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Howard Dean is about as intelligent as a kumquat, but he is right on this point. A “government shutdown” would go against the GOP – but ONLY if they (the GOP) allow the Dems to back them into a corner.

Look, present a budget that funds SS and Medicare and Medicaid, then slash the hell out of everything else. When the Dems don’t pass it, then it would be ON THEM!

Why is this so obvious to everyone but the GOP leadership?

As i have said a million times, the entrenched scum on both sides of the aisle are only interested in keeping their phony baloney jobs. The Reps don’t get it because as usual they are just as corrupt and immoral as the Dems. Hell, you hardly hear a Rep pointing out the Dems are at fault for being unable to pass a budget when they had complete control and majorities. Why? Because the scum Reps that were re-elected haven’t the balls to take a stand that while absolutely correct might make them look bad in the eyes of the MSM. Dems and in turn the perceived brain dead electorate! Reps haven’t gotten it through their thick skulls that we are paying attention, choosing instead to pander to the “I wants” rather than the responsible citizens who want their country back