… The hatred of the Jews (Shemites) started with Nimrod, carried on through Ishmael and Esau …who are the decendents of them today? Arabic nations, as much as they are brothers with us Jews through Abraham, they are also our greatest haters!
This State Department is stimulating on a large scale hatred toward Israel! In fact they are allowing the very groups like Al Queida and the Brothers of Islam to step in and take over, they left the Shities in charge in Iraq! They even stimulated the Shities to revolt in Bahrain, a place where everyone is given the ability to work and acquire housing, and the King Hamad himself gives money back to the people and they only have a 5% tax. Talk about social injustice! What about all of the Tornado victims and Flood victims? Now approaching 200,000 homeless! Our government sent 100’s of Millions of our tax dollars to help with the floods in Pakistan, but our own tax payers do not merit help? Oh! I forgot these were areas where Obama was not strongly voted for in! The present Administration is one of hate!
Billionaire big donor Haim Saban very publicly announced he will no longer contribute to President Obama, signaling to other Jewish donors that it is time to bail on a president who publicly calls for 1967 borders as the basis for a settlement.
This 30 second ad, produced by the Emergency Committee for Israel, is also giving heartburn to the Obamites, particularly because it uses pro-Israel Democrats to demonstrate Obama’s position as out-of-step with the mainstream.
American Jews are very important as donors to Democrats, and are in a position to swing Florida’s electoral votes in a reasonably close 2012 election, as well as influence Pennsylvania’s vote as well.
Shut the fuck up, old son of a bitch
@Obscure: What do we have here? A poet? A writer? How you so talently express yourself with words of 5 letters or less with such great measure! Obscure it would be best for you to remain obscure! Seek life else where! We pity you for who you are! I can only imagine what a frustration it would be to live in such an world of limited thought and vocabulary…….But then again you don’t have to think to be a liberal or communist…do you?
@Obscure: Wow- do you kiss your mom with that mouth? THAT is quite an elegant turn of phrase, or repartee- but as a debatable statement, it lacks- what?- oh yeah, intelligence.
If you wish to enter a discussion, please do so armed with intelligence, and, one hopes, respect for your opponent. Right now, you just sound like Rahm Emanuel, and that in itself is pitiful.
Blake! Semper Fi !!! Lock and load man! Fire at will!!! Three head shots in one day will get you another beer on the house! Yea! “armed with intelligence” I love it! You know in my life I have a problem!… I always wanted to tell a terrorist just how much I admire their ambition and drive…..But the only way I could get close enough to them was to shoot them!… now that presents another problem…they just don’t stick around long enough to share your thoughts with them! Dead men kinda have a problem expressing them selves! heh! heh! It’s kinda like nailing some of these jokers here……once you level a good shot on them……silence …..no response!