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Misdirection: “When we play our Charades” [Reader Post]

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”. (Source unknown)

Over the past fifty years, I have noticed that every time it appears that congress, or the president, is about to do something good or useful for the country; a major diversion suddenly appears.

(This is especially true when the subject is taxes)

“Oh look! A Loon!” or “I saw big foot once” or “uncontrolled meltdown at major national candy factory”.

“Drill, baby, drill!” was the cry; but then there was an oil leak in the Gulf and we simply had to shut down oil production everywhere, even the wells that had been working for years with no problem. If the courts invalidate your moratorium, just ignore them.

Keep making up budgets that you know will not be passed, this takes up time and delays any action and lets you do the stuff you want to do and keep it hidden.

Give away nuclear arms secrets to Russia causing much concern over America’s security.

Cancel missile defense systems for European countries and tell Russia what arms you gave England.

Meanwhile, take over GM, Chrysler, Wall Street, the housing market, and health care.

Hey, “If you can not dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull shit.”

Create information overload and keep them confused.

Create a crisis and take advantage of that crisis.

I noticed a long time ago that commercials and news stories changed scenes/pictures at a rapid rate.

There is a reason.

Strobe lights at a specific rate are used to confuse and control a suspect by FBI and police. You can buy one at your local gun store.

Here is the reasoning.

The strobe light interferes with your ability to process what you are seeing. You do not have time to asses your surroundings and act coherently so they can easily capture and control you.

If you do not have time to absorb or process information it simply goes into your brain unfiltered resulting in acceptance of information that you would not accept if you had the time to consider its worth.

The news media, immediately after a president’s address, tells you what the president said and what it means, because they do not want you to make up your own mind, especially if it is a republican president. Often this “analysis” takes longer than the address.

Most interviewers’ questions are not simply questions.

Have you noticed that an interviewers question normally starts out with a statement? There is a reason. The interviewer has just planted a “fact” in your mind and slanted the question causing a bias no matter what the answer to the question.

The audience is being led by the nose. They are in fact telling you what to think before the question is answered.

Here is a question for you to consider as an example.

Media “person” (we have to be “Politically Correct” here) “There is a lot of spousal abuse going on in the world; can you tell our audience if you still beat your wife?

This question predisposes guilt.

The aim is to confuse people with all the issues they can think of.

Make a huge issue out of guy rights, gays in the military, what churches can and can not say or do.

Small issues are used to hide bigger ones.

I am not saying the smaller issues are not real issues.

I am saying that by keeping our attention focused on these smaller issues other really serious issues are being hidden.

Consider the things hidden in the health care bill. Huge amounts of effort went into keeping us from seeing that bill.

Brackets, Golf, Bullies, Vacations, the “Obesity Crisis”; these are all distractions and the state run media willingly takes the stories and runs with them.

I do not know if they are complicit or just stupid.

Even the unemployment reports from the administration are a distraction. We are told unemployment is down to “the lowest point in years”. We know that is not true and we start blogging and talking about unemployment and miss what is “going on behind the curtain”.

It is all just smoke and mirrors; “words, just words, just speeches”.

Remember; there are various ways to lie.

Simply tell a lie.

Tell only part of the truth.

Tell the truth in such a way it will be taken for a lie.

Tell a lie in such a way it will be taken for the truth.

I told someone once, that as a child, I did not soil a single diaper. While that is a true statement it is not an accurate statement. I did not soil a “single” diaper, I soiled many diapers.

Words have meanings, and, if you do not pay attention, someone can “spin” words and convince you of things that are not true.

I tried a distraction once. I was brush hogging a field that had been neglected for a couple of years.

The weeds were chest high, the sumac was head high, and some of the trees and wild plumbs had one to two inch trunks. For those who are not familiar with the brush hog; it is a rotary mower five to six feet across that is pulled behind and powered by a farm tractor and can easily handle two inch thick trunks.

With the brush that thick I was mowing slowly to keep from bogging down the brush hog.

Things went fine for a little over half of the field; at that point I ran over a hornets nest.

Hornets are like wasps on steroids with bad attitudes. They are also bigger, up to two inches, and they draw blood when they sting.

Being a quick-witted fellow, I thought maybe they will be drawn to heat; the tractor is hotter than I am, I will let the tractor continue down the field as a distraction, and I will run at a right angle across the cleared part of the field to the trees. Actually I was being stung immediately and simply ran while trying to ward them off with my hat. (The rationalization for my actions came later)

I do not know how many followed the tractor, if any, but I had seventeen stings. Five were on my face the worse of which was on my upper lip.

I found the tractor nosed up against a tree at the edge of the field; it was completely unharmed. I put it back in the barn and quit for the day.

I lived alone in those days, and no one was expecting me to be anywhere. I have been stung before but not by hornets and not by more than one insect at a time. I have heard of people dying from stings. I was swollen quite a bit in various places, and the stings did hurt for a while; but the major annoyance was the swollen lip which interfered with the application of my medicinal six-pack.

I think the usurper in chief has run over the mid-east with a brush hog. He thinks he has put the tractor back in the barn by turning Libya over to NATO, but he is wrong. The hornets are stirred up and millions are going to be stung.

I expect he will go on another expensive vacation very soon.

(I never did find my hat)

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