It’s over in Libya.
As the civilian casualties mount and a coalition strike has killed 12 in Brega, including three medical students, Libyan rebels are in retreat.
Libyan rebels have called for a cease fire in the confluence of events.
– Barack Obama gave up on using force to remove Gaddafi.
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama told Americans on Monday the United States would work with its allies to hasten the day when Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi leaves power, but would not use force to topple him.
In a nationally televised address, Obama — accused by many lawmakers of failing to explain the US role in the Western air campaign against Gaddafi’s loyalists — made the case for his decision to intervene militarily in the Libya conflict.
– US officials admitted that the least likely way for Gaddafi to leave was through military force.
– The US is withdrawing the aircraft it used for air strikes against Gaddafi.
– The US warned the Libyan rebels that they too could get bombed by the coalition.
As NATO takes over control of airstrikes in Libya, and the Obama administration considers new steps to tip the balance of power there, the coalition has told the rebels that if they endanger civilians, they will not be shielded from possible bombardment by NATO planes and missiles, just as the government’s forces have been punished.
Gaddafi forces have rejected the offer.
“They are asking us to withdraw from our own cities. …. If this is not mad then I don’t know what this is. We will not leave out cities,” said Mussa Ibrahim, the government spokesman.
Rebels had earlier called for the ceasefire after Gaddafi forces drove them back for a third day after sandstorms and clouds hindered NATO air strikes.
The consensus is that the rebel fighters need more weaponry.
U.S. political and military leaders said they’re unwilling to start providing arms and training for rebels fighting against Qaddafi. Mullen said there are “plenty of countries who have the ability, the arms, the skill set to be able to do this.” Gates said the U.S. doesn’t know enough about the insurgent groups beyond a “handful” of leaders.
“The rebels need more heavy weapons,” said Jan Techau, director of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Brussels and a former analyst at the NATO Defense College. “They need simple stuff — not high-tech weaponry that requires extensive training and would be dangerous if it fell into terrorist hands.”
Indeed and that is problematic. More than problematic, in fact.
Because Obama and Clinton admit that they have no idea who the rebels are:
“Clinton didn’t say whether the opposition movement includes members of the terrorist group Al Qaeda, though she suggested it is possible.
“The opposition has demonstrated a ‘commitment to democracy and to a very robust engagement with people from across the spectrum of Libyans,’ but ‘we do not have any specific information about specific individuals from any organization who are part of this,’ she said.”
Actually, there is some information as to who they are.
Statements of support for Libya’s revolution by al-Qaeda and leading Islamists have led to fears that military action by the West might be playing into the hands of its ideological enemies.
When US authorities admit there are “flickers” of Al Qaida in Libya, it’s likely worse than that.
As the Obama administration openly considers arming Libyan rebels to repel forces led by Col, Muammar al-Qaddafi, reports that “flickers” of al Qaeda may be present among the fighters has raised fears extremists could take advantage of an unwieldy situation to gain power in a new Libya.
Obama’s not-so-excellent adventure into Islamic democratization has not gone well. And this is not to be missed:
Watch the faces of the two CNN hosts as Scheuer touches the third rail of truth.
News sources are talking stalemate, but if Gaddafi stays, he wins. And each day it appears more and more that he stays. And without the US boots on the ground forcing him out, he does stay.
If nothing else, this exercise demonstrates once again, Obama’s protestations and efforts to the contrary, that the US really is still the only superpower and the only real conscience in the world. And if you want something done, you need America. Libya could be the worst of all outcomes- a temporary shielding a civilians in a Muslim country and a dictator surviving not only a civil war, but the half-hearted kinetic military action of a wanna-be tough guy President.
DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
From the Nurenmberg trial:
So we try the Germans/Nazis on charges of “Crimes against Peace”, then engage in said crimes ourselves.
Somebody owes someone an apology if we don’t bring Obama, Sarkozy, Belesconni, Cameron, etc., to trial and get a speedy conviction.
The west reeks of hypocricy.
The Ted Mack Amateur Hour was a great show for its day. That show’s concept evolved into American Idol, an extremely popular TV show. That’s fine, but to think we would adopt the format for our foreign policy is absurd. This latest round of humiliation is indicative of the political manuevers that we are aware of, those that are kept secret are the most troubling. Being a Community Organizer, a pretend Constitutional Lawwyer, and a guest lecturer at a law college doesn’t prepare you for leading a powerful nation and trying to manipulate foreign nations. Hopefully this nation will survive without a disastorous war or an economic collapse, until we can elect a qualified individual that has some semblance of documentation.
Wassamotta, Hussein? Your al qaeda buds not performing up to par?
he needs to go, along with his ilk.
I can see a rebel holding a gun to his head whilst telling a Godaffy thug, Stop or I’ll shoot.
Operation Odyssey Dawn can now be coined Kinetic Shoot, Shit, and Run.
The Bamster’s energy plan is another winner.
This redisribution of misery through socialism is another winner.
How much more can America take?
burn a Koran, burn a Christian…
The French are sending ground forces- wait for it, to the Ivory Coast. The newly elected president has a civil war on his hands. The French liberal homosexual Army will show them how to surrender with dignity.
@oil guy from alberta: 1000 found in a mass grave. When do the bombs fall from US jets?
Each day it grows more likely that a tomahawk missile will be flown through his bedroom window.
@Greg: Whose? Barack Obama says we’re out of there.
Skookum– Rather than the Ted Mack Amateur Hour, I’m thinking the Obama administration is more like The Gong Show. There was some good talent on the Amateur Hour.
@John Cooper: I had forgoten about the Gong Show. It is so appropriate! Skook, he got you on this one!
For years Barry and the democrates bashed President Bush over his handling of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. So now we have seen how Barry does war against a country that is far less powerful than Iraq and he shows he is the real dolt.
Mission accomplished, with no stated mission? This fool doesn’t know what he’s doing.
He’s on both sides, so there has to be a winner somewhere.
Godaffy’s son was in the US, a month before Odyssey Delta Dawn, getting the red carpet treatment.
As a leader of a Libyan special force troop, he had to head back, probably expecting the red carpet bombing treatment.
I think the really scary thing is the damage done to the American diplomatic image abroad. What friends we have left can see that he has no clue what he’s doing and our many enemies will see that he is a true “paper tiger”. This does not bode well…..
@Skookum 2:
One thing I remember about Ted Mack’s Amatuer hour was “Serutan spelled backwards is natures.”
A laxative and Obama’s ability to wage a “non-war” has something in common, it’s all for $%@#!
Engaging in a bit of silly? I’m sure Gadaffi is hanging aroung waiting for that to happen. Sheesh, you are really losing it Greg.
@Missy, #17:
I was just speculating. A stalemate with the Gadaffi regime is probably considered unacceptable. There are only so many ways to break a stalemate. A number of those seem to have been ruled out. That makes any that remain more likely.
You can read a lot into a statement like that.
Great CNN clip…. I enjoyed that very much…. ” carrying Obamas’ water… ” ha ha ha..
Well, its all over… Now comes the hard part… How do we spell the guys name?….
I’m sure there is many more…
Yes the Gong show, appropriate indeed, back then we weren’t concerned over being so politically correct or being in alignment with Stalin’s playbook.
Speaking of Nuremberg, we could have tried the Soviets on the same charges. The documentatin was provided in the Molotov Ribbontrop agreement between the two Socialist powers. You know the one where they divded Poland and the countries of Northern and Eastern Europe for their wars of conquest. Oh, I know it has been renamed by Socialist apologists and rewritten as a non-agression treaty, but that was only a small insignificant part of the treaty. The two great Socialist Experiments, National Socialism and International Socialism planned their wars of conquest and imperialism to divvy up the spoils.
Britain and France wanted to appease and capitulate and the US was in an isolationist mood; so the stage was set and the National Socialists attacked Poland, annexed the Sudeten, and Austria. Within a few weeks the international Socialists occupied their share of Poland, the Ukraine, and Eastern Finland.
It was the competition and fear of each other’s success that caused Germany to attack the Soviet Union; otherwise, the war might not have been winable in Europe. Germany ground up its armies in Russia. There were 2 million Russians who died defending Stalingrad and there were 400,000 Russians killed taking Berlin from the old men and the Hitler Youth, after the war was essentially over. What do you think, is the Bamster ready to defend the US in this type of war? Excuse me, I think I am going to laugh until I puke.
How much of the history does he know if any?
I think it should be “Mission (to be named later) Accomplished!!”
Mission: Who’s Going to Clean Up That Mess?
Arthur Herman pointed out that Obama’s Cairo speech warned us all that he didn’t want the USA to be worldcop.
People worried, way back then, would Obama actually end the influence of the USA in the MidEast altogether.
Well, look at Bahrain.
The riots and demonstrations started and what did Obama do?
Obama ordered our ships and personnel at our naval base there to clear out, leaving only a skeleton staff.
Uh, for those who don’t know, our naval base at Manama is the US’s largest in the entire region.
It guards (or should I say, guarded) the Persian Gulf.
The Fifth Fleet is (was) based there.
History Lesson:
The 1960’s.
The UK abandons its Middle East/North African ”colonies.”
Dictators and pirates have ruled there since then til now.
And any defense of the West’s interests there had to be done by the USA.
The main difference between the 60’s and now is that the Brits wanted their gov’t out .
But, today, Americans and the rest of the world wants the US to take the lead!
Obama just won’t do it.
Obama might personally be happy when Islamists take over more and more of this part of the world.
But Muslims who used to be able to live quiet and mild lives will not be.
Non-Muslims, such as Copts, animists, atheists, Christians, Jews, Druizes and others certainly will not be.
Yesterday I saw where the Muslim Brotherhood had produced a pre-election flier accusing ANYONE who votes “NO” on the new constitutional arrangement as a ”Christian.”
Sounds like they used the term, ”Christian” as a derogatory term, huh?
People felt that way and either stayed home or voted “Yes.”
Where will these newly-to-be-oppressed peoples all go…..IF they can get away?
Looks like the USA is not the place.
Europe is fighting there so these people will not go into Europe.
There’s Israel, but it is pretty small.
Hey, let’s hurry up and arm those rebels!
@Missy: Ultimately, our US Military, I am afraid.
April 3rd, headlines read:
Libyan rebels have called for a cease fire in the confluence of events.
Just as DrJohn posted (with link).
But what a difference a day makes!
April 4th, Libyan rebels reject Gaddafi ‘peace’ overture
A short hudna, I guess.
Someone must have re-armed them.
And now that Egypt is off the front pages the knives come out.
Cairo ready to re-establish Iran diplomatic ties
Add to this the promise of roving bands of ”morality police” and I think Western tourism in Egypt just died.