Fukushima transforms anti-nuke, AGW activist into nuke power supporter

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Just when you think there is no hope for some, and that catastrophic events will *always* be used by activists to promote an agenda, we find we can be pleasantly surprised. Case in point, English environmental activist and ArrestBlair website founder, George Monbiot, may have raised more than a few eyebrows when he penned an article, delineating a complete turn around on nuclear power plants in UK’s The Guardian today.

One has to give some thumbs up to an adversary who is willing to do a major, public mea culpa, telling the world in a succinct bold headline, “Why Fukushima made me stop worrying and love nuclear power”. It appears that Japan’s woes and battles have actually sold him on an energy source that he was tepid on prior to the earthquake and tsunami.

You will not be surprised to hear that the events in Japan have changed my view of nuclear power. You will be surprised to hear how they have changed it. As a result of the disaster at Fukushima, I am no longer nuclear-neutral. I now support the technology.

A crappy old plant with inadequate safety features was hit by a monster earthquake and a vast tsunami. The electricity supply failed, knocking out the cooling system. The reactors began to explode and melt down. The disaster exposed a familiar legacy of poor design and corner-cutting. Yet, as far as we know, no one has yet received a lethal dose of radiation.

Some greens have wildly exaggerated the dangers of radioactive pollution. For a clearer view, look at the graphic published by xkcd.com. It shows that the average total dose from the Three Mile Island disaster for someone living within 10 miles of the plant was one 625th of the maximum yearly amount permitted for US radiation workers. This, in turn, is half of the lowest one-year dose clearly linked to an increased cancer risk, which, in its turn, is one 80th of an invariably fatal exposure. I’m not proposing complacency here. I am proposing perspective.


Yes, I still loathe the liars who run the nuclear industry. Yes, I would prefer to see the entire sector shut down, if there were harmless alternatives. But there are no ideal solutions. Every energy technology carries a cost; so does the absence of energy technologies. Atomic energy has just been subjected to one of the harshest of possible tests, and the impact on people and the planet has been small. The crisis at Fukushima has converted me to the cause of nuclear power.

If you’re not familiar with Mr. Monbiot, Wiki gives the basic run down… including authorship of multiple environmental activist books, such as his 2008 offer, “Bring on the Apocalypse: Six Arguments for Global Justice”. His stance on war is certainly obvious, as I mentioned above, when he not only founded ArrestBlair.org, but offered a reward for anyone willing to do a peaceful arrest of the former UK PM, Tony Blair, so he could be brought to trial for crimes against humanity. And just to show others he wasn’t adverse to doing the deed himself, he did attempt a similar citizen’s arrest of John Bolton in 2008 for the same reasoning.

Needless to say, on this forum, it’s likely that few of us will find common ground with Monbiot. But then, we can celebrate the small things and accomplishments when we find a formerly staunch opponent, admitting his errors. It’s one more sane voice that reenters the debate.

That said, Mr. Monbiot not only deserves credit for his new revelations on nuclear power, but for past mea culpas that reversed his activism for veganism. It was only this past September that he found himself in the pecular position of endorsing the book, “Meat: A Benign Extravagance,”> that ran contrary to his beliefs for both the world’s grain supply vs human malnutrition, and his ill-informed assumptions on slaughtering tecniques and the perceived water “waste”. Mr. Monbiot is having a truly interesting year that shakes the foundation of his beliefs.

Kudos to him, and here’s to more possibilities that others can see the light. We can only hope it doesn’t take something as dire and desperate as the Japanese had to endure in order to provide that enlightenment to others in the future.


Unrelated to Monbiot, but applicable to those trying to place a more realistic perspective on Japan’s woes with the power plant events is Jeffrey Lord at The American Spectator. Lord, and his parents, are local denizens of the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant that is, to this day, still chugging along.

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Wonderful news.

Mr, Monbiot joins one of Greenpeace’s founders, Patrick Moore, who, in 2008, became a pro-nuclear environmentalist.
And before either of them was Friends of the Earth trustee, British Bishop Hugh Montefiore, now deceased, who was forced to resign after writing a pro-nuclear article.

Irving Kristol, the self-proclaimed founder of Neoconservatism, once described a neoconservative as a “liberal who had been mugged by reality”.

It still fits.

Its been an interesting 2 weeks. According to all the MSM, including Fox News, we were Fukushima…ed.
I’ve read tons of George Moonbot’s alternate universe, over at Climate Depot. He’s made a complete fool of himself over the last five years, whilst climate skeptics have had a field day debunking his theories.
Not much has been said about the wide open nuclear blasts that ended the war with Japan. California should have rotted away with cancer by now.

Mata, I’ve recently learned their seems to be a growing movement that wants more study into the idea that low levels of radiation may not actually be as bad as portrayed by the media. I’m not going to site any studys simply because I don’t have the attention span to read them before posting them, however I think as we have seen over and over in the case of global warming the media and scientists do tend to make a lot of claims that are scientific heresy. We should review those claims, find out which types of radiation are a concern and in what doses, adjust as necessary.

Even before this disaster their was people buying potassium iodide in case of a “dirty bomb” terrorist attack and using special cell phone cases to protect themselves from radiation poisoning; nether of which is proven to result in mass death via radiation poisoning.

Yeah, Fukushiam pretty much puts the last nail in the coffin of nuclear power. Thank you crooks and incompetents at TEPCO!!!!

Sad, because it really was America’s last, best hope for energy independence.


Mata, I’ve recently learned their seems to be a growing movement that wants more study into the idea that low levels of radiation may not actually be as bad as portrayed by the media.

Are you high? The evidence is OVERWHELMING that shit like what is happening now in Fukushima, like Chernobyl, is beyond lethal to man.

I’m dumbfounded by your ability to rationalize how this WON’T be harmful. You take the cake for “Denial thinking”.

Maybe if you just keep telling yourself that this isn’t a big deal over and over maybe even you’ll begin to believe it.


I’m not going to site any studys simply because I don’t have the attention span to read them before posting them,

Do us all a favor; if you can’t bother to educate yourself on an issue like this, don’t comment on it. Ignorance is not bliss, it’s dangerous.

For what its worth, he has move up alot in my view. I agree that if there was alternative energy source that is 100% clean we should moveto it, BUT until then we have to accept what we have and use it carefully.

You’re right, I was harsh, I didn’t know he’s new to the US.

But since when do I have to link to the knowledge that anything beyond background levels is bad? Did you and others not know that radiation can kill one? Come on Mata, let’s get real here. Unlike AGW, radiation and lethality is accepted science.


However, as even the experts point out, with the amount of levels in the food, it would take years of ingesting those amounts to have the effects you seem to believe.

I was watching a news program the other night as a Japanese TV news was being translated from one of the temporary shelters.
A man was laying on the floor on a mat and he had prostate cancer.
A woman was laying near him and she had diabetes.
Another woman was suffering from arthritus.
None of them, nor anybody else there had their medications.
And the problem isn’t just those three.
The median age in Japan is 44 years.
It is an old country, demographically.
The shelter did not have enough volunteers to care for all of the elderly and sick.
The country doesn’t have enough young able-bodied people to care for all of the elderly and the sick.

Those elderly and sick are the very ones that are eating the contaminated foods and drinking the contaminated milk and tap water.

Maybe they wouldn’t live long enough to become ill from the increased radiation inside their bodies.
Babies and young children are not supposed to eat or drink contaminated foods or drinks.

But there are so few adults in their prime I would think they ought to be told to avoid such food and drink, too.

But they are not.

I am no scientist, however I do know one thing about science: The Scientific Method.

1.Ask a Question

2.Do Background Research

3.Construct a Hypothesis

4.Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment

5.Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion

6.Communicate Your Results

So under this method people can make a theory even if that theory is not yet proven, Or has been disproved in previous study. That’s science. We don’t know it all yet.

Of course socialism has a different scientific method.

1.Make a statement

2.Review politically approved research

3.Move to step 4.

4.Prove your statement by rigging an experiment

5.Publish findings

6.Personally discredit those who don’t agree with you

I never said I didn’t think radiation was potentially harmful I said we should review and adjust when necessary. Here is my source.


No one doubts that close proximity to high levels of radiation are lethal. That, however, is not what you implied when ringing the death knell for nuke power plants, Ivan. First of all, Chernobyl is a different plant that had no containment vessel. Completely different structure and Russia and the Ukraine handled that badly. TMI is more akin to Fukushima… both in the media hype exaggerating the effects, and the perimeter involved. i.e. radioactive clouds racing towards the US… uh ahem.


Media hype aside, this situation is far worse than Chernobyl. Yes, I know the difference in the reactors, but we’re venting cecisum and iodine showing up in Tokyo’s water supply and the food-chain. We also have the Fukushim workers today fleeing for their lives due to the black smoke. That’s not steam Mata, that’s something else if it’s black smoke.

Let’s face it, they should have entombed #4 last week, but TEPCO would lose a lot of money!

You may feel better saying,”it will all work out in the end”, but I dont’ think that is going to happen.

Mata, I didn’t say ”they weren’t told,” I said only infants and young children are being advised NOT to eat the stuff.

Your # 15 adds:

The Tokyo Metropolitan Water Office stated that levels of iodine-131 in tap water at a purification plant were found to be above the limits for drinking water for infants but below the level for adults. The Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare, has requested that tap water in Tokyo is not used as drinking water for infants.

My point was demographically, Japan is short on young adults.
Maybe young adults ought to also be told not to eat this stuff.

Although you seem to believe that it takes years of continual eating contaminated foods, when I have heard the opposite.
That even one radioactive cesium particle in the body can cause mutation/cancerous changes to one cell at a time.
That cell, on dividing can spread the cancer and kill the person or animal …. eventually.
But it doesn’t require additional tainted foods, although that surely doesn’t help.

Thank you Mata for the understanding about my not having sources but I think the NYT makes the point in a way we can all enjoy reading.

Ivan i can assure you I’m not high, although I have no sources on that. It seems on the internet if a guy makes brash controversial statements he gets more attention. Like dr johns current thread title, or all of your posts. Its a kind of popularity contest I think. You really sound alarming, you remind me of a socialist and that is funny. Ether way I will be looking forward to seeing your sources on the subject.

Is someone at FA removing the like/dislike votes on this thread?
I know for a fact I put a plus on a comment and now that plus is gone.


And the workers were evacuated today because everything is good?

And then there was this:

Tokyo water unsafe for babies, food bans imposed
Karyn Poupee
March 24, 2011 – 7:24AM

Tokyo warned Wednesday that radioactive iodine over twice the safe level for infants had been detected in its tap water after Japan’s massive earthquake crippled a nuclear plant.

The revelation came after the United States barred imports of dairy and other produce from areas near the Fukushima power station, and as the Chinese territory of Hong Kong became the first Asian economy to follow suit.

Now, care to dispute that? Of course not, you’re not going to try and paper over this calamity.

Here is the link to the story:


Now let’s do some math, shall we? From Fukushima to Tokyo, where the water is now leathal for infants, the distance is 142 miles.

Let’s find out how many square miles that is from Tokyo to Fukushima: Pie*R^2 = 3.14x(142)^2 = 63,000 square miles.

So all of Hokkaido falls within that circle of radius 142. How bad do you think the iodine levels in the tap-water are on Hokkaido?????

Let’s face it, while you and I support nuclear energy, this is nothing less than a disaster of the first magnitude. Day after day this plays out for all the world to see in it’s splendid incompetence by the industrialists of TEPCO.

Please, Mata, don’t stick up for them; they’re in the process of ruining a wonderful nation.

This story from the Japan Broadcasting Corporation, dated today, March 23, is worrisome. It concerns the levels of persistent radioactive substances detected in the topsoil 40 kilometers away from the reactor site. (Persistent, as in “lasting for 30 years”. That’s not entirely accurate, as 30 years is actually cesium-137’s half-life. Its radioactivity is diminished by one-half after 30 years.) The measured levels are 1,630 times higher than normal.

@MataHarley: It was haha! I don’t own stock in nuclear company’s or anything so I’m not to worried about weather or not I am wrong. I just want more study and less hype. Lots of people I know still think aspertame will give them bad brains. I read a story about a family that went to live in the mountains during Y2K and didn’t come out for 10 years. Hype…

Y2K may have been a total bust, but 2012 will definitely be TEOTWAWKI. Killer asteroids, pole shifts, the Yellowstone super-volcano, bird flu, extra-terrestrial invasions, the return of various religious figures, and a presidential election, all in a single year. I don’t know how any of us will survive.


Just a reminder from a few days ago.

Mata: I would assume, that like most urban water reservoirs, they get it from the higher elevations to the north (thereby somewhat affected) and it’s water run off.

blast: “I assume” and you know this by what fact?

Mata: (March 19) By the fact that Tokyo’s urban water system is mostly supplied in bulk by the Kando province, bozo… a location to the NE (towards the coast, epicenter and power plants). A little more reading and less defensive counter-typing is in order for you.

From the Japan Times: Radioactive iodine exceeding the government’s regulated level for infants is detected in water in a purification plant in Katsushika Ward, Tokyo, prompting the metropolitan government to advise residents not to let babies younger than 1 year old drink tap water or powdered milk made with tap water in the 23 wards and five cities.

Well, who is the bozo now?

Radiation… For a time I was hoping to get bolted by gamma rays so I can turn into The Hulk. I was not sure where I would buy some gamma rays but knew I would figure it out one day. Then when I got older I found out that The Hulk was just a bodybuilder covered in green paint and that gamma rays probably could not do that. So now I am looking for another way to be a hero…

New Godzilla movies from Japan are going to be more realistic. Just kiddin.
The Japanese people are awesome. Donate to Catholic charity like I did.

MY MY, you will be needed even more from now to 2012 ELECTION,
because the AMERICANS will need the most credible people to crush the
adverse lies on a so important event as 2012.
that person who change his focus on that science on energy,
has cause a lot of problems by inciting people to violence, against other
it took him 5 years, and tthat time was for him to spread his beleifs ,
that is very telling for other to beleive what a leader will feed to them, at least his change of opinion now will teach a good lesson to the ones who need to follow some TEACHERS OF NEGATIVES THEORY,

‘where the water is now leathal [sic] for infants’
lol at the hyperbole. ‘Outside of official safe limits’ is not the same as ‘lethal’. I bet that even with the radioactive contaminants, that water is still far safer than the average drinking water in Africa, or Haiti. Further, I bet that the final death toll from this disaster (even including increased cancer deaths over the span of thirty years) will be less than the annual toll from Chinese coal power plants and their pollution. To provide the world with electrical power you need to choose among disadvantages. This disaster is dramatic, but so far it doesn’t suggest that nuclear power is a bad choice, fatalities (actual or projected) notwithstanding. To be fair, it hasn’t finished playing out yet; perhaps things will get far worse.
If they haven’t encased the reactors yet, it’s probably because it’s not so easy, logistically. They have a lot of disaster to deal with, you know – it’s not just reactors that are a problem there. Plus their flexibility in disaster response may not be so great; so far they seem long on stoicism and endurance and maybe a little short on adaptability and initiative. But I probably shouldn’t throw stones until I live through an 8.9 earthquake and tsunami.
Those interested in the hypothesis that low levels of radiation are beneficial might start by reading the Wikipedia article, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiation_hormesis . There is nothing particularly outlandish about the idea – it doesn’t violate well-established natural laws – but I have no opinion on it myself beyond that; you’d really need to read about a dozen papers to inform yourself (or adopt the opinion of someone you trust in these matters), and I haven’t the time.


Babies are more susceptible, but as they point out it’s not harmful amounts for adults.

Spin MAta Spin. I guess babies don’t really count huh?

OMG, blast…. you’re even more of a bozo than I thought. You mean you’re trying a gotcha because you think the Kanamachi purification plant isn’t getting water from the Kanto province?? LOL There’s seven prefectures in the Kanto region (which includes Tokyo). Maybe pictures works better with you.

Surely you didn’t believe that the plant was sitting on top of a well, pumping water contaminated with iodine 137 from Fukushima, did you?

MAta, you are a master propagandist, conflate, confuse and attack. First you say Tokyo would would be safe, now you say is is safe, but just for adults… too bad for those babies.

Thankfully the water quality has improved since our exchange began, and now babies are safe to consume water from the tap again.

bbartlog, hi, I like also the last line of your comment, that we should only beleive whom we trust,
I think over so many stramgers’s opinions, that sounds logics but we can bring that stranger opinion back to the ones we trust so to have a good reality check,

MATA so It’s good if the mother can breastfeed their babys,because if there is any levels of radiation it would deposed in her body alone , and the baby would drink only the milk that the mother’s body would have process and filtered, therefor protecting him also from even minimal radiation,


Late to the party again, blast? Did you not hear that the levels have dropped again?

Reading problems much, blast?

Look at the last sentence of my post. LOL. Let me repeat it here for you… “Thankfully the water quality has improved since our exchange began, and now babies are safe to consume water from the tap again.”

As for your accusations of babies… what a dodohead you are. And an offensive one at that. My larger concern was not that babies couldn’t drink the tapwater, but if they had the resources necessary for bottled water as an alternative.

Well MAta, I actually thought the same thing. I thought you were really cavalier about the babies. This emergency is far from over MAta, and I figured eventually your previous comments would be found to be either wrong factually or show how off they were. You are right when you say the press can be hyperbolic, but you are not the counter weight to the media by exaggerating (or downplaying) in the opposite direction. And again with the propaganda… “because idiots like you like to wait for the next omen of Armaggedon” LOL.

Mata, your http://english.kyodonews.jp/news/2011/03/80847.html in post #37 says the men hospitalized were not wearing their protective boots, only their shoes…..

As the workers had stepped in a 15-centimeter-deep puddle, radioactive water may have seeped through their radiation protective gear, causing radioactive materials in the water to stick to their skin, TEPCO said, adding that the burns are caused by direct exposure to beta rays.

The technicians were wearing nonwoven protective suits of U.S. chemical firm DuPont Co.’s Tyvek brand, full-face masks and rubber gloves, but the two later hospitalized were not wearing boots, letting radioactive water in their shoes, according to the utility and the agency.

Radiation at the surface of the puddle stood at 400 millisieverts per hour, while the amount in the air reached 200 millisieverts per hour.

A different source has different ”facts.”

The injured workers were contaminated with up to 180 millisieverts of radiation, close to the recommended limit, after working in water 30 centimeters deep while laying a power cable. Two of the workers were hospitalized with beta radiation burns on their feet after water had seeped into their boots.

Writers Tsuyoshi Inajima and Pavel Alpeyev are both in Tokyo.
Others assisting include:
Sachiko Sakamaki, Jason Clenfield and Takashi Hirokawa in Tokyo, Monami Yui in Hong Kong, Naoko Fujimura in Osaka, Simeon Bennett and Tomoko Yamazaki in Singapore, Jonathan Tirone in Vienna, Yoga Rusmana in Jakarta, Aki Ito in San Francisco and Alex Devine in London.

15 centimeters is 5.9 inches.
30 centimeters is 11.8 inches.
That’s a large difference.

Street shoes?
You kidding me?
That’s almost incredible to buy.
The complacence involved is suicidal.
How could a supervisor even allow his men to go in wearing only their street shoes?
Maybe the deaths of all these workers is expected?
Maybe its a foregone conclusion?
I’m astonished by that.
And I’m glad there are other reports that say they were wearing their boots.

@ MAta,

TW @Ivan, can I assume that you, like blast, may have come to the conclusion that the water sources for the Kanto region originates from the rivers further north, and closer to the affected area? Add rain, runoff, snow melt that all adds to the river from tributaries, and why wouldn’t you expect some effects on the river?

If it can enter the water supply chain the details are academic at that point MAta. Not sure why you keep running to this narrative, but we now know that the water has reached unhealthy levels of hazardous materials (and subsided) in Tokyo (as well as other areas). I would expect… as you question… that along with milk, and other organics that radiation will be in many areas outside of the plant. That seems kinda obvious at this point.

blast, you’r not doing yourself a favor by calling other IDIOTS,
that means that you feel that only you have the right opinion,
and it bugs you to be challenge by others,
sorry but if you give an opinion here in CONSRVATIVES LAND, YOU ARE BEING CHALLENGE,

Mata said:

Therefore, your radius calculation are a wonderful math exercise, but have no bearing on reality. But congratulations that you, from your US bunker somewhere, are trying to correct the monitoring agencies (Japanese and international) data about the radiation circle. Chutzpah, dude.

I don’t believe half of what the “official” sources say. Much of the initial Japanese Government statements were based on TEPCO reports-reports which downplayed the seriousness of the situation, if you recall.

It’s not about chutzpah, it’s about being gullible. Hey, I support nuclear power, always have, always will, but I don’t buy everything the media tells me (wink).

From Kyodo:

Abnormally high levels of radioactive materials were again detected in the sea near the crisis-hit nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture, its operator said Thursday, warning the radiation levels in seawater may keep rising.

According to Tokyo Electric Power Co., radioactive iodine-131 146.9 times higher than the legal concentration limit was detected Wednesday morning in a seawater sample taken around 330 meters south of the plant, near the drain outlets of its troubled four reactors.

The level briefly fell to 29.8 times the limit on Tuesday morning from 126.7 times on Monday, but rose to its highest so far in the survey begun this week apparently due to rain and water sprayed at spent fuel pools from outside that caused radioactive materials to seep into the sea, it said.

The firm also said it found both iodine-131 and cesium-137 in a sample taken from near the drain outlets of the plant’s No. 5 and No. 6 reactors that stabilized Sunday in so-called ”cold shutdown.”

Iodine-131 19.1 times higher than the limit was also detected Wednesday afternoon in a sample taken some 16 kilometers south of the nuclear power station, up from 16.7 times on Tuesday.

The current radiation levels in seawater do not pose an immediate risk to human health, an official of TEPCO told reporters, but added, ”We have to continue to monitor whether (radioactive materials in seawater) will keep rising.”

The fact is they still, after two weeks, can’t get this situation under control. Scarry stuff.

Link to Kyodo story:



blast, you’r not doing yourself a favor by calling other IDIOTS,

LOL… good going beez. I guess you missed the quotation marks around the line that included idiots… that was actually a direct quote from MAta doing the name calling. Maybe you should question her on name calling? Or are you just operating on a double standard?

As to conservativeland… get real. I don’t think mata or you can say you speak for all conservatives. I have offered my opinion and have had my opinions questioned. I have questioned the opinions and statements of others. If they agree or disagree… fine. But honestly, this exchange here has been clear from my perspective. I did not run on about the water supply previously… mata did, I am just pointing out the incongruity of her argument. I have stated that I am in favor of nuclear energy use… and then get criticized for saying it should be safe. lol.


@ILOVEBEESWARZONE, I’ve called blast both a bozo and an idiot, so no sweat. There’s very little blast can say that bothers me, since I generally consider the source.

I guess you did not read that I did not call you an idiot too… I was actually quoting your comment to me. Although I have been sharp at times with you MAta, I have tried to be somewhat civil and not use comments like bozo or idiot to describe you. So if you want to get out of the gutter and be more civil, I would welcome that.

You again inflate the situation, blast. The “unhealthy levels” were for 2-3 days for infants only, not the entire population.

Are you serious MAta? it was not bad except…. for those “unhealthy levels” for infants… talk about denial. I have said the media has hyped much, but you are hyping the other direction entirely.

blast, your comment on another post against CONSERVATIVES, GOT YOU MY ATTENTION,
so I’m not happy with anyone insulting my friends which are more tolerants than your friends on the side you gave your allegance to, so you could have expected some retribution on another level or another POST, THIS WAS ONE OF IT,

beside having to work on thoses MULTIPLE POSTS ON THE SUBJECT, you and YVANS have been pushing her patience a bit too much, and you meant it too, unless you are both idiots,
so lay of your offensives remarks of her back, there is just enough of it now,
wtf, she’s doing a damm good job, and if your not happy go offend the media or other libs blogs on your own party, and see them eat you alive.


You see a headline, and your hormones flow. Sky is falling. Children are now damaged for life. When something tries to rein it into reality for you with statistics, predictability, and limited exposure, they are baby haters or hyping the other direction.

MAta, you just want to see what you believe, not believe what you see, even a heavy dose of skepticism is good. But you are all out dismissing real issues and trying to redefine the argument around statistics and predictability…. well MAta, I know you are not a baby hater, but dismissing the fact that a major population center was advised not to let infants consume tap water seems to me, well, unprecedented. Now that does not increase or decrease the issue. It just is part of this unfolding story.

@MAta and the other readers…

You repeat yourself on your misconceived notions due to reading comprehensions and too much hormonal level. And you exaggerate.

“unhealthy”. Let’s see… eggs are “unhealthy”. Oh wait, that was last week. Milk is “unhealthy”. Oh, that was a month ago.

I love eggs, I drink milk… hardly an equivalency to drinking water contaminated with radioactive materials. You just keep proving my case with your ridiculous false equivalencies.

MATA, I’v been here quite a good time enough to appreciate your so detailed POSTS, all of them required a lot of time and research that you did patiently to give out quality and knowledge, and on top of it you come down personal on each query to explain your point of view of why you’r doing it,
and to see those come in and try to pinpoint a negative to catch you, realy get me to question what is it they are aiming for, and I found it obvious when I read their other comment from other POST,
again trying to demise the other, so they had it coming, all of it, TO tell you the truth,
I was looking for it and the time came for me to say my part. and I did and will do it again
on anyone insulting my friends, this is the story of my life

@ILOVEBEESWARZONE, which other post. The one with Old Trooper and his saying about a month ago that Gaddafi was going to loose power in 12 hours, or was it Mr Irons and that Japan was going to use more oil for generation while GE is shipping in 10 Gas (LNG) powered turbines? Not sure which issue you speak of?

blast, you already know them so you have the anwer,

@MAta (the MA is my reference to your soul mate Mikes America, since you use the same tactics)

Unprecedented? I see. So when cities are given boil alerts for water contamination in various US cities due to events, that doesn’t count? Does it only have to be “radiation” for useable water sources to fit your emotional narrative?

Umm… lets see… when was the last time you heard New York City being asked to boil water? Tokyo is much larger, but for context lets just use NYC. Oh, and this was not really a simple boil water order was it? No, it wasn’t.

Lets see, comparing radioactive contaminated water to eggs and milk in terms of healthy value, and now a “boil water” order vs. a radioactive contamination of a water supply where it was considered dangerous for infants to consume tap water. Ok…. Now I really understand, awe shucks MAta, thanks for the education now you make total sense.

Woke up to news that a crack in a reactor might lead to an expansion of the evacuation zone to 19 miles around the Fukushima nuclear plant.
But them the Japanese government’s chief spokesman, Yukio Edano, said 130,000 residents in the area had been encouraged to leave to improve their quality of life, not because their health was at risk.
Hidehiko Nishiyama, a spokesman for Japan’s nuclear safety agency, said it was unlikely that the reactor had cracked.

OK, then.

But Hatori Norio, who serves on the Nihonmatsu’s disaster committee, is also preparing for the possibility that the evacuees will stay for the duration. He said the town had begun putting evacuees on the waiting list for public housing, recognizing that it may be years before they return to their homes.

Mixed signals.

About the three workers were exposed to unusually high levels of radiation after stepping in contaminated water in the turbine building of the crippled No. 3 reactor, which they were trying to cool.

Two received possible beta ray burns to their legs. All three have been transferred to a special radiation treatment facility. Kyodo news reported that the two more seriously injured workers could have suffered internal radiation exposure.

“The contaminated water had 10,000 times the amount of radiation as would be found in water circulating from a normally operating reactor,” said Hidehiko Nishiyama, a spokesman for Japan’s nuclear safety agency.

The prime minister, Naoto Kan told a televised news conference. “We are doing our best to prevent a deterioration in the situation, but we are not yet in a position that allows us to be optimistic.”

More here:

Well, where’s PollyAnna when you need her?


That does not mean I would not recognize a new development that is genuinely more serious.


Core breach in #3 reactor. Is that serious enough for you? “Stay inside from 12mi to 20mi”. Is that serious enough for you? Neutron beam 1.5 Km long. Nothing to see here, move along.

Now I’ve never said take to the bomb shelters, despite your attempts to make me sound that way, but you are very close to being polly-anna about this situation.


Nishiyama said it was unlikely that the reactor had cracked, but conceded that the unusually high levels of radiation appeared to have originated from its core. “It is possible there may be damage somewhere in the reactor,” he said, adding that a leak in the plumbing or the vents could also be to blame.

Ms. “Expert on the Tokyo water-mains”, do you understsand the Japanese culture? When they say,”It would be very difficult to do this”, them mean they can’t do it. When they say,”we suspect the core has been breached”, they mean,”Guess what guys, what we feared had happened has happend, but we’re not going to come out and say it because we’d lose face.”

I know Mata that you like to find ANYTHING to glumb onto that would allow you to say,”See! It’s not that bad!”, but a core breach in #3 is almost Chernobyl “bad.”

My question to you is, Mata, why shill for the scum of TEPCO? You have stock in that company or something because I can’t, for the life of me,understand why you continually make excuses for their criminal conduct.

Oh please. If the core hasn’t been breached, why the exetnsion of the evacuation zone? Dear Lord, they teach you critical thinking in high school?

And there you go again, Mata, trying to down-play the gravity of the situation. It’s getting worse, not better as one would believe reading the laughable IAEA statement.