I’ve been a fan of Flopping Aces for a long time, so when I was asked if I’d like to write here, it didn’t take long to respond even though I already write on two other sites, A Soldier’s Perspective and You Served (along with the You Served Radio Show I do once a week). For those that don’t know me, allow me to introduce myself.
My name is CJ Grisham. My biggest accomplishment in life is actually fooling a hot chick into marrying me and then giving me three awesome children!! After that, I’d have to say my military service.
I come from a long line of military service. My father is a 32-year veteran of the Navy and my grandfather was in the Army Air Corps and fought in Germany during WWII. I am currently in the Army and fought in Iraq during the initial invasion in March 2003. I just hit my 16th year in the Army this past January and hope to live long enough to retire myself. I’m currently a Master Sergeant and have done time as a First Sergeant.
I’m currently preparing for a deployment to Afghanistan, something I’ve been trying to get since returning from my previous deployment in late 2003. It just didn’t sit right that Soldiers were deploying 2, 3, and 4 times and I was resting on just one myself. However, it’s just the way the cards fell. When I returned from Iraq, I was immediately reassigned to help create Task Force IED at the National Training Center, Fort Irwin, CA. After that, I was reassigned to unit in the DC area. Then, I was sent to a strategic assignment in Huntsville, AL. I’ve volunteered for numerous deployments, but they were never approved for one reason or another (one of those being the reason I can no longer stand John McCain!). After awhile, I just figured when God needs me, he’ll send me back. Well, I guess he needs me.
I’m a firm believer in America! I don’t care what anyone says, this is the greatest country in the world – in spite of what our current leadership is doing to destroy that. But, we aren’t a great country because of the scumbags we send to Washington, we’re a great country because of the people here – the farmers, the police officers, the fire fighters, the accountants, the truck drivers, the Taco Bell drive thru homies, etc.
I am a strong defender of the Constitution. When I joined the Army, I took that enlistment oath personally. “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States.” I didn’t take an oath to any one person or group of people. I didn’t promise to support and defend a political party. I didn’t promise to support and defend an ideology diametrically opposed to the Constitution. The words in that Constitution guide my purpose. I love my country because of the freedoms that it guarantees to each of us. I didn’t take that oath lightly or dismissively. I carry a copy of a well-worn Constitution everywhere I go, especially in uniform, to remind me of this sacred duty. If you ever see me in uniform, I’ll prove it.
So, I think the topics you’ll see most from me will be related to either my military service or issues relating to the support or destruction of the Constitution. Every now and then I’ll try to surprise you. I’m a huge gun rights advocate and will probably write extensively about it. I believe that the people are superior to the government and have no issues being vocal about it. I will fight to put government in its place in a heartbeat and have a great track record of doing so. Of course, sometimes that puts me in odds with my military service, depending on the competence or leadership ability of those above me. 😉
I’m preparing for a deployment to Afghanistan in a few months and my plan is to write at least one post per week about my time there. Naturally, if you have any questions or specific topics you’d like see from me, please ask. My email address is cj@soldiersperspective.us and I’m usually pretty good about replying.
Again, I’m humbled to be asked to write here and hope that I can provide a positive addition to great writing that existed before I got here and will continue long after I’m gone. I look forward to getting to know the Flopping Aces audience!
Finally, I have a tendency to skip important words when I write because I type so fast (I average about 65 wpm) trying to get my points across. If something doesn’t sound right, I’ve probably skipped a very important word. Just ask and I will correct the error or clarify a comment.
If I could make a suggestion, what I personally enjoy reading about are the little things you experience while “In Theatre.”
I’m a Vet so I know how it goes, and “It Goes” more ways than one!
How’s the local food? How are you dealing with the climate? (Bet you didn’t see THAT coming!). Have you seen real toilet paper lately? ( I went weeks in the jungle without it. IT MATTERS!).
You’re a Master Sergeant. Is your Sergeant Major a jerk? Why does your immediate NCO possess more common sense than your CO? (CAREFUL THERE BUDDY! I’m a retired 1st Lieutenant.).
Is a pair of new socks still worth more than 4 packs of cigs?
GOD BLESS OUR SOLDIERS! (especially the Snipers).
And do me a personal favor. Give your riflemen a direct order. “If you fire your weapon, move two paces to the left or right before firing again.” That advice saved my life.
And tell them to memorize the following:
Marine Corps Rules for Gunfighting
1. Bring a gun. Preferably, bring at least two guns. Bring all of your friends who have guns.
2. Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap. Life is expensive.
3. Only hits count. The only thing worse than a miss, is a slow miss.
4. If your shooting stance is good, you’re probably not moving fast enough nor using cover correctly.
5. Move away from your attacker. Distance is your friend. (Lateral and diagonal movement are preferred.)
6. If you can choose what to bring to a gunfight, bring a long gun and a friend with a long gun.
7. In ten years nobody will remember the details of caliber, stance, or tactics. They will only remember who lived.
8. If you are not shooting, you should be communicating, reloading, and running.
9. Accuracy is relative: most combat shooting standards will be more dependent on “pucker factor” than the inherent accuracy of the gun.
10. Always tactical load and threat scan 360 degrees.
11. Use a gun that works EVERY TIME. “All skill is in vain when an Angel pisses in the flintlock of your musket.”
12. Someday someone may kill you with your own gun, but they should have to beat you to death with it because it is empty.
13. Always cheat; always win. The only unfair fight is the one you lose.
14. Have a plan.
15. Have a back-up plan, because the first one won’t work.
16. Use cover or concealment as much as possible. The visible target should be in FRONT of your gun.
17. Flank your adversary when possible. Protect yours.
18. Don’t drop your guard. Never turn your back on dead looking or wounded enemy, unless they have no head.
19. Watch their hands. Hands kill. (In God we trust. Everyone else, keep your hands where I can see them).
20. Decide to be aggressive ENOUGH, quickly ENOUGH.
21. The faster you finish the fight, the less shot you will get.
22. Be polite. Be professional. But have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
23. Be courteous to everyone, friendly to no one.
24. Your number one Option for Personal Security is a lifelong commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and de-escalation.
25. Do not attend a gunfight with a handgun, the caliber of which does not start with a “4”
I dunno, CJ…. hate to take issue with you on your first post, but dang, guy. Having you, one of America’s finest, is hardly what I’d call “scraping the bottom of the barrel”! LOL
Watch your back, and check in as often as you can. Even if a brief post. We’ll provide the conversational fodder to feed your soul and spirit.
Thanks for the welcome. I’ll remember those rules and make sure to check in often! Of course, if I’m going to answer the kinds of questions Nostradamus asked, I probably should have gone with the fake name! 😉
Dear CJ,
How exciting and a big old welcome to you, CJ! Used to think it was great when you responded to Word, having you for as one of our authors is better than fantastic! Scraping the bottom of the barrel…pfft!
Of course I don’t understand how deployments work, my nephew has been going to go back to Iraq and going to go to Afghanistan several times, they send him out for that training you go to before deployment and then his orders change. It’s been a relief for us, but, he does want to return. He’s some kind of an Army sgt. and is in it for a career. Big Red One.
As Mata has already warned, “watch your back” and again, you are soooo welcome here!
Good to see you on board. As an ex-Army hankie-hopper, I’ll look forward to your post.
If you are at the bottom of the barrel, the top layer must really be awesome! Like I tell my Army soldier I write to in Afghanistan, “Cover your buddies rears, and come home safe.
Welcome to the FA family CJ.
Just read the post you put up Reflective Belts over at You Serve. This is safety PC gone overboard. Did those that came up with idea run a proper controlled test in combat areas before implementing the idea? If they did, how many survivors were there in the banded group?
Sounds like Sniper paradise and all bets are on the fastest trigger pulling sniper. Sorry, my belt goes to the dumbaxe liberal who dreamed this up. Elimination is the finest form of flattery I can present them.
Again, welcome aboard and I look forward to your awesome insights.
@CJ: Welcome. You’re in good company here as you probably already know from reading the posts. It’ll be good to get some updates on what is going on and how the troops feel about the issues such as the changes to the Post 9/11 GI Bill that were signed into law back in early January.
CJ is a great family man and everything you could ever want in an American patriot and soldier. As a milblogger, he’s been very influential and has written and posted a lot of valuable stuff. In recent times, I’ve found myself moved by his posts on ptsd, his own personal battles with it, and in suicide prevention. CJ deeply cares about every American soldier. Every one.
Something CJ doesn’t bluster about, but which I’d like FA readers and fellow Americans to know:
Some more background, this in regards to milblogging controversy a couple of years ago:
Why are Milblogs falling silent today?
CJ engaging anti-war protester in dialogue (Just one out of so many examples of CJ awesomeness):
Welcome aboard CJ!
FA’s stock just went up.
@another vet:
I wouldn’t be surprised if it is something CJ weighs in on. You might be interested in something CJ wrote up prior to the ’08 election.
While I am not a bonafide member of the FA staff, I have made a presence here and contribute now and then when I feel something move me to write. I also write on my own blog and also I am on staff at Conservative Hideout 2.0.
With all that being said, from myself and the readers, Welcome Aboard CJ!
@Wordsmith: I appreciate the old link. That was well before I even heard of FA. As a matter of fact when it was written, I was in B-Dad around a third of the way through my second tour. Makes me wonder how much other good info on various topics I missed out on that’s been posted here. This is definitely a place to get good info. There are some very knowledgeable contributors here.
I don’t know if these were the changes that were signed into law. I took about a 30% reduction on some of my benefits and am going to school with an Air Force Reservist who did 3 tours in Afghanistan and she not only lost her benefits but is having to pay some of them back. She has over 12 years of service and I had 30. Hopefully some service members and Vets are getting some additional benefits out of this.
Dang, @anticsrocks, we FA authors are “a staff”?? Yo! Curt! Oh FA Founding Father…. where’s our health insurance? Do we have the right to unionize and demand fiscally damaging collective bargaining rights???
Sorry, anticsrocks. Just made me laugh when you said that. And hey, it’s so popular to be of the “gimme gimme” mentality these days. Downright patriotic, even. /sarc
When is your bus leaving for WI?
Sorry, couldn’t help it. LOL!
BTW, welcome CJ. If Mata vouches for you, I’m sure you will do well here. Stay safe!
CJ, hi, I,m so impress that my hand is trembling as I type one note in 65 second,
but I,m improving so very slowly, WELCOME
Again, thanks for the warm welcome. I’m truly humbled. Please believe me when I say I’m nothing special. I just have a loud mouth.
CJ #17
Loud mouths don’t translate very well into text messages. You need to develop your loud finger skills here.
Ms. Bees, you do yourself a disservice. Your typing and commenting skills are getting better rapidly day by day. I think I can speak for most here and say that I enjoy reading your comments.
Smorgasbord, hi, do you think I develop the loud finger
johngalt, thank you, and don’t forget the like button,
I think you are very knowledgeble[ too,] bye
I kid you not…CJ is something special. He’s like some sorta superhero…a dark knight or something.
This is the what the Taliban has to fear when CJ deploys to Afghanistan. He’s America’s best-kept, secret weapon….and he will soon be unleashed to kick some serious Taliban @sses!
God/Allah help them all…
I do say I believe Curt missed on the gravitar. You hit on it sir and it should be cartoonized (is that a word?) for his FA gravitar. GREAT find!!
Nostradamus, hi, I like the rules you put on your comment, but if I’mm into a confrontation,
do I use them all at once, what if I forget a couple should I wait to confront until I get to remember the first and second,
Bees #20
You are too polite to have a loud anything. Actions speak louder than words, so I guess you are VERY LOUD in that area.
Smorgasbord, yes but I see that you are missing some posts lately, good to see you,
Bees #26
I am on my way from Pennsylvania to the northwest part of the USA and visiting family along the way. My last stop will be in Winnipeg Canada to visit my Air Force son, then out to the NW. He just earned his E-8 rank.
I have been doing sightseeing along the way, visiting some places that I didn’t have time to stop or couldn’t park my semi. Now, I can go on any road and park in any parking space except handicap. I can even drive in the left lane if I need to.
Smorgasbord, good vacation well deserved I’m sure, very happy for your son too,
how you must be proud and he must feel good,
take care, let us know more as you get there,
watch for the bears’s waking up at this time and oter animals too
CJ, stay away from Canadian troops. They attract fire.
Oh, oh, wonder if there are any paybacks coming in the future? lol
@MataHarley: Staff, Board of Directors, I dunno, was just looking for something besides the tired moniker “moderator,” lol. 🙂
You are right, seems that everywhere you turn it is, “Ask not what you can do for your country, ask when the hell your new benefits package kicks in!!”
CJ, could you give your opinion concerning the radiation of the militarys on the CARRIER RONALD REAGAN, was it possible for the commander to back up or turn before the cloud was surely in view,
IS there any way to abort such mission, order by the COMMANDER in CHIEF who knew, had to forsee the danger of those MILITARYS on board, AS for IF he did not abort the mission in front of such danger, I think he is responsible for thos having been irradiated,and possibly will carry the effects direct or
indirectly into their future, thank you our military are not expandeble
Wordsmith, You don’t need to say GOD ALLAH,
THERE is only one GOD,the CREATOR of all we see
I was asked to write for a website some time ago and enjoy it very much. Like CJ, I’m also a big supporter of 2nd amendment rights and many of my pieces concern the right to keep and bear arms and the perpetual attempts by the left to overturn that, our most important right. I look forward to reading your stuff.
Bees #33
The Christian, Catholic, Mormon, Jehovah Witnesses, and the Muslim religion all base there beliefs on the same god, yet you have a philosophy that ranges from loving your enemies to killing everyone who doesn’t convert to their religion. Joining a religion is like ordering off of a menu. You can order anything from mild to super duper hot.
Smorgasbord, yes but you can taste so much of hot, after a while it burn you up,
and you regurgitate on it when they change the name on the label or add another one beside,
while you’r still living in GOD’S COUNTRY, which is the BEAUTIFULL AMERICA UNDER GOD
Bees #36
The “BEAUTIFUL AMERICA UNDER GOD” is being turned into Allah Akbar under Allah.
Smorgasbord, hi, we won’t let that happen, won’t we,?
Bees #38
Not in my lifetime.
Awesome that you’re here, MSG! I’ve been a fan of yours for a while. Welcome!
on your 23, I think you’re jealous,
I can add that we all are looking better than you.
you just break the normal distribution and take over the space.
lol lol
That’s stuff that sailed thru the spam filter, Bees. It’s removed from the four threads that got hit.
I came in for the laugh,
thank you for the advice, sometimes it take me
yes you should give us a POST, BECAUSE your comments are always well done,
we would certainly like it too.