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Not surprisingly the MSM is falling all over itself in adoration focussed on a countdown until the Hypocrite in the Oval Office hits the billion dollar mark in funds raised for his reelection campaign.

Pathetic hardly covers it.

@James Raider:

Hypocrite in the Oval Office hits the billion dollar mark in funds raised for his reelection campaign.

Makes you wonder just how much it’s gonna take to buy the Presidency in 2012. That, and it makes one wonder why McCain and Feingold even bothered with attempting a campaign finance reform bill. I’m sure that we’ll hear liberal rhetoric to the fact that Obama HAD to raise all that money so he could combat the evil, corporate-backed Republican challenger.

Unfortunately, I don’t see anyone on the Republican horizon Ready or Able of climbing the mountain that an incumbent President presents just because of the bully pulpit.

There is a need for someone to take on the main concerns, simply and succinctly to the public. 40% have drunk the cool-aid and are incapable of seeing what Obama’s handlers are doing to America. There’s room to maneuver, for a majority, however, when you also have the MSM working overtime against you, including CNN, NBC etc who have been ordered to pander to Obama, the odds are tough.

I hope someone can surface but, for example, . . . . I was really disappointed with how the Wisconsin fiasco was handled. It should never have gotten so complicated, and the progressive Dems shouldn’t have been allowed to take the lead in the message. Unions may have helped many employees to receive substantial salaries, but the reality is that as the years passed, they destroyed the system by rotting it from within. The result is a broken education system, the state of which, no one can dispute.

I’m sure that he gets a lot from the UN 1/3 rd MUSLIMS countrys,
and the UN world organisation, the BILDERBERG POWER

This put-on of Obama’s real first ad has almost 4 times more hits than O’s real 1st ad!
