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Joke of the year, but not funny. It’s being reported there were only 382,000 new unemployment claims. The economy added 216,000 jobs last week. The economy is turning around!!! Everything id fine now! Trust your government. Their tax and spend policies haven’t destroyed business! It’s turning around! Must be true! Katie said so!!

OOPS! Moron alert!!!!! If I’m looking at the weekly figures correctly (after all I am a dumb neanderthal conservative and not a learned head up my ass elite Ivy League genius like our hallowed leader), that translates to a net loss of 166,000 jobs! That has been the same pattern every reported period, yet we get the “things are turning around” lies from the no counts in D.C.!

Someone has some “splainin” to do Lucy! The lies continue to pour out as the country goes down in flames, a pattern we have seen way to often in past failed hard left Socialist dictatorships! Some one has to start listening to the truth before it’s to late!!