“Trouble in River City” [Reader Post]

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….or, America in peril.

In the end, everything you do will be based on what you know or believe, even if it is wrong.

All of our actions are based on our perceptions,

Which are of course based on what we have learned, or think we know.

Most of which these days, for a lot of people, came from TV, radio, movies, or were read in the papers.

Or maybe even were taught to us by some union brainwashed teacher.

All of these sources are controlled by someone else.

Note the use of the word “CONTROLLED”.

The use of that word is not an accident.

If they say 2+2=5 and you do not know how to add, you will accept what they say.

You will be led by someone else and not even know it.

This means that they can tell you how to think, what to think, what to believe, what to eat, what to drive, what to buy, what your morals should be, where you can smoke, what light bulb to use, and (most importantly) how to vote.

To make it really simple; you will be a slave to “them”, accepting whatever they say and will vote to support their cause.

(“Them” being the elitists who know what is best for you.)

Guess how we got to this point.

We did not pay attention to what was taught in our schools to our children.

We did not pay attention to our history.

We did not pay attention to politics.

We did not do our own homework.

And we did not even question what we had been told by a media with its own agenda.

We are very close to being LESS than a third world country and we are extremely broke and way in debt, even unto the third generation.

This means we can be taken over by anyone with “fourteen dollars and twenty seven cents”. (Apologies to Roger Miller)

Our dollar is very close to being worth less than ten cents.

Our dollar is currently the world standard.

If that changes, we are in VERY serious financial trouble.

We must stop this stupid “spend our way out of debt” idiocy.

Time is short, hang in there, and remember to take out the trash in 2012.

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Nice article on Mr President

Okay, so let me get this straight, we’re 14+ trillion devaluated dollars in debt already. The proposed budget for 2011 is set to tack on an extra 1.6 trillion devaluated dollars to that debt. Somehow, with that as a backdrop, 60+ billion in cuts to that budget is draconian!? Are we completely lacking in math skills amongst our politicians (and those amongst the public who agree with merrily running up the debt)? At least here in California that seems to be the case, where the “rallies for public education” blithely called for cuts to public education to be stopped, with zero proposals on how else to even half-way deal with California’s ballooning debt. We truly have fallen into the trap that Ben Franklin predicted; we figured out we could “vote” ourselves money out of the public coffers, and the Republic is in mortal peril because of it. God help us.

Every billion in cuts will be money that isn’t delivered to entitled Democrats, payback to fat cat Democrat campaign contributors, or do-nothing produce nothing Democrat government jobs that are probably unionized. Not delivering government money will make Democrat voters question their loyalty to the party line; consequently, every dollar cut from government programs or more accurately Democrat bribe money places votes in jeopardy. When the foundation for your party is legal bribery, a huge percentage of the American economy is based upon this bribe system. “I give you money, you vote for us or you give us a million to our campaign and you will get a billion in subsidies and contracts.

Cutting more than superficial amounts will compromise the Democrats’ election support system and the economy itself. Like it or not, corruption is so engrained within our economy that eliminating even a nominal amount will hit the economy with tremendous force. Thanks to the Democrats and their culture of corruption, our economy is so based in corruption that it could be dangerous to our economic integrity to seriously attack their corruption, too many industries exist solely because of Democrat corruption. Without the bribe money the industries fail, jobs are lost, and a significant amount of money disappears from the economy.

Money must be in circulation to be part of the economy; under normal circumstances, the money generated and paid out through corrupt government schemes, including everything from fraudulent welfare checks to kick backs to businesses and union leaders, becomes a useful and vibrant addition to the economy once these miscreants spend their dirty Democrat dollars. The store or grocery doesn’t know or care that the money is tainted and it becomes a legitimate part of the economy.

Unless we can corral the corruption on both sides of the aisle, the argument is almost mute. We’ve already seen the Rhinos backing away from taking any big action against the debt. The entrenched politicians still in D.C. are fighting to the end to not only keep the electorate depeneant but also keep their own palms well greased. The fact is that for them to actually attack the problem seriously, they have to cut big and now. and not just cut the growth rate. They need to cut everything back. Unfortunately there are not yet enough politicians in D.C. that actually have the balls to do that. The sad part is, unless we can route out the corruption and waste and fraud, we’re just barking up a tree here.