My sister and Millie, the hairdresser who lived upstairs, called each other Liz and Lana. They lived in the time of movie magazines. They’ve both passed over. I get a chuckle thinking about the two of them chatting with Ms. Taylor. RIP a tout les.
Truly one more event marking the end of the grand old Hollywood era. Taylor was, IMHO, one of the most beautiful women to grace the planet. She’s given us tons of entertainment.. not only with quality movies, but in her personal life. She was, also, to be admired for her activism and loyalty to friends… despite public opinion.
Back in “68” when I had just turned 18, I was in Florida at Hialeah with our family’s string of horses. I was lucky enough to be up in the clubhouse with my old man and two of our owners at a table in the restaurant when Miss Taylor came in and sat at the table next to us. To this day, I’m not sure I have ever seen a more beautiful woman in person. And those purple eyes!! I was lucky enough to get introduced to her and she was extremely gracious to a star struck 18 year old. One of the great moments in my life to be sure. The great thing about it was Mickey Rooney was at the track that day also, someone we saw a lot by the winner circle in those days.
I didn’t have much an exchange with her myself, joetote, but I did share an elevator with her in LA one time. Those eyes… unbelievably deep pools of violet. Beautiful on screen, but can truly only be appreciated in person.
“What is the victory of a cat on a hot tin roof?”
“Just staying on it I guess, long as she can.”
My sister and Millie, the hairdresser who lived upstairs, called each other Liz and Lana. They lived in the time of movie magazines. They’ve both passed over. I get a chuckle thinking about the two of them chatting with Ms. Taylor. RIP a tout les.
Truly one more event marking the end of the grand old Hollywood era. Taylor was, IMHO, one of the most beautiful women to grace the planet. She’s given us tons of entertainment.. not only with quality movies, but in her personal life. She was, also, to be admired for her activism and loyalty to friends… despite public opinion.
au revoir, Liz. And thanks for the memories.
Back in “68” when I had just turned 18, I was in Florida at Hialeah with our family’s string of horses. I was lucky enough to be up in the clubhouse with my old man and two of our owners at a table in the restaurant when Miss Taylor came in and sat at the table next to us. To this day, I’m not sure I have ever seen a more beautiful woman in person. And those purple eyes!! I was lucky enough to get introduced to her and she was extremely gracious to a star struck 18 year old. One of the great moments in my life to be sure. The great thing about it was Mickey Rooney was at the track that day also, someone we saw a lot by the winner circle in those days.
I didn’t have much an exchange with her myself, joetote, but I did share an elevator with her in LA one time. Those eyes… unbelievably deep pools of violet. Beautiful on screen, but can truly only be appreciated in person.