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The Reublicrat leadership will NEVER allow Donald Trump even a whiff of a POTUS nomination.
Mr.Trump is strategically correct to continue the birth certificate issue. He should then continue with
what I think is an even bigger issue concerning the “false” state of Connecticut Social Security #’s issued to L’il Barry. Why did he NEED them, & HOW did he use them??
If Mr. Trump actually thinks he can WIN, he will run as an independent. He’ll come up with the money.
If you lay out and continually promote the BirtherIssue-False Social Security Cards-College Grades which would include his term papers+essays the perception of a “Manchurian President” is right out there for all to see. In today’s world Perception Trumps Reality, after all look who is the POTUS.
We have a POTUS who not only is guilty of High Treason & High Crimes, his dangerous incompetence can do untold damage to America and the rest of the world.
As for Ann Coulter, was-is-will be a jejune self promoting light weight, speaks well, though, better than L’il Barry and his sub-lingual whistle, quite irritating.

“Time is VICIOUS when you take it for Granted”-Bugsy Siegel

Roman C. Ann Coulter “A jejune self promoting lightweight.” BEAUTIFUL.

Tell me you wouldn’t love to see her and “The Donald” go at it!

Talk about a self promoter. Trump will announce his Pres. plans on The Apprentice. Reality T.V. run amuck.

@rich wheeler:

To me, reality TV went well past it’s shelf life a decade ago. And although every now and then one can find a program that is interesting, and worth a little of one’s time to watch, most of the reality TV one can see is truly crap.

There is still too much smoke around these kinds of Obama issues to give them up entirely. Right or wrong many of us need them at least for entertainment to get us through this depression as previously the liberals continuously and unfairly denigrated George Bush. For example:
Did or did not Obama have to surrender his U.S. citizenship as a child growing up in Indonesia? If so is there a record where he did get it back?
Did or did not Obama go to college on a scholarship specifically reserved for a foreign national as opposed to a U.S. Citizen.
Where the heck did Obama actually get his Social Security Number(s) from?
How does one go from being a “community rabble rouser” to a Junior Senator from Illinois to President of the United States in a few short years? (For some reason I don’t quite believe the “genius” answer to this question.)
Was ACORN always a corrupt organization and how many billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars was it that Obama was trying to directly reward this ex-employer of his with before congress pulled that plug?
Why were the Hillary Clinton delegates pressured to vote for Obama by the DNC?
Was “Dreams of My Father” actually written by Barack Obama or not? BTW, this is not about his father’s dreams, but rather of his own dreams about his absent father. A little ambiguity here but it sounds better than “Dreams about My Father”.
Is there really a hotline between Obama and George Soros?
How much and what kinds of dope did Obama admittedly use in the past?
Why would the presumably intelligent voters of the U.S. in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks against us and resulting distrust of Muslims go ahead and elect to the highest office in the land a previously (and in some respects still) unknown, inexperienced, funny looking man with a very foreign Muslim name like Barack Hussein Obama II who carried the most liberal or otherwise non-committal voting record throughout his three whole years of experience as a U.S. Senator? (OK, we can drop the “intelligent” part.)
On the lighter side, however, this is proof positive that “anyone can become the President of the United States”, at least anyone who has the full support of a liberal mindset media and a huge amount of someone’s cash to spread around.
Who could ever turn down the opportunity of quaffing a beer with the President?
Obama’s favorite quote?:
The left is back, and it’s the only path we have to get out of the spot to which the right has sunken us. Socialism builds and capitalism destroys. (Hugo Chavez) Another hotline?
Obama’s most remembered utterance?:
“Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won.”
God Bless America… anyway.