Interesting: (h/t Powerline)
US President Barack Obama told Jewish donors in Miami on Friday that Israel and the United States should not be afraid of changes taking place in the Middle East.
Obama said that the world needs to be “sober” about the current transformation in the region but stressed that the West shouldn’t fear the future.
…“We’re going to have to be engaged and we’re going to have to be involved and we’re going to have to reach out,” he said. “But I’m actually confident that 10 years from now we’re going to be able to look back potentially and say this was the dawning of an entirely new and better era.”
Of course this was the same day the Washington Post reported the Obama Administration is preparing for Islamist regimes to takeover in Egypt and beyond:
The Obama administration is preparing for the prospect that Islamist governments will take hold in North Africa and the Middle East, acknowledging that the popular revolutions there will bring a more religious cast to the region’s politics.
…The administration is already taking steps to distinguish between various movements in the region that promote Islamic law in government. An internal assessment, ordered by the White House last month, identified large ideological differences between such movements as the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and al-Qaeda that will guide the U.S. approach to the region.
Large ideological differences?
While I’m sure there are some differences I find it hard to believe they are large.
The larger problem here is that if Obama is relying on a assessment that on its face (I say this without having read the assessment myself) is trying to sugercoat the fact that a government ruled by the Muslim Brotherhood would be tyrannical and dangerous then Israel may as well count us out as an ally. Oh sure, Obama will say he backs them completely:
“our commitment to Israel security is inviolable, is sacrosanct.”
But if he supports a Muslim Brotherhood government in the area how can that be a commitment to Israeli security?
Further down in the WaPo article we get Paul Pillar, former CIA analyst, who says this:
…“The main challenge President Obama will face is a political challenge from across the aisle, and one reinforced by Israel,”
The main challenge won’t be fanatical Islam taking over in these countries, it will be Republicans and those who back Israel.

See author page
Are the Jewish people so blinded by their loyalty to the democratic party they don’t see this man hates the Jewish religion? It was quite evident during his campaign that he is pro-palestinian and quite apparent now. However over 78% of the Jewish population voted for him.
My allergist is Jewish and we had a discussion about this during an office visit. he apologized to me to voting for the man. Why didn’t they see it before hand? Please someone explain this to me.
You are such a bullshit artist Obama.
Greetings Disenchanted,
As they say, “politics makes strange bedfellows”. In the case of Jews acting against their own collective self-interest, this is nothing new. Many “secular” Jews are essentially atheists, possibly explaining why such a large swath of them veer toward communism/socialism, which is atheistic at its very core. (eg. see Vladamir Lenin) Hence, when Obama demonstrates a philosophical affinity towards the more secular elements in the Jewish community, they flock to him like moths to a flame. Indeed, he is their “communist in chief” who can join them in mutually ridiculing the Christians in America for clinging to our guns, our Bibles and our xenophobia. Just consider the political philosophy of either a Rahm Emanuel or a Bill Maher, and you’ll see what I mean.
We Americans are supposed to follow this numb nutted nitwit as he seeks to befriend our enemies, like children on the Yellow Brick Road to see a complete fraud; except, this time we are supposed to follow the fraud straight to Perdition. The Jews who want to follow this Pied Piper of Marxism deserve their one way ticket to Hell, but the rest of us sure don’t deserve this lying bastard and his Appeasement from the era of Chamberlain.
I went to whitehouse.gov and the speech was not posted. I would like to see the entire context, since the word “sober” seems to be hanging out there without relevant rhetoric attached to it.
Parenthetically, Muslims in Egypt are 94.6% of the population. I doubt a group called the Christian Brotherhood would have much appeal. Even in our democracy there have been pitched political battles over “social issues” often attached to evangelical or Christian groups (without judgment on any of it). So too this will happen in Egypt, except tipping to their own beliefs. I look with a jaundice eye toward any religious organization inserting itself into political life… and even more so when it comes to Muslims which seem to hold a grudge against the US.
We cannot be the little Dutch boy with our finger in the dike anymore, even if we wanted to be. Many of these Islamic states will fall just due to the flow of information may embolden some to topple non representative governments. If we invaded Iraq to end an oppressive regime and bring democracy, (oh besides all the WMDs) then we should embrace it for Egyptians as well… It seems bring a “sober” attitude to it might be helpful.
Suggest you contact your POTUS and his less than transparent government, and ask for the transcript of his speech at Miami/South Florida fundraiser at the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee on March 4th, 2011, blast. T’ain’t likely they’re going to be providing the media with boring transcripts delivered to the “in crowd” gatherings. He probably meant “somber” instead of “sober”, and TOTUS was too far away for clarity.
This called a policy of Fence Sitting.
You wait, and gradually, slowly, as you tell lies, move the consciousness little bit by little bit, presto, ………. a new normal.
This is also called Institutionalizing Procrastination, and Beatification of Indecision. Eventually, stupidity will become a much aspired-to quality.
Someone should point out to the President that things haven’t worked out so well in Lebanon and Palestine. Or perhaps his Secretary of State wants him to look like a fool.
This is an example of what the libs claim is proof that Conservatives suffer from fear.
That is how they disguise or justify their refusal to face reality. They label our concern for a very real possibility as an irrational fear.
They say we are “afraid of the future”. No you jackasses, we just have a better grip on reality and a far clearer view of what the future can bring.
Surprised no one is commenting on what Barry said in quotes above..
“But I’m actually confident that 10 years from now we’re going to be able to look back potentially and say this was the dawning of an entirely new and better era.”
Can someone define how you can be “confident” and have “potentially” in this sentence? If anyone went to this quote 10 years later and found a mess, he would say I only said I was confident that potentially it would be better. If it is by some chance better, then he would of course want history to ignore the word potentially. One might say “I am confident that in 10 years that potentially we will not longer need oil.”
The sad part is that as President you are expected to lead, not place yourself on both sides of an issue. Barry the Zero strikes again.
Barack Obama orders Lockerbie bomber al-Megrahi be seized IF his side wins in Libya.
Yeah, the winners would be the Islamists.
Don’t know which brand.
How much sharia is enough?
The new chairman of the US House’s Middle East subcommittee blasted the Obama administration on Friday for not taking a tougher line against the Muslim Brotherhood and its possible inclusion in the next Egyptian government.
“I think we ought to be very clear that the Muslim Brotherhood should not be part of a future government in Egypt,” Rep. Steve Chabot (R-Ohio), 58, told The Jerusalem Post in his first interview with an Israeli paper since becoming chairman of the US House Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia.
“They’ve been less than clear about accepting the Muslim Brotherhood in a future government and in what capacity, and I think that sends a message to those that are going to be negotiating the future of Egypt’s government,” Chabot said of the Obama administration. He added that broadly “this administration has oftentimes sent mixed messages, and pretty tepid and weak messages on occasion.”
Maybe Obama and his brilliant advisers would benefit from studying why raising boys in Islam leads to anti-Western viewpoints…..
1)Western children are brought up to think that anger is a negative thing and that showing anger is embarrassing and probably the fastest way to “lose face” (lose social status). It is a sign of lack of control, joy and ability to do what one wants.
Muslim children on the contrary are to a high degree taught that anger and aggression is a socially acceptable tool for handling conflicts and expressing frustration.
2)Westerners are in general brought up to think that handling criticism objectively and emotionally undisturbed is a sign of mental balance and personal strength.
Trusting oneself and being able to use the criticism constructively if it is true and not caring if it is not, is a sign of authenticity and true self-confidence.
In Muslim culture criticism is seen as an insult and it is expected – according to their view on anger – to respond aggressively.
Being acutely aware of any kind of criticism and reacting aggressively (even being ready to kill own family members) in order to protect one’s honor is not seen as honorable in Western psychology.
It is a sign of feeling insecure, weak and mentally out of balance.
3)Western culture is dominated by a feeling of inner control.
This means that we see ourselves as the main responsible for our own actions, situation and state of mind.
We see the way we think, our own viewpoint, our ability to handle our emotions and the reactions, we chose as the main factor giving our lives direction and deciding our feelings of happiness and suffering.
If we have personal problems we ask ourselves “What did I do wrong, what can I do different?”
We look for the answers within and a whole industry of countless psychologists, therapists, coaches, self-help books and magazines are built up around this world view.
The Muslim world has nothing of this belief system and no industry of personal counseling.
This is because it is dominated by an outer locus of control.
Muslim societies have strict outer cultural traditions, religious rules, powerful male authorities and often totalitarian regimes deciding almost every aspect of the individual’s life.
There is little – if any – room for reflecting on, questioning or criticizing these outer factors of control.
When a Muslim has personal problems he or she is therefore very likely to ask “Who did this to me?”
Where we in the West believe in the Free Will, Muslims have their ”Insha’ Allah”.
Inner locus of control leads to self responsibility and increased ability of self-reflection.
Outer locus of control leads to victim mentality and a need for outer borders in order to behave socially.
4)The fourth psychological difference concerns identity and tolerance.
Until recently, where cultural relativism has proved to be a naive theory conceived by abstract minded professors without maturing life experience, most Westerners were taught that all religions and cultures are equal.
We are told to be tolerant and even today many fear being called a racist when criticizing totalitarian religions, foreigners’ high crime rates or EU and our national states’ loose immigration laws.
Muslims on the other hand are told that they belong to a certain religious group and that their loyalty are to the tribe (the Muslim society and the Umma) and to the religion – on the expense of loyalty towards respectively national identity and secular laws, and on the expense of tolerance towards “the others” – the non-Muslims.
The strong Muslim identity among Muslims creates an equally strong Us-Them mentality.
It won’t be long before Obama says that we shouldn’t fear sharia law either.
@Greta: “But I’m actually confident that 10 years from now
we’remy people are going to be able to look back potentially and say this was the dawning of an entirely new and better era.”There, I fixed it.
Why should Obama be worried that things are going his way? This is just more of the “Change” our King-in-Chief has in mind. This reminds me of a Tea Party protest sign that said, “Change it back.” I´m for that.
When he lookes ahead 10 years from now he probably sees a crown on his head and all of us bowing to him.
4000 radical Muslims attacked a Coptic Christian church in Egypt yesterday and this moron is telling people “What, Me Worry?” (sorry for the insult to Alfred E. Newman).
From a past post in my blog, but I think it’s on the button here.
I have said in the past I feel this clown is the most Anti-Israel leaning President in my lifetime. One only had to read his book as it was there in his own words! (Quote from Obama’s book: Audacity of Hope: ‘I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.’). My question is and has been, being of Jewish descent myself, I can’t help but wonder how the Jewish population here in the U.S. keeps voting for Anti-Semitic liars, yet every polling day, they somehow blindly rush to do so. In turn, we now have an administration that appears more than happy to watch Israel (and for that matter any country or people who do not toe the line as to radical Islam) be eradicated. “As Ye sow, so shall Ye reap”. We are now witnessing the harvest of a seed that was planted centuries ago, nurtured over years and years, blooming every now and then (Nazi Germany for example) and now is in fact at full bloom.
I’m not sure what the answer is, but it sure as hell isn’t the Anti-Semite in the White House anymore that it is the self hating Jews who helped elect him. Israel and in turn Western Civilization as we know it is in grave danger. The Muslims are candid about this while we here in Obamaland are being told to accept it by our sad sack leaders! Hell, how else could this idiot face a roomful of Jews and say don’t worry about the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that in it’s charter advocates the eradication of the Jews!
Yet, this could have been stopped if the electorate had just taken their responsibilities as voters seriously! When the President and his minions speak of Israel and the Mid-East, I sense pure open hatred for Israel. I point out that’s how I feel. I only know when I watch this clown speak and look at his eyes, I see hate. And that is a bad thing to see in anyone’s leader. It’s even worse however when that same leader ignores the obvious and tries to stick the dry tapered corn cob farther up our behinds!
One should not be surprised at the actions of a person who has actually been open about his ideology in the past. That is they shouldn’t be if they weren’t so open to accepting the lies and deceit that come from almost every politician. Almost every action this President has taken seems predicated on one thing, acceptance of the radical Muslim agenda as part of our society. As that, if it came to fruition would mean the end of Israel and our own way of life, one must conclude Israel is in grave danger.
Joe and others concerned about ”the Jewish vote.”
This from one year ago.
National Survey of Jewish Voters
Date: April 14, 2010 ________________________________________________________________________
Major Findings:
I. A plurality of Jewish voters would consider someone else for President.
According to the 2008 exit polls, Barack Obama won 78% to 21% among Jewish voters.
Now, in the second year of Obama’s presidency, only 42% of voters would re-elect him,
while the plurality (46%) would consider voting for someone else.
Key voter segments including, Orthodox/Hasidic voters, Conservative voters, voters who have friends and family in Israel and voters who have been to Israel, are more likely to consider someone else.
Actually I did look for a transcript and it did not contain anything mentioned in the article Curt referenced. The White House did post the transcript from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign and the comments listed here are not part of that record.
As to President Obama’s remarks that I have read on the subject (that are fuller than what is being quoted here) including:
Now I am sure we can divine some nuance (complete text would be best), but can you differentiate between what we did in providing freedom to Iraqis (and their same potential of becoming antagonistic towards Israel) and supporting freedom for Egyptians (without invading)… I remember many arguments against Saddam supporting terrorists and paying Palestinian terrorist suicide bombers… If the argument was that Democracy in the middle east would stabilize relations with Israel vs. the despots, why the big swing? I am sure if we went back to the arguments about the Iraq invasion and war would would find many people here espousing this principal argument.
“…the winds of freedom that are blowing through countries that have not felt those winds in decades”…. my arse. As I’ve said before, there are no good guys in these protests. Despots vs radicals, who will take over any genuine western reform at the point of a gun and mortar.
Your flaw is the same as Obama’s, Blast…. you desperately want to believe these are “winds of freedom” They are not.
An ally deserves our support. Obama fails to do so.
Genuine protests of corrupt elections and western reform deserves our support. Obama fails to do so in Iran.
Upholding rule of law with an ally, desposing a corrupt President via Constitutional demands deserves our support. Obama fails to do so in Honduras.
Two words say it all. Obama fails. He does not recognize when to step up to the plate, and when to stand back. He can’t identify the right side of an issue, as history shows. And none of it bears any resemblence to Iraq, so quite trying to refight that battle over and over. It’s tiresome, and we already know where you stand. We will never see eye to eye.
I am now finding 248 ”news sources” all quoting Obama as having said:
“winds of freedom that are blowing through countries that have not felt those winds in decades”
If Obama didn’t say those words one would think his spin machine might have corrected the matter by now.
But then again, he’s out golfing, right?
Obama claimed on Friday that America “can’t be naïve” about the situation in the Middle East, stressing that Israel may benefit from the wave of popular uprisings that has swept across the Arab world.
The Muslim Brotherhood already states that they will eradicate Israel and Obama says Israel will benefit?
(BTW, the ENGLISH version of the Muslim Brotherhood web site omits their Charter and goal of eradicating Israel.)
What did the swordfighter in The Princess Bride use to say?
“That word, I do not think that it means what you think it means.”
From No Quarter post;
Islam means peace:
“A mob of nearly four thousand Muslims has attacked Coptic homes this evening in the village of Soul…, 30 kilometers from Cairo, and torched the Church of St. Mina and St. George. …. [S]ome say [the Church pastor Father Yosha and three deacons who were at church] died in the fire and some say they are being held captive… .
“… the mob prevented the fire brigade from entering the village. The army, … stationed … in the village of Bromil, 7 kilometers from Soul, initially refused to go into Soul … . When the army finally sent three tanks to the village, Muslim elders sent them away, saying that everything was “in order now.”
This has to do with a Muslim woman wanting to marry a Christian Copt. Oddly, she seems to still be alive, but get this:
“The father of the Muslim woman was killed by his cousin because he did not kill his daughter to preserve the family’s honor, which led the woman’s brother to avenge the death of his father by killing the cousin. The village Muslims blamed the Christians.”
Remember, though, Islam means peace.
More at the link.
I have been railing for years as to the Jewish vote. They have and always seem to vote for the Democrats, same as the blacks (honest, I’m not trying to be condescending here as to the blacks, it’s just fact) Most I know voted for this clown! They as did most of the electorate chose not to take their responsibilities as voters seriously and as I said did not do their homework on this clown. Unfortunately, the electorate here has a short attention span and usually chooses to listen to the Pied Piper. As such, this is what results. As to the Jewish population, look at NYC. Again, they keep voting for a clown like Bllomberg who is more than happy to turn on his own people. shameful!
Ever visit a Mass Grave and smell the winds there? I have several times in the Balkans and Iraq. Freedom has a cost. Lives…
The mass grave in Aden
These are the Armies of Liberation the the Muslim Brotherhood stirs up. Poorly Armed and Trained.
Yemen is just one of several “Nation States” where this “liberation” is taking place. While da Big Guy is out playing golf.
This is *Open Source* so nothing Classified here.
THAT is reminding me of reading what speech HITLER had given the JEWS in GERMANY at the time when they where showing concern of the offenses done to them by the young HITLER’s followers, HITLER gave them a deceitfull assurances that all would be okay to calm them, as the militarys where
gathering the JEWISH communitys and sending them in trains of death by axfiziation
We Choose Consultations
Hey, It’s just words again…Windsock Foreign Policy…
Yep, Not to Worry…
We will have to wait to see if this is true or not, and if the Saudis act on it or not.
Obama has asked Saudi Arabia if it can supply weapons to the rebels in Benghazi.
And KEY point:
Nan G.,
IF this is true, given the unrest in the region including Saudi Arabia, there are endless reasons why it would fit well along with other decisions filed in the Monumentally Stupid Drawer which this President has made.
“regime alteration?” Must be a term they took the time to run through a focus group, in the mean time death and mayhem rages on, but, relax, they’re on it.
I’m in the middle of Decision Points and I sure do miss him, a bittersweet read.
I would not arm the rebels, because if they cease power, it will be worse than what you have now,
they will join the movment of radicals making it grow and move to the next part
Blast, keep in mind that ISRAEL have done the approche for peace many times before,
but don’t you see that those are our ennemies they hate AMERICA for supporting ISRAEL
theyr goals are driven by their own history where their beleifs are transmited from generation to now,
and that is to infitrate the world over and once they have attained the number and the position that the locals have carlessly put them, they start the inciting to their followers, and the repercussions are seen from all the WORLD, they move now and wont stop till they enslaved the WORLD