Pink Parachutes Are Problematic

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Civilian leaders and political officers within the Pentagon are anxiously anticipating great social benefit from imposing new concepts of cultural engineering on our armed forces. Our armed services, the most tightly regulated and controlled element of our society, are expected to bear the brunt of a small minority forcing itself upon our culture and demanding respect and equal treatment under the threat of law. The military is not only subject to the law of the land, but more importantly, they are under the Uniform Code of Military Justice: a stern and uncompromising code that dictates a way of life and expectations for members of the military that most citizens and especially liberals would consider oppressive. Rather than earning that respect over time, it is now considered covenant and expedient to subject our service members, who happen to be engaged in a war and face the probability of even more wars due to the foreign policy of strength though weakness and appeasement policies of our current administration, to the implications and repercussions of cultural engineering that have been judged beneficial to the minority pushing for these laws and the politicians who will benefit politically. Since the lives of those under arms are controlled and directed by the Uniform Code of Military Justice, their opinions are inconsequential. They are now to submit to the Gay agenda or face prison time in the brig with a Dishonorable Discharge. This is Social and Cultural engineering that would have been envied and applauded by Mao and Stalin, except for one small in-covenant fact, they would have never risked damaging the morale and fighting spirit of their troops over the pathetic whining of a vocal minority.

Whether you approve or not is inconsequential; our soldiers fight and die together because of unit cohesion or esprit de corps a concept that binds them together within a matrix commonly described as morale. Morale re-enforces the unwillingness to let the group suffer because of your poor performance: without morale, a squad or an army becomes ineffectual. Morale is hard to define; yet, good leaders build morale and poor leaders destroy morale. Despite the demanding selection process for officers and non-commissioned officers, a few inferior leaders slip through the cracks of the selection process. Everyone who has served has seen the damaging effects of poor leadership and the downward transition of a unit’s effectiveness.

Beyond leadership, we must consider the plight of the typical recruit who may eventually be called upon to defend our nation, at the risk of his own life. This is a tremendous sacrifice we, as a nation, ask of nineteen and twenty year olds.

Why do they accept this tremendous responsibility and the risk of death? There are the concepts of patriotism and love of country, they can’t be denied, but there is one concept that is rarely discussed and it may be the most important. A young man is often searching for a masculine identity to solidify his own concept of manhood. In other cultures, Rites of Passage are prescribed and the path to manhood is well defined.

In our culture, during the last four decades, traditional roles of gender, especially of manhood, have been purposely altered. An effort that was initiated primarily by feminists and the Liberal agenda; consequently, a masculine identity is often difficult for many young men to grasp.

The military has often provided that identity and enabled millions of young men to feel confident and secure within the masculine identity provided by military life, an identity that has often been absent at home or in school.

Liberals are apt to be derisive about this concept of acquiring a masculine identity within the military, but we have all witnessed the remarkable transformation in a young man returning home after boot camp and infantry training. He inevitably displays confidence, maturity, and poise, some of the most tangible aspects of a mature man.

This change from lowly worm to butterfly took place among a cadre of men, men of distinction and honor, who showed a boy, how to be a man. It has worked over and over for millions of young men. The men who set the example were the best of the best; they exuded the very features of manhood and masculinity that Liberals hate the most and probably the same traits that attract gay men to the services.

Now, because of political correctness, we are to assume that gay men flaunting “Nellie” or flamboyant gay behavior can now instill that same confidence into the typical American young man. It won’t work.

The concept idea of openly gay service men serving alongside our soldiers and maintaining the same esprit de corps that has sustained our men in battle on foreign lands is a Liberal myth perpetuated by many who have never served or who serve as political hacks and “yes men” while still in the military.

It’s obvious that political officers are anxious to please the Obama administration and ‘earn’ promotions by being political hacks and sycophants for President Obama. They do not earn rank by leading men or leading men in combat. They are soldiers who commute to work and face the dangers of traffic and worry over creases in uniforms: in reality, they have lost touch with the soldier who stares the enemy in the eye and faces death from the possibility of steel, lead, and fire on a daily basis.

The real issue is not the advancement of Obama’s political agenda or promoting fairness among the gay population: the real issue is the effect on our soldier who actually faces death. These are red-blooded Americans with traditional values who come from America’s heartland that America depends on so desperately.

They have fought out nation’s battles for well over two hundred years and they have fought this one over and over through multiple deployments. American Liberals assume that this young man who bears the brunt of our political miscalculations and foreign policy ineptness by risking his body and his very life will just accept gay comrades and leaders without a second thought. Unfortunately, the very cultural traits that encouraged these young warriors to step forward will be the same ones that will cause morale problems within the military services. These men don’t rely on connections and fawning over politicians to win promotion; they earn their promotions by walking into Hell and never complaining or showing weakness.

We have asked them to fight under unrealistic Rules of Engagement that appear as if they were written by the enemy to dishearten and weaken the resolve of our warriors; yet, they still stand and fight. The military through the government under the threat of the UCMJ does not allow them to speak out on this issue, but inside their hearts they are wondering if America really wants or expects them to win this war or just make a political statement for the Obama Administration.

These young men have pride, more pride than most of us will ever know: it isn’t a false pride, it is a pride in stepping up and doing the most for their country in the traditions of their forefathers and that doesn’t include serving with openly gay servicemen.

There are inherent problems with gay enlisted men, true enough, but when those gay soldiers achieve rank and they will achieve rank or they will have the military and their immediate officers in court demanding to know why they were bypassed for promotion. Whether they deserved the promotion or not, because they are gay and they will be promoted or it will be blamed on homophobia or some form of gay discrimination. For a straight soldier from the heartland of the US to be led by a gay person will be difficult enough, but when that gay NCO shows favoritism towards a certain soldier because he is cute or dresses well or drinks with the sergeant there will be a major breakdown in morale.

In the officer class, the problem will be intensified; a miscue, mistake in judgment, or weakness will be considered, rightly or wrongly, the result of being gay. Again the morale is destroyed. Men will not follow officers they don’t have complete faith and trust in, that is a fact of military life.

For those who have never been in the military and are skeptical over the term morale, you must trust that a fire team (four men) a squad, a platoon, and a company function on a personal level with the leader of each designation. If there is a weak link or poor leadership at any point the entire unit’s integrity is compromised. Each man must feel apart of the team and be willing to sacrifice himself if need be or expect that his fellow troopers will bring him out if he is wounded and they must have complete faith in every leader up the chain of command.

An infantry company is the basic and powerfully dynamic unit that can accomplish incredible objectives by itself in the field. It consists of four platoons of approximately sixty men, making a total of approximately two hundred and fifty men. A captain leads a company. He and his First Sergeant are the inspiration, heart, and soul of that company; if either of them displays a weakness in character or courage the unit’s morale is compromised. Captains occasionally address their troops to scold them over an issue of importance. This is a rare occurrence and the situation is considered to be important for the “Old Man” to speak. (The Old Man is often barely over thirty.) If a gay captain stood in front of a company formation and delivered an impassioned speech on the gay agenda and of gay rights, that unit might as well be disbanded; its combat effectiveness would be reduced to such an extent that it might as well be two hundred and fifty independent fighters, because the company’s morale would be destroyed. We are well aware of the impassioned and flamboyant oratory by gays stating their feelings of being wronged and of how they must be accepted as contributing members of society. Fair enough they have stated their case and won many concessions and entitlements. These theatrical tactics work well on the political stage, but in the world of fighting men, you only breed resentment and anger. Can you legislate those feelings away: possibly, but it will probably be at the expense of the most powerful military in the world.

Are the needs of gays, lesbians, and transgendered people worth this risk, are we willing to gamble the fighting effectiveness of our military in order to placate a small percentage of our population who have non-traditional personalities and the Liberal agenda.

We now have a generation of fighting men who may be greater than the generation that stood on the wall for WWII, is it fair and right to expect them to deal with societal problems while risking their lives to the treachery of an inhuman enemy and a president who seems sympathetic to our enemies. We ask enough of these men, let the gays who wish to serve and wear a uniform to become mailmen and security guards; there is a real and present danger out there facing our troops and our country. This is not the time to engage in fanciful fantasies of societal engineering.

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Skook, are you actually suggesting that a man who is openly gay is, by default, less “manly” than any other man? I hope you don’t actually believe that. Please tell me I misread.


That was a most impassioned article you have written, and one of high importance for this day and age.

I have no doubt that I served alongside homosexuals, and while I didn’t know so at the time, they performed well enough that I had no regrets about what I had asked of them, or how well/or not well I judged their effectiveness. That, of course, was in the era of “Don’t ask, Don’t tell”.

With openness about one’s sexuality in a military unit, you are correct though. There are many young service members who have, at the very least, reservations about serving alongside someone they know to be gay, and at worst, deep dislike for gays in general. An openly gay service member will find it very hard to be accepted, for many of the reasons you’ve mentioned. Did they get the promotion based on their sexuality? Or, for the gays themselves, did they get passed over because of it? Did the gay man truly earn his medal? Are they getting the easy assignments because of their sexuality? These and many more questions will be going through the minds of both the straights and the gays, and at a time when their heads need to be concentrating more on the job at hand.

I don’t state that last paragraph lightly, either. Would I like it to be an open atmosphere regarding sexuality, and with the effectiveness the military has enjoyed in the past? Yes. I don’t have any problem with someone’s sexuality. To each his own. But I don’t believe this is the time to, as you say it, implement “societal engineering” into our military units who are involved in major conflicts at the time. I don’t claim to know when the right time would be, nor do I claim to know if it would work at a time where our military was entirely at peacetime levels.

Maybe our society in general needs to become more at peace with the ideas of homosexuals before we try to incorporate the openness into the military, although who knows when that will be. I know, though, that it isn’t at this point in our country’s history.

It is only a matter of time before we seen a soldier brought up on charges for not living up to the Barry requirements of special rights for the gay lifestyle. It might only be a soldier who states what most major religions believe that the gay lifestyle is seriously and gravely disordered. That is what this is all about, not the gay person, but the protection of the gay lifestyle as the left tries to make that normal. There is no doubt that a gay person has something about them that is not normal in a world of men and women and creation of life. However, each of us have something about us that is not normal and we spend a lifetime overcoming that fault. The person who has an overwhelming weakness called gluttony has strong desires to eat and the military bans those people who do not abstain from serving. The person with a weaknes for children under the age of puberty which we called pediphiles has an urge we know they cannot seem to control and they are barred from serving in the military if they give in to their urge. It was not long ago that there was the tailhook scandal involving lust and some were kicked out or punished for failing to control that weakness.

We know from the study on Catholic priests who abused others that the vast majority of them were homosexuals attracted to twinks or those between puberty and 18. This is a common problem with the homosexual community and not accepted by society at this time despite the efforts of some like Nambla. So we will have soldiers under 18 living with openly gay soldiers and what happens if one is attracted to one of these young soldiers? The military should not be a place where we try out various normalization programs for behaviour social issues. the policy of don’t ask don’t tell was the right one for the military and taking it away shows a total disregard for the military and those that serve.

Great article, to the point.

Separating the men from the boys, with a crowbar, will not work.

Skookum, I stand with you.

DADT: when I was in SAC (Strategic Air Command) I could be court martialed and discharged for parking tickets.

There was no tolerence.
Of anything.
We handeled nucler weapons.
We did it right or not at all.
Nothing less than perfect was acceptable, no exceptions.
Anyone who had sexual attractions to their team mates was not reliable and was completely unacceptable.
There was no room for errors, distractions, or direlection of duties.
We were constantly available, as they say now, 365/7/24.
We counted on our teams to be ready at all times with no distractions or delays.
What a person wants to be, or believes, is their business.
When it comes to being there for defense situations sexual proclivities are a hazard.
A homosexual would not be trusted or counted on by a straight man.
If you can not trust the “man” next to you in a conflict situation your effectiveness is impaired.
This lack of trust can cost you your life, even if he could have been trusted.
You must have complete faith in your teammates.
If you do not have faith in your teammates you will be distracted watching them instead of the enemy.
This is one of those times when “failure is not an option”.

Homosexuals, gay or lesbian, in the military should not let their preferences be known;
there would not be a positive outcome and the effect could be massive amounts of problems.

@ Gary

Why didnt you just pull a poll from the Huffington Post.

I have friends that are now serving in both Iraq and Aghanistan, none of them are too happy about the repeal of DADT. Those that pushed this know they won’t have to live with the consequences of this action. They will blame our military for being unable to force people to live together and wonder thwy troop moral is less than it was 10 years ago. Not to mention this opens up a lot more avenues for people to abuse the system when they don’t get what they want from the military.

I liked the article. A considerable amount of time was spent on it. In a “fire fight” or a hot LZ, the average life of a new and untested 2nd LT in ‘ Nam was less than 16 minutes. It did not matter what social tolerance one had, as long as you knew the man next to you covered you. opie’s efforts to reform the military will have some hard, fixed stone walls with senior officers..these issues will never make MSM, or any other of the filtered news networks. but the rumblings have already started.. they began just before christmas..Keep up the good work and reviewed. You did a nice job on the article..

The Official Party Line…


OT, maybe that ought to be changed to “I won’t ask, and stop the F*#k volunteering it”.

I think many gay rights activists will be disappointed to find what the definition of “openly gay” is in regard to the military. Any aspect that clashes with morale and effectiveness will be left to civilians.
There are prescribed uniforms. Any “queer” modifications will not be embraced.

The real upside between the end of DADT and the recent Military Diversity Commission, is that gays and women have lost their free ride. Next up will be Selective Service registration for women. Beyond that, we need a clear alternative track for CO’s (Conscientious Objectors), so there is no out. All serve equally.

Once again, sex has NO PLACE in a military that must go to combat.
When you are in a foxhole with someone who is your lover and someone outside that foxhole wants to kill you, concerns about “protecting your lover next to you” WILL distract you and get you both killed.
When the man or “man” next to you is killed, you MUST be able to continue fighting.
Your “love connection” will cloud your actions and you will be useless to yourself and the rest of your unit.
You will lose the battle.
“He” is dead, and you will be if you do not keep going; your unit will suffer; you will have reduced whatever affects you and your outfit could have accomplished.
When you are fighting, you MUST ignore the carnage around you.

Or you will be part of the carnage.

The gay dude in the photo is riding past kids! What the heck is wrong with the parents for taking young kids out for this? The old dude is probably just having a fine old time, showing off the “jewels”. Hope he got sunburn.

@MataHarley: Catering to the desires of a Minority in this case is a disingenuous Political gesture and nothing more. The Military represents only 3% of the American Population by numbers. It is All Volunteer, has working conditions that are 24/7, sends folks into very dangerous places and into very volatile environments that require discipline, cohesion as units, teamwork and situational awareness that does not include the luxury of “Social Justice” or Immediate gratification but demands real Personal sacrifice by those that Serve a cause larger than Self.

The repeal of DADT requires a revision of the UCMJ big time and will take years. This is a social experiment that can potentially be very costly monetarily as well as effects in morale and readiness.
The US Military has a vital role in National security and should not be subject to Social Experimentation to satisfy Political ends. It is about cheap politics and nothing more.

My greatest concern for our military in a pro-homosexuality era is almost the exact reverse of what you mention.

I have no doubt that there will be people who will be uncomfortable working with, showering with, and bunking with someone they know is attracted to their own gender (and I don’t buy that gays are only attracted to other gays–if straight people can be attracted to gays, gays can be attracted to straights); however, my greatest concern if for those straight individuals who will be subject to the military’s mandatory social engineering. If a homosexual is passed over for promotion or not assigned a particular duty, is it because he is gay? Is that commanding officer or teammate now subject to a sexual harassment (or hate crime) suit because the gay individual interprets (or wants to interpret) the action as discrimination? It happens all the time with women who feel “discriminated against” and use their sexuality to make someone (male) pay.

And even if the gay individuals in the military aren’t causing specific problems, are they going to tell the civilian homosexual lobby to take a hike when they start interfering? Will it be enough to be able to introduce their boyfriends at the summer picnic or will they need to be affirmed? Not enough female soldiers have done this to the feminists so I’m skeptical that the homosexual individuals will be any different. They don’t want to be equal, they want to be special.

Have you severd in the militry?
Do you have any clue what our troops are up against?
Do you have any idea what they go through?
Worrying about sexual passes freom the “man” in the next bunk
is bull shit. Take it somewhere else.
I have no time for PC bullshit.
I spent over twenty years defending this country.
If you think that is a walk in the park, ENLIST and write about it
in twenty years.
There is no excuse or rationalzation for open gays in the military.

SKOOKUM, I am confronted with two negatives thoughts, about OPENLY GAIS,serving in WARZONE:
I think of our MILITARY’s men and woman,serving , getting in the hells of war, and It tell me,
why only them to be working for the FREEDOM of the BEAUTIFULL AMERICA,’
I think this could be done by any citizen as a must to serve the COUNTRY, should be a required
action for anyone to immigrate here. NOW for this to happen with openly GAIS, would require
a special unit comprise of only the GAIS , just like for the AMERICANS calling themself MUSLIMS
would require a special unit to serve, AMERICA, as long as they serve their muslims allegance,
just like the gais who serve their allegance to their own genders,
this in order to keep the actuals carrer military fighting for freedom without having to fight witthin their unit!!! therefor not only the straight would end up bloody or disabled or dead leaving forever their beloved AMERICA, where all other men are having all the best of life free but never EARNED
with the service of their COUNTRY as it is now


With all due respect, you seem to be assuming your own personal attitude on gays is representative of those of the young men and women entering the military today, young people who have grown up in a much more tolerant society, in which gays participate much more publically. Moreover, the implication that integrating gays openly into the military is somehow one bridge too far seems, to me, to give short-shift to those soldiers who daily face and overcome myriad challenges without complaint. Your argument, although clearly intended in the best interest of the troops, also feels uncomfortably close to arguments used against military integration and desegregation in other eras. I imagine Joseph Beauharnais, when he wrote this letter to the Secretary of Defense in 1949 regarding the end of racial segregation in the military, felt he had the best interest of the troops in mind, but his outlook was already well on its way to becoming a relic of less enlightened times. Certainly I freely admit I don’t have your knowledge of military life, nor am I challenging your personal perception of the military in your time; but I submit perhaps you don’t have the proper insight into the cultural life of those late-teens in 2011 contemplating entering the armed forces, to judge accurately what they’re willing to welcome, accept or just plain deal with in order to serve.

I can only comment based on my own experience.

Skookum wrote: “Liberals are apt to be derisive about this concept of acquiring a masculine identity within the military, but we have all witnessed the remarkable transformation in a young man returning home after boot camp and infantry training. He inevitably displays confidence, maturity, and poise, some of the most tangible aspects of a mature man.”

ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. I jumped out of a plane at 300 feet (AAA fire too intense to jump higher) with 7 others in my squad over Grenada.
Mission Objective #1 (of 3): Take the airport. Hand over to Army personnel. (Airport defended by estimated 250 Cuban “regulars.”).
1 1st Lt. (myself), three Sergeants (1 S.E.A.L. MS, 2 Ranger Regiment SSG), 4 CPL-(1 Sniper, 1 Spotter), 2 Medic/Communications.

Mission accomplished. Lost Randy Cline, Sgt.

M.O. #2: Make way to Governors Mansion. Secure facility. Locate and apprehend Governor and his mistress. (NOT making that up).

M.O.#3: Evacuate two subjects, proceed to pick-up point.

All three objectives completed.
After landing, we were surrounded. CPL says “They’re hitting us from every direction! What do we do?”
Reply: “Kill enough of them and they’ll stop shooting at us. You are Paratroopers, you were trained to be surrounded and fight back. We don’t retreat. We reload.”
Presto! CPL sniper wins a Bronze Star. 4 CPL’s become MEN.

Then SkooKum writes:
“For those who have never been in the military and are skeptical over the term morale, you must trust that a fire team (four men) a squad, a platoon, and a company function on a personal level with the leader of each designation. If there is a weak link or poor leadership at any point the entire unit’s integrity is compromised. Each man must feel apart of the team and be willing to sacrifice himself if need be or expect that his fellow troopers will bring him out if he is wounded and they must have complete faith in every leader up the chain of command.”

Obviously, Skookum has been at the “Blue Moon Side” of an AK-47.
No truer words were ever written.
Had JUST ONE MAN IN MY SQUAD FAILED TO PERFORM UNDER FIRE, we all would have perished. I have no doubt as to that opinion. And it goes much “deeper”, all the way back to basic training.
If we did not perfect “The Center Peel Maneuver”, all of us would have died. ( I touched on this in response to our new blogger. I advised him to “move two paces to the left or right after firing…it saved my life.”).

“Modern War” is not something you want to learn while in a Hot Zone. Better to learn it exists while in the Boy Scouts, and perfect while undergoing Field Training. And I did not want “touchy-feely-sensitive” liberals defending my flank. I wanted trained killers that won’t hesitate to exterminate those insects without pause for “reflection.”

And may God Bless the soul of Sgt. Randy Cline. You know we tried to get you back. God knows we tried. I miss you everyday.


Center Peel.

This is a training video. TRUST ME…….in reality it is MUCH MORE INTENSE. (In this video, No RPG’s lobbing in, no long range artillery raining down, and we fought through a jungle later but first landed out in the open, in the middle of an airport tarmac with nothing but a Caterpillar payloader to hide behind. Thank God that CPL Joe Tedesco from Brooklyn NY knew how to hotwire and steal a payloader! (HERE COMES “BIG DADDY”, BITCHES! AND BOY IS HE PISSED OFF!).

You see any “gays” in that group, in that video? If you were there, would you want to see them defending your retreat route?

Or would you want to see TRAINED ASSASSINS in place behind you dropping the vermin like flies?

Hey!….I’m still here breathing.
The Cubans I encountered? Not so much.

Nostradamus, thank you for the link on RANGERS, yes I was surprise to find one fallen RANGER
having my birth name, not related from what I know but still same name make you think

Over the years I have received literally hundreds of photos, many thousands of emails and and requests for information about “who I saw, what they did, what really happened, can you help me with this….”


It’s tough.
Something I guess you take to the grave.
Randy was 1st Battalion. I was 3rd. But we “grew up” together.
I was the 1st Lt.
Therefore I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS DEATH. He was breathing when I ordered a “break-off/diversion to evac.”
By the time we got there he had expired. We left his body and moved forward. Toughest order I ever had to give.

The “E” in there is what has tormented me for many years.
I sometimes feel that I sacrificed “E” in order to accomplish “R”.

The next day I ordered an A-10 strike on a single APC at the West Gate because I was so pissed. (We could have waited them out and taken them out after they got out to piss).
If you want more info on any particular soldier, just ask. I will search my pooter records and forward anything I can to help you relieve your torment.
We all have demons to slay.

Thanks Skooks. I think you have a pretty good grasp on reality.
People: There is PURE EVIL OUT THERE.

I know, because I’ve seen it. It’s real….and it wants to kill you and it wants to destroy our country.
No matter how successful “they” are at trying to do that, there is one place “they” will be sorry they tried to take.

My home.

They may win, but I assure you that I will die because I was beaten to death by my empty weapon, and not a minute before. Even then, unless the next thing in the door is a grenade, the first visitor will be met with “Mr. Bowie and Bayonet.”

Some of you may think that I’m “delusional.”

But you know what? After watching what is happening in Japan, my first instincts, my first thoughts were “I could do something to save some of those people. I know how.”


I went to Gulfport Mississippi after Katrina. I was still in the Reserves. (I was appalled at the attitude I saw from the locals).
But I would still go, no matter where I was asked to go to.

Real men keep their word.
It’s a kind’a “inside thing.”

SKOOKUM, I think the GENERALS are in a position to negate that order, for the same words you mentionned, and this is about a non EXPERIENCE PRESIDENT giving them an order
that he doesn’t fully know the consequences, but the GENERALS know it,

This has to be one of the dumbest things the TOTUS has done yet; almost as dumb as the tree trillion dollar deficit and socialist healthcare. How many new and crafty issues for future presidents can obama possibly think up? He will be one term.. Guaranteed.

tom, If they don’t know if they are willing to welcome or accept or plain deal with it before they join, with all the research available, they wont belong, because It take more than that to become a MILITARY.

If you don’t already know, senior commad is the most homophobic portion of the military. Patton, and Ridgeway are illustery examples..

Nostradamus, on 23, yes I see some in the back, they dig a deep trench and laying in it

can you see one of them[it take only one] developping a likeing for a taliban,
and not able to control his urges, and becoming a treator because of it,
because he cannot deal with it

SKOOK Full support, there is nothing gay about being “gay” except that that homosexual group is perpetually whinning. My antenna go up about new males entering my sphere and if that guy has sexual innuendo on his mind get me the fk away. Just settled in town, a NT Times sports columnist ask, after he poured several boozies, to join him touring teatty bars. Never did, don’t know for sure but weird is weird and the last thing I would ever want is to have a pair of overt homosexuals on my guard. Something fears me that that jihadi squad ready to cut throats of American GIs would sneak right on by. Morale deteriorates and so does internal cohesion and effective operations. Close with recommendation, youtube Rota 10, it is Russian film about an army squad facing, Afghanistan, hostile enemies out to murder.

@Tom: I disagree with your premise that young people have grown up to be tolerant of homosexuals. They are being forced to accept the homosexual lifestyle. Your only problem is, you are losing.

The gambut is propably older but Gary Studds, lucky me my Mass congressthing, twenty years ago prefaced a book narrative telling a tale of two marines on Guadelcanel swapping Lewinsky’s while their comrades were getting shot to pieces. The narrative, as I recall, was challenged by living veterans that served in the South Pacific as a sheer selfish fabrication stating repeatedly, to a man, such behavior would rum any US Marine out of the Corps in dishonor and disgrace.

Silveryder, I think you have put your finger on another important factor, and it is most possible that would happen if one GAI is denyed a promotion he was sure to get in his beliefs of what’s fair
and what’s not fair from the higher RANK COMMANDER, therefor coming to address his anger to create a accusation of discrimination, and AL Cooper reacted strongly to this possibility of happening as
there is no way they can take a chance on that to ever happen,


I disagree with your premise that young people have grown up to be tolerant of homosexuals. They are being forced to accept the homosexual lifestyle. Your only problem is, you are losing.

Believe it or not, I think you can tolerate a gay person without turning into one. But it’s your right to continue in a state of intolerance, just in case I’m wrong.

In the courts each individuel is allowed certain space, it used to be the length of the arm or that of a sword. With obvious crowding on subways excetera the length of assault has deminished accordingly. I, as a guy, am super sensitive to body approach and space invasion. The legalities are “assault” without the battery; now Kansas Girl, many of these protections were originally written to protect women from unwanted physical advances. I don’t give a tinker’s ding how homosexuals entertain themselves but my liberalism stops four feet from my zipper and surely yours is the same from your bra strapes.

James, that was so funny, okay, I raise your card for a FLoPPING ACE CARD,
this happen some years ago, in a crowded bus in MONTREAL, the time is around 5 am,
many people half asleep leaning on each others swaying with the bumppy road
and the curve taken roughly by the bus driver, and suddenly you hear a loud voice and one hand holding another hand way up above the crowd, and the voice of a woman shouting,
to who that hand belong that was touching my bumb a good 5 minutes,
then you see the front of the bus scrambling toward the back in one instance
leaving the woman struggling to keep the hand with the guy trying to get away,

Allen West strikes again!

Everyone that comes into the military has an equal opportunity to get promoted to the next level. It is not about outside entities trying to engineer and design results and outcomes or create a sense of equal achievement and when some military diversity group writes a report saying there are too many white men on top,” West said. “It is kind of a slap in the face to those who have risen through the ranks such as four star General [Lloyd] Austin, [General] Kip Ward, many others. We don’t need these outside entities trying to design or shape a military.”

West continued by noting that many confuse privileges with rights. To West, it is a privilege to serve in the military. He also said it is not an institution with which outsiders should tinker, especially while engaged in conflicts abroad.

“I think that when you look at these groups and other liberal special interest groups that keep trying to chip away at the military,” he said. “We are engaged with a very vicious enemy in two combat areas and who knows what is going to happen in North Africa and the Middle East and now is not the time for us to stop and start sensitivity training.”

“Can I follow you into the shower?” “NO! – not unless ordered to shower at the same time and there are more then two shower heads being used by others.” Homosexuality to the homosexual type is normal and resistence, they believe, abnormal. Charlie Manson, Helter Skelter, said it best to Prosecutor Vincent Pugliosi “You can always get sex in prison” and the secret of his control over the girls was prison sex which only he and Bobby Beaujilaise were allowed to do.

Montreal? Here in NYC we have commute in your underwear riders, then some guy pumping oil while nuns rode in the same car and there’s the dude so drugged and out of it that a rat crawled up making it two inches from his nose. I like Montreal, at least there if you grab it might be a piece of derriere n’est pas.

James, Montreal has change dramaticly, there dont seems to have a limit as to who can immigrate in the COUNTRY, the quest for making money has taken over decency and protection of the future of CANADA,
therefor changing it’s image,as UNITED STATES IS facing the same detachment from their roots once very important as model for the young to see and remembered, the braves are getting fewer as
they died for the FREEDOM of others and not replace by a new births of the same blood,
GOD IS PUT BEHIND CURTAINS, being replace by offensives religion politisyze,
HOPEFULLY, the cleaning will occur at the end of the TOLERANCE

@Tom: Please look up the definition of tolerate. Why do I have to accept something that you want me to “tolerate”. Not going to happen.

@James: I have never needed protection from your type. I surround myself with like-minded people that you will never be a part of. Thank goodness.

“My type”
Mademoiselle, je suis un bonhomme par excellant, all my female friends, wife and girlfriends, have been formed by thorough mutual interest and understanding. There are bits in my lifestyle that some less tolerant would find challenging but that personal mystery unto you is not overtly offensive. Men are, and the males on this blog are men styled guys, different and our reactability to shower vulnerability can immediately turn violent. As to the military and the fighting men defending our nation we are concerned, if a homosexual type should overtly boot a hostile reaction it would be his fault for the blood on the floor. No soldier need ever face such a dilemma.

James, hi, there is another fact that is important as the GAIS OPENLY GETTING IN MILITARY ,
that is the fact there is two genders in their own community, so the one which play the female role,
and the other one, so, that would require even more attention to an existing problem maker,
they did not mentionned which would be accepted to enlist or both and the one who are female would require a special tent with showers ecetera, of course they could not stay with the woman, so they want to bring more problem to the warzone that cannot afford to deconcentrate the real meaning of their job
in order to spend extra time which is very precious at war to deal with this.

Wrong move Mr. President!

But I’d change my mind when these openly gay soldiers earn a medal for courage and bravery under enemy fire.