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Legalizing Gay Marriage will Mean More Laws and Lawsuits [Reader Post]

Most conservatives are live-and-let-live types.  The less government, the better; the less that the state regulates us, the better.  For that reason, many conservatives have not put up much of a fight when it came to the abolition of sodomy laws; nor did we care much when gays wanted to “show their pride;” nor did many of us object to civil unions.  For most of us, it was, “Fine, fine, do what you want.”  However, we have come to find out that, each of these steps was not a pinnacle, but merely one step in a very long ladder.  We have come to realize that, the legalization of gay marriage will not be the end of it either.

We have found the gay marriage movement to be very litigious.  It does not matter what society says; they can vote again and again to recognize marriage as being between one man and one woman; gays will use every legal maneuver possible to get their way.  I do not doubt that there are some gays who are sincere in this movement.  However, for others, this is simply more of their “in your face” attitude (which describes a gay pride parade, if you have not been to one before).

Allow me to present a few examples, many of which are well-known to most of you?

The Boy Scouts was one of the greatest and most honorable organizations in America.  Then the gay activists and the ACLU attacked the Boy Scouts because they did not want self-proclaimed homosexuals as scout leaders.  As a result, the Boy Scouts were kicked out of city parks, public schools and other meeting areas.  They lost funding from the city and county governments and from the United Way for their programs to mentor boys without fathers.  What will happen to this organization when, gay marriage is put on a par with heterosexual marriage?  At one time, the girl scouts or boy scouts were a rite of passage for young people, and these legal battles have diminished their once great position in our society.  You need to remember, in a court battle, often, whether a person wins or loses is not as important as to how much money the whole thing costs.  The sad thing is, there was no reason for such a savage legal attack, beyond simple meanness.  I would love to know what wonderful thing homosexuals believe that they achieved in this attack of the Boy Scouts.

We know for a fact that, gays will use “hate speech” legislation and “gay marriage” laws to attack churches and other organizations.  This has already been done in our country and in other countries.

Sweden has a law now which bans “all speech and materials opposing homosexual behavior and other alternative lifestyles” and there can be a 4-year stint in jail for breaking this law.  This is a law almost specifically for the pastors of a church who teach the Bible and what it says about homosexuality.

Gay marriage is just a step in the ladder; it is not the end game nor will it be the last law, nor will this be the end of gay lawsuits.  It will become ammunition for more lawsuits.

The Anglican Bishop of Chester, England, but put under police investigation for saying, “Some people who are primarily homosexual can re-orient themselves.  I would encourage them to consider that as an option.”

During Homosexual Pride Week in Saskatchewan, Canada, Hugh Owens took an ad out in the paper, showing the symbols of 2 men holding hands in a red circle with a line drawn through it, next to 4 Bible references.  The verses were not written out.  He was fined $4500.

A video was made in New Zealand which pointed out the link between AIDS and homosexual behavior; the New Zealand parliament outlawed the video, because it promoted hate speech.

Chris Kempling has a PhD in psychology, is head of the Central British Columbia Public Health Board and he is a counselor at a high school in British Columbia.  He wrote a letter to his local paper, which suggested that homosexuality was not simply a genetic orientation, that homosexual sex could be unhealthy and promiscuous, and that homosexuals could become straight.  He was suspended from his teaching job for a month without pay.

In California, a lesbian asked 2 Christian doctors to artificially inseminate her.  The doctors refused and she sued them.  The doctors lost on appeal.

I suggested in an earlier piece that schools would be sued for not having enough of a positive message about homosexuality; and that there would be lawsuits over “institutionalized homophobia.”  This has already occurred in British Columbia, where the ministry of education had not gone far enough by avoiding discrimination against homosexual and bisexual students; they were guilty of not having a positive message out there concerning sexual orientation in the classroom.

Robert Jason of Foothill, Ontario sent out an email expressing a belief that marriage should be between one man and one woman.  The police actually showed up at his front door and interviewed him, and they warned him not to threaten anyone (which he did not do).

A printing business in Ontario was put out of business through litigation because the owner did not want to print up stuff for a local homosexual and lesbian group.

Even now, there are a few public schools in California where students who object to a pro-homosexual policy can be sent to counseling.

These examples come from The Criminalization of Christianity by Janet Folger.

So, ask yourself; will this get better or worse after gay marriage?  Will there be more or less government interference with our schools and businesses after gay marriage?  Will there be more or fewer lawsuits filed?

I oppose gay marriage for many reasons, but the certain increase of laws and lawsuits is one of the primary reasons that I oppose it.

This article is from Conservative Review #168 (PDF version)

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