The Anti-War movement is taking a 4 year hiatus. As soon as we have a REAL (read Conservative) leader in the White House, it will be all ready to go again.
Nan G
13 years ago
Way back when I was in college I had a friend in many of my same classes whose parents paid for her tuition and housing in the dorm.
She didn’t want to live in the dorm so she sublet her room out to a communist instigator who was not a student.
That woman paid her four times what her parents paid for the room.
So, the student partied and lived high….until she OD’ed.
The communist instigator was a prime suspect for a while.’
What a mess that was!
Turned out the dorms were being sublet left and right.
Communists, Animal Rights lab destroyers, even drug dens and other little nasties.
I wonder if that still goes on?
13 years ago
Um, they are busy trying to save the Unions right now…. they’ll be back later…
Nan, as to you “Commie infiltrators”?? Um, they’ve moved up a bit, They are “subletting” the White House right now…..
The Anti-War movement is taking a 4 year hiatus. As soon as we have a REAL (read Conservative) leader in the White House, it will be all ready to go again.
Way back when I was in college I had a friend in many of my same classes whose parents paid for her tuition and housing in the dorm.
She didn’t want to live in the dorm so she sublet her room out to a communist instigator who was not a student.
That woman paid her four times what her parents paid for the room.
So, the student partied and lived high….until she OD’ed.
The communist instigator was a prime suspect for a while.’
What a mess that was!
Turned out the dorms were being sublet left and right.
Communists, Animal Rights lab destroyers, even drug dens and other little nasties.
I wonder if that still goes on?
Um, they are busy trying to save the Unions right now…. they’ll be back later…
Nan, as to you “Commie infiltrators”?? Um, they’ve moved up a bit, They are “subletting” the White House right now…..
There is and was no “antiwar” movement”
There is a “Destabilize America” movement.
Wake up and smell the coffee, America.