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The Socialist Elite

The Elite, is almost a dubious term that few can define. Those who are Elites will never admit it, not even to themselves. In this article we will attempt to define the concept according to the writing of Orwell and the Socialist leaders of the mid-twentieth century and today.

Orwell wrote,

“There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe in them.”

At first glance the reader is incredulous; what a bizarre sentence, it doesn’t make sense. However, like most deep thoughts, the sentence induces a secondary response that slowly sifts through the reader’s consciousness, producing memories of experiences with intelligent, but extremely impractical people.

Every neighborhood has the truly gifted person that has created their own world because they don’t fit in: colleges are well stocked with professors who either take advantage of tenure to act as differently as possible or else they would truly have no other position in life if it were not for the world of academia. These people have never been adverse to holding ideas so wrong that only they, as very intelligent people could believe in them. If you haven’t known one, perhaps it is time to do an objective personal evaluation.

Orwell could have included ideologues and Useful Idiots within that sentence, but the sentence would have lost some of its dramatic effect. By definition a Useful Idiot is an ideologue, but an ideologue is not necessarily a Useful Idiot. Ideologues occupy the entire spectrum of political and philosophical ideas: the term Useful Idiot is a Leftist term coined by Stalin that refers to the wild eyed fanatics who believed so strongly in the Communist Ideology; yet, had no concept of the evil nature of his regime and often worked themselves into a position of prescribing their own demise with their fanaticism and naive allegiance to the Leftist movement. Stalin considered many American Socialists and journalists to be among his Useful Idiots. He held them in contempt, but appreciated their untiring efforts while he laughed at their naive assumptions that they were somehow invaluable to his cause: to Stalin, they were disposable and insignificant, merely Useful Idiots.

Today we find the detritus of the Useful Idiot and the ‘highly intelligent but extremely impractical’ still being used as laws, regulations, and policy. We should consider some of these ideas of the recent past and of the present that are being discussed or implemented, while contemplating quotes from Orwell:

Soon we will be forced to accept America as a totalitarian regime.

Air should be taxed or more precisely, the air that every animal and human on earth needs to live, should be taxed as a means of population control and of generating tax revenue for every person their livestock and their pets.

Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.

President Bush hurt the US economy because he overspent: President Obama is good for the economy because he out spends President Bush.

A jury can render a more informed and fair decision if evidence is withheld.

The Boy Scouts are evil to have policies that discriminate against pedophiles. The Catholic Church is evil for not ridding itself of pedophiles.

As we are made into blind believers of the state, they gain more and more power over our lives.

A government that loads itself down with over regulation approximately the size of 30 New Deals is considered a radical laissez-faire free market.

Pulling a terrorist toward you while holding onto his shirt in a rough and impolite manner is considered an “enhanced interrogation technique”. Therefore it is “tantamount to torture” and beyond normal accepted procedures of interrogation. However using a drone aircraft and sending a missile into his home, with neither trial nor tribunal, and killing him his family and friends is perfectly acceptable.

We can only ask a country not to pursue the acquisition of nuclear weapons: once they have assured us they do not intend to acquire nuclear weapons, they may proceed toward acquiring a nuclear arsenal with due haste.

It is immoral and illegal to ask a person for his papers; especially, after he has committed a crime and fits the profile of an illegal alien. However, it is federal law that all non-citizens must carry identification. In the near future, every citizen will be required by law to have health insurance.

Soon we will be forced to accept America as a totalitarian regime.

A state may confiscate private property or give it to someone else who can better use the property because of this phrase “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law”; however, the phrase also means you can kill a baby whose head is in the birth canal, but has not yet seen the light of day.

…if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.

The phrase “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” does not necessarily mean that you may keep and bear arms.

It made sense for John McCain to prove he was a “natural born” US citizen in court, despite the fact that both his parents were American citizens and he was the son and grandson of two Naval Admirals, but it was preposterous to even consider asking Barack Obama to prove his birth status, despite the fact that all the records of his life are hermetically sealed.

It is the dream of every Useful Idiot to be an Elite and that is partially why Stalin regarded them with such condescending disdain. They can disguise their intent, but they are truly power hungry and always crave the recognition of higher ups; in essence they are political climbers in the sense of social climbers. Most or nearly all receive minimal recognition for their efforts to advance the party line; yet it is endemic among Elites, tyrants, and despots to be power hungry at what ever level they function. Is our government run by a power hungry cadre of Elites? Absolutely.

It is a precarious position; unfortunately, it is the nature of Useful Idiots to be lacking in reasoning and wisdom, since so much of their life has been in pursuit of ideology, a discipline that requires only rote memorization of the party line and discourages analytical thought processes. Therefore like moths that are fascinated by the flame, they hover in ecstasy before the flame, until they get too close and realize their fatal mistake in one agonizing moment before they crash to the earth and oblivion.


Lenin: In a state worthy of the name, there is no liberty. The people want to exercise power, but what on earth would they do with it if it were given to them.

Krushchev: Every year humanity takes a step toward Communism. Maybe not you, but at all events your son will surely be a Communist.

Solzhenitayn: For us in Russia Communism is a dead dog; while, for many in the West it is a living lion.

M. Spark: Every communist has a fascist frown, every fascist a communist smile.

Trotsky: Lenin’s method leads to this: the party organization at first substitutes itself for the party as a whole. Then the Central Committee substitutes itself for the party organization, and finally a single dictator substitutes himself for the Central Committee.

Stalin: A single death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic.

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