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OBi would have to have “sympathies elsewhere”! Or he has lost his friking mind! Or he is so high from his recent kick up in the polls that he no longer cares to hide how he really feels about Israel. Obama is suffering from;
“He is a legend in his own mind” syndrome. I could not believe he said that when I was told he said that. Not till I heard it all over the news. To throw Israel under the Bus like he did! The Muslim Fanatics don’t need cheer leaders when they have OBi. The fuse in the middle east was already burning bright and strong, but OBi words are now fanning that burning fuse. His statement will have unbelievable ramifications. All of them bad for Israel.

…yet in one of the great mysteries of our time, American Jews who voted overwhelmingly for Obama in 2008 will do so again in 2012.