Ranking Democrat Admits…ObamaCare a Means to an End: Single-Payer Socialism

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This video shouldn’t shock anyone since we’ve known this has been their game plan for years: (h/t NiceDeb)

Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, told CNSNews.com today that the health-care law that President Barack Obama signed last March is a “platform” for a building single-payer health system in the U.S.

During a newsmakers program at the National Press Club on Monday, Conyers said that after discussing the issue with Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D.-Ohio) he voted for the health-care law because he saw it as a necessary “platform” for building toward a single-payer health-care system in the United States.

An ends to a means…or as Rahm Emanuel said, “the objective is what’s important, not the means.”

The objective? Single payer health care.

Micheal Moore (granted, not the smartest nut in the bunch) understands the strategy:

I take all of the things that make me nervous about the decisions that Obama has made, and I look and them through that lens – that it’s some kind of master plan. It’s like his continued support of a government-run option for health care. If a true public option is enacted – and Obama knows this – it will eventually bring about a single-payer system, because the profit-making insurance companies won’t be able to compete with a government plan and make the profits they want to make. At some point most of them will probably have to bow out of the business.

Oh, they waxed philosophically about the public option NOT being an ends to a means, they even set up a website where fellow comrades to turn in those who dared to criticize Obama and his socialized medicine goals.

But in the end we all knew it was true…and Rep. Conyers just spilled the beans.

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The question now, is what is anyone going to do about it?

We should look seriously at building a building where all ex-congress critters are stored. Hey wait we already have one, it’s called a prison.

@tarpon: That is where Illinois stores all of their ex-governors!

Call me a nitpicker but your head line should read “Means to AN End.” Who proof-reads these things?

Showing these videos to liberals will not have any impact on them at all. They just put their hands over their ears and yell, “OUT OF CONTEXT! OUT OF CONTEXT! HE MISSPOKE!”

Lets see, WHO pointed this out at the getgo??? Who was Villified and called NAMES for it, Racist, Liar, nutjob “haters” etc etc… Beck? Rush? Hannity? Perhaps O’Reilly?? Seems the RIGHT flags these things RIGHT OFF…. sees thru the LIES and Smokescreens of the Left…. Joe Average?? a bit slow on the uptake.. takes him way longer to see and believe…. and THAT fact hurts us, when they, because they are a bit “dense”… elect BAD people, to high offices! Then we suffer because of that Stupidity.. and waste 4 years on inaction, while we wait to elect a Better person, who has to unravel the nonsense, the fool put in place! Then, the “dense” complain the new guy isn’t moving FAST enough, their limited brains not seeing how much WORK it is, to undo the previous DAMAGE. If only, the better people were elected right off…… how much further ahead COULD we be??

Not that this is a revelation to most FA denizens… but it does make you laugh when you consider the chutzpah of the Dems, whining about “manipulation” in Wisconsin?


I believe a whole article leading to numerous discussion posting could be done on the comparisons between what has happened/is happening in WI, and what happened in our federal government under Pelosi/Reid/Obama.

Who can forget the past midnite final copies of bills that were voted on the next day?
Who can forget Pelosi telling us they have to pass the bill before we can see what’s in it?

And the liberals have the gall to complain about WI, where the assembly debated 61 hours on it, and the senate, while they didn’t have debate, had weeks of reading the bill before passage.

The two latest polls to come out, Rausmussen(today) and Gallup (the 13th), have Obama’s Approval/Disapproval ratings as follows:

Rausmussen- 43/57
Gallup- 46/44

The “Strongly Approve-Strongly Disapprove” gap in the Rausmussen poll is 22% for “Strongly Disapprove”. Wait until gas hits $5 per gallon.

As Hankster has pointed out, conservatives were out there commenting about this from the first whiff of Obamacare. We already have numerous entitlement programs where they are unfunded liabilities that cannot pay for themselves, and that are so entrenched within the system that it is impossible to even attempt a reform of them.

And they wanted us to accept another entitlement program that would be a massive unfunded liability and become as entrenched in the system as SS or Medicare?

The USSC needs to take the case immediately, regardless of Obama’s directive to them, and strike the law down.

Somehow, other than us bloggers, Fox, Rush, Levine and a few others, one has to find a way to expose the lies of the Socialist left and this scumbag in the White House to the public. As I have said in the past, Nazi Germany, the old USSR and others lied and distorted the facts to acjieve an end then as in the case of the yoyo above openly stated the obvious. As the main propaganda arm is squarely behind this, we and the silent majority have to expose these traitorous bastards for what the really are! As we now have leftists openly advocating the monies earned by anyone they consider to be rich belongs to all, one can easily tie this all together.

This isn’t creeping Socialism any more! This is an attempt by this President and his cronies to deliver us to his Marxist handlers! I have believed this for years ans the proof is in the pudding. It’s up to us to stop it now!

Until the average person stops getting fed the left’s talking points by the MSM, this sort of thing will go on. Maybe even then as we have to many people determined to avoid reality thru cranial-rectal inversion.

And I just heard that buried in that monstrosity of a bill, there lies $100 billion to fund Obamacare. When will Boehner and the rest of the GOP leadership tackle this discovery?

I am apt to agree with Mark Levin when on his radio show today he called Boehner et al the Waffle House!! Even some of the freshmen Congressmen are starting to bad mouth the Tea Party Movement.
