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Attack of the entitlement zombies!

I think that the only thing missing is Pelosi saying that dissent is the highest form of patriotism.

The only reason that these idiots are protesting is because in Walker’s bill the ability to opt out of paying union dues has got the union big wigs running scared. They are desperate and will resort to not only this type of violence, but it will get worse before it gets better.

Did anybody see this type of activity when pelosi and company walked through the crowds after passing obamacare? The left blames Tea Party activists for the very acts that they commit or have committed in the past. Typical marxist style!
When the GOP representatives walk through this mob of union leftist goons, they should wear some obvious type of earphone with music….preferably lively music while he/she openly enjoys the sound.

Thank goodness for the common sense of that one union man.
From 2 minutes 30 seconds on, you can see him, in his orange union T-Shirt plus sports jacket, standing between the Republican and the violent ones, flashing a peace sign and making a space for protection.
When he id’s himself as a state assembly man they listen to him.

AS we see It take one to start violence, and It take one with brain and good judgment AND COURAGE to stand up in front of A mob of angry robots

The man actually shows up for his job, which is what myself and the rest of the taxpayers in WI are paying him to do and this is the crap he recieves. Yet the Fleebaggers hiding out in Illinois are portrayed as some sort of heroes by the media in WI.
Every liberal cause and its brother is importing their dregs to my state to protest and it has gotten old already. We know they don’t like the legislation but as we all know “Elections have consequences and at the end of the day, we won” Time to stop the circus in Madison…

Well, this one appears to be quite docile, check out his little piggies:

Should protesters be allowed to take over our nation’s capitol in this manner? Use a war memorial as a bulletin board, “yeah, just stack that crap over here, that stone will come in handy for hundreds of post it notes.” At least they were decent enough not to use dry erase markers, eh?

Hubby and I watched the WI Senator and the Rep that rescued him on FOX last night, the senator made the point that six months ago a peaceful Tea Party rally was held at the Capital and the group left the area clean, that’s not happening in the bldg or the grounds with this bunch.

The rescue rep spewed talking points, he was also seated in front of his hanging orange union t-shirt and had a caricature of the Governor displayed in such a way that all FOX viewers would certainly see that too. Don’t know why his political advisor would think those childish props would sway anyone of any intelligence to support the “cause.”

I was born in Wisconsin and had spent a chunk of my childhood summers with my Wisconsin family. In the beginning I thought this would pass soon, then dread…. hoping they would just get it over with and now it’s depressing. If this happened in Illinois I don’t think I’d care so much, this state has a way of conditioning you to expect the worst. Wisconsin is different, it has always been more wholesome, Madison is little Berkely and Milwaukee has other big city problems, but the rest of the state is wonderful, it is terrible for me to see the people behaving like this.

@Missy: You said:

If this happened in Illinois I don’t think I’d care so much, this state has a way of conditioning you to expect the worst.

You really hit the nail on the head on that one, Missy. As a native Illlinoisian I can attest to the fact that the conditions of corruption and (to borrow from Jimmy Carter) malaise are such that it is almost a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is hard to be proud of your state when you know that just around the corner more bad news is coming and it is almost always as if the state is it’s own worst enemy.